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作者 darknote (黑暗筆記)
標題 [問題] 戰鬥神BGM
時間 Fri Nov 16 23:00:24 2018


想問一下有沒有推薦的戰鬥BGM 完全聽不膩的那種



Live-A-Live - Megalomania (Extended) - YouTube
Extended mix of the boss theme from Live-A-Live. God damn, why does every SNES RPG have amazing music? Download links coming soon


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d125383957: 家教、妖尾、火影1F 11/16 23:01
oread168: 找櫻庭統的2F 11/16 23:02
Guile Theme (SNES) - YouTube

gaym19: 蹲下 然後獲勝4F 11/16 23:02
alwaysstrong: Brave Heart https://youtu.be/jyWwrSd74DQ5F 11/16 23:03
waitan: 中二王冠6F 11/16 23:03
You Will Know Our Names - Xenoblade Chronicles Music Extended - YouTube Xenoblade Chronicles music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. Composer(s): Yoko Shimomura, ACE+, Manami Kiyota, Yasunori Mitsuda Arran...

PLEASE974853: 妖尾啊8F 11/16 23:05
galilei503: 爬文不就一大堆9F 11/16 23:05
Tales of Xillia 2 (DISC 3) OST 10 - ただひとり 君のためなら ~Song 4 u~ - YouTube Track: 10.ただひとり 君のためなら ~Song 4 u~ Album: TALES OF XILLIA 2 Original Soundtrack CD (Disc 3) Game: Tales of Xillia 2 Composers: Motoi Sakuraba © NAMCO BANDAI G...

rasheedchiu: 高梨康治11F 11/16 23:06
Battle 5 - YouTube
SaGa Frontier OST.

bband022840: TOP打召喚獸的BGM13F 11/16 23:09
cz520999: https://youtu.be/r17h9kQbpBg   用到的地方都很神14F 11/16 23:12
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Sad Duel (Supreme King Theme) ~ EXTENDED - YouTube the theme is something epic, huh?. the supreme king rocks! heard in the duel against the supreme king (Judai / Jaden) in the anime. and other duels, I'm not ...

Dark Souls III Soundtrack OST - Slave Knight Gael (The Ringed City) - YouTube Dark Souls 3 Official OST WATCH BOSS FIGHT:  Composer: Yuka Kitamura

cz520999: 混沌幻魔vs彩虹龍  地獄凱薩vs被附身的約翰或是叫出彩虹16F 11/16 23:15
cz520999: 新生人等等
Jongkook: Dragon Force18F 11/16 23:15
DKEE: https://youtu.be/9uW1rwCKy5M 思い...出した!19F 11/16 23:16
hsbc1287: https://youtu.be/kCTOO9mUC84 怎麼能沒有這個20F 11/16 23:26
[作業用]動物朋友 戰鬥BGM 1小時 - YouTube
音源: 原圖:pic.twitter.com/Jt4aq7WmiQ 50,000觀看達成(27.9.2017)

dukemon: 伊蘇系列21F 11/16 23:28
Vincent4: 聽了就想拔刀22F 11/16 23:29
Vincent4: https://youtu.be/mGypt9C0YP0
tonybin: https://youtu.be/elEtPiLSHDQ 唯一支持四魔貴族Battle1!24F 11/16 23:44
[ロマサガ3]四魔貴族バトル1 ビューネイ編 - YouTube
主人公カタリナで四魔貴族ビューネイとの戦い ロマサガ3の名シーンです。

こち亀のbgmを長くしてみた - YouTube

GordonJordan: Don’t  lose your wryyy!!26F 11/17 00:15
jokerjuju: 魔物 幫幫幫幫~ 幫幫幫幫幫幫~27F 11/17 00:26
16 - Decisive Battle - YouTube
Neon Genesis Evangelion OST Vol. I

hitsuchi: F/Z 太太帥幾分鐘的BGM一直讓我把記憶猶新30F 11/17 00:31
Edaw: https://youtu.be/Xx7ioPitOAM  竟然沒人貼這個???32F 11/17 00:37
遊戲王 熱き決闘者たち 1hr.【作業用BGM】 - YouTube
這是將1分39秒的版本串接成一小時而來的,所以有間斷 另有11分不間斷版

patrickhao: 這沒人貼我也訝異34F 11/17 00:40
jpopaholic: 櫻庭統37F 11/17 01:27
npc776: 歷代2ch百選遊戲BGM清單自己挑喜歡的 像大神 卡比之星這種38F 11/17 01:40
npc776: 連續好幾年進榜的品質都很好
eldar: FF7經典戰鬥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY1Vetd7OCs40F 11/17 02:23
Final Fantasy VII - Fighting [HQ] - YouTube
Final Fantasy 7 - Fighting [HQ]

eldar: boss fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJZeucmtURQ41F 11/17 02:32
Those Who Fight Further/Fight On! - Final Fantasy VII Music Extended - YouTube Final Fantasy VII music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. Composer(s): Nobuo Uematsu Arranger(s): Nobuo Uematsu Developer(s): Square ...

Overcome This Crisis - Tales of Zestiria - Music Extended - YouTube Overcome This Crisis Tales of Zestiria Playlist:

Tales of Zestiria - OST - Zaveid The Exile - YouTube
Zaveid The Exile Tales Of Zestiria Full Soundtrack ►  One Piece Pirate War...

Tales of Zestiria - OST - Existence To Be Feared - YouTube
Tales of Zestiria Soundtrack Existence To Be Feared

fan8512: 無雙系列很多吧45F 11/17 08:08
luckystrikes: 東京熱屌打46F 11/17 11:45
surivnoir: https://youtu.be/SsIcqk1uCTA 蘭斯X 魔人戰47F 11/17 13:58

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