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作者 wizardfizban (瘋法師)
標題 [新聞] 超人可能改由黑人演員扮演
時間 Fri Sep 14 07:05:16 2018

Superman: Michael B. Jordan Reportedly Being Considered to Replace Henry Cavill - IGN
Warner Bros. has been looking to take future Superman installments with completely different angles. ...


BY JESSIE WADE Following today's news that Henry Cavill is reportedly done
with the role of Superman, Deadline reports that Warner Bros. has considered
casting Michael B. Jordan in the role for future installments down the road.

Sources have reported that future Superman movies are several years out, but
that Warner Bros. has been looking at different angles to take with future
films, as they are aware the current DC universe has not seen the level of
success with fans as they would like.

Jordan is known in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for his role in Black
Panther as the antagonist, Erik Killmonger. If he would be cast as Superman
in the future, Jordan would be the first black actor cast in that role.

As a future Superman solo movie is still years away, Warner Bros. has
reportedly said they are focusing on a Supergirl origin movie as the studio's
top priority right now.

It was reported earlier that Warner Bros. was the one who parted ways from
Cavill, making him the second main actor leaving the DC universe, as Ben
Affleck is also reportedly finishing his role of Batman after Suicide Squad 2.

Following the box office disappointment from Justice League, Warner Bros. had
decided to take on heavy restructuring with the DC Extended Universe.

Jessie Wade is a news writer for IGN. Follow her on Twitter @jessieannwade if
you see fit.


可能改由黑人演員 Michael B. Jordan 扮演。



巿不錯── 」

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KimJongUn: 這新聞已經被講說假了 亨利又po了新超人照1F 09/14 07:07
MAZX: 摩根費里曼跟山廟傑克森選一個2F 09/14 07:12
Nakata0911: 嫩  唐奇鐸都演過地球超人了3F 09/14 07:15
nanami56: 尼哥4F 09/14 07:15
ataky: 威爾史密斯也演過全民超人阿(X5F 09/14 07:19
mc3308321: 內褲外穿變更大包?加量不加價6F 09/14 07:21
HOLDSTEAK: 漫畫裡是有黑人超沒錯啦...7F 09/14 07:21
eatmycock: 早就說是假消息了8F 09/14 07:22
aggressorX: 看到尼哥就賭爛9F 09/14 07:23
Ahhhhaaaa: 不知道會不會有一幕被警察開槍 才發現是防彈的10F 09/14 07:25
akuma183: 其實超人一共有5個還有黑超跟黃超 什麼 還剩下2個?11F 09/14 07:28
akuma183: 就紅人跟大洋洲人種啊 (亂掰
biggood20708: Superman(Alter)13F 09/14 07:28
s0930194: 樓上,你以為白人警察不會用氪星石子彈?14F 09/14 07:28
s0930194: 依照世界強力,你就是黑人超照樣會被子彈射穿
ilove640: 膚...膚色戰隊16F 09/14 07:29
WiLLSTW: 搞不好是黑閃電會登場 然後記者搞錯了(X17F 09/14 07:30
alen3568184: 美國媒體也是差不多了…18F 09/14 07:34
jeeyi345: 那可能得把路瑟一起變黑,由他開槍才行19F 09/14 07:35
probsk: 路瑟應該變黃種人才對20F 09/14 07:39
kullan: 過分了吧21F 09/14 07:41
berice152233: 超黑人 超黃人 超澳洲人 超維京人22F 09/14 07:42
bumingjiueli: Jordan會飛算啥新聞23F 09/14 07:42
IFeelSoAlive: 笑死,現在是黑人什麼都要參一腳就對了ww24F 09/14 07:48
sincere77: 所以有人可以解釋為什麼超人非白人不可?25F 09/14 07:53
Racist Superman | Rudy Mancuso, Alesso & King Bach - YouTube

mark10539: 一看就知道是要帶風向的假新聞也有人信喔?27F 09/14 08:00
isaka: 反串嗎,問那什麼問題28F 09/14 08:00
scorpioleo: 政治正確29F 09/14 08:04
UniversalGod: 支持~~~30F 09/14 08:05
qwe33789: 歧視nigger31F 09/14 08:07
yasionl: 最後黑超會輸給白人正常人32F 09/14 08:12
kingo2327: 蜘蛛人都可以英國人來演了33F 09/14 08:18
bruce79: 假新聞........34F 09/14 08:31
widec: 這搞不好會讓3K黨崛起35F 09/14 08:49
imz0723: 好我們現在開始練習第一次叫我媽出來齁36F 09/14 08:53
hpw841031: 假如超人原作沒有不能就沒差,希里那種才不行37F 09/14 08:56
igtenos1985: 沒差,反正五年後都是中國人演38F 09/14 09:03
Thompson13: 甲賽啦39F 09/14 09:04
k1400: 非白人不可嗎?  哪非黑人不可嗎?40F 09/14 09:12
RaXePhOnZeRo: 台灣就愛看假新聞 也沒差啦41F 09/14 09:16
max60209: 政治正確42F 09/14 09:17
Panjhenkai: 這樣超人GG尺寸升級……非常可以43F 09/14 09:18
qwe159236: 黑超怕警槍不怕氪石44F 09/14 09:22
kenyun: PS成白人就行啦  還不簡單45F 09/14 09:37
joyca: 黃人何時?46F 09/14 09:40
chuckni: 那超人大戰阿扁阿扁就沒辦法打超人了,因為超人怕槍阿扁47F 09/14 09:49
chuckni: 的宗旨是不殺
zxc60804: 叫RDJ演啊 反正也演過黑人了49F 09/14 09:53
a2j04vm0: Niggerman50F 09/14 09:59
ggeneration: 完了完了 大超要被警察開槍了52F 09/14 10:03
zweihander99: 摩根費理曼演超人那畫面太美我不敢看53F 09/14 10:07
hankfred: 變超黑人54F 09/14 10:26
dvnorlag: 以為是豪爾德XD55F 09/14 10:28
joker7788996: 超人嫂lter56F 09/14 10:43
newtypeL9: 蕗易絲、雷克斯、報社老闆全部找黑人演,票房會超越黑57F 09/14 10:45
newtypeL9: 豹
UniversalGod: 會警察殺~~~59F 09/14 10:46
sheldonlord: 我很愛他 但拜託別60F 09/14 10:48
francois106: 假到不像真的 下去61F 09/14 10:52
dryadl88908: 黑人問號62F 09/14 11:13
octopus4406: 假新聞還po63F 09/14 11:43
cindylin812: 假新聞64F 09/14 12:16
xxxrecoil: 政治正確到噁心65F 09/14 12:37
hijodedios36: 只看得到披風跟胸前的S...66F 09/14 12:46
sincere77: 假新聞還一群oo高潮67F 09/14 12:58

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