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※ 本文為 tom50512 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-06-30 10:39:07
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作者 e741000 (複利葉。腹便。幫浦拉絲)
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時間 Fri Jun 29 19:41:34 2018


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hit0123: 聽海的聲音1F 06/29 19:43
proman614: 一路向北2F 06/29 19:43
yukimura0420: Running in the 90's3F 06/29 19:44
tn703678: D3  over the rainbow4F 06/29 19:44
juzowa: 我難過5F 06/29 19:44
chuckni: De javu6F 06/29 19:45
ccyaztfe: rage ur dream,  奇蹟的薔薇7F 06/29 19:46
s125789463: 第一首推dejavu 第二首推gasgasgas8F 06/29 19:47
duece0927: De9F 06/29 19:47
BlackTea1023: AE86?挑一下啊10F 06/29 19:47
roger2623900: dogfight11F 06/29 19:48
justastupid: stop yourself control12F 06/29 19:49
blacwing: Speedy Speed Boy13F 06/29 19:49
j155027: GAS GAS GAS14F 06/29 19:49
tomwhite: I wanna be the night15F 06/29 19:51
chocobell: Deja vu16F 06/29 19:51
colur: 首推Over the rainbow 第二首推the race is over17F 06/29 19:52
F2307925: a perfect hero ,gas gas gas,beat of the rising sun18F 06/29 19:53
roger2623900: dont stop the music19F 06/29 19:53
s6210603: running in the 90s20F 06/29 19:54
HydraGG: night of fire21F 06/29 19:54
snane: forever young對戰管智辛關燈反超開始插入的歌22F 06/29 19:55
gigayaya: Dejavu!23F 06/29 19:55
TXD: Strike On24F 06/29 19:57
pinacolada: 極速吧  搖頭又尾擺 飄移境界25F 06/29 19:57
EXIAsusanowo: 我一路向北 離開有你的季節26F 06/29 19:59
Ed860227: 個人喜歡night of fire27F 06/29 20:00
Nomana: 每首都很神 dejavu跟gasgasgas我選不出來28F 06/29 20:02
SCLPAL: 耐歐壞爾29F 06/29 20:02
joe199277: \奶頭發芽/\奶頭發芽/\奶頭發芽/\奶頭發芽/30F 06/29 20:03
joe199277: Deja vu 跟Running in the 90's
FantasyNova: Deja vu32F 06/29 20:07
Beetch: Dejavu 搭配complition33F 06/29 20:08
johnny83225: Do u like~~ my car~34F 06/29 20:08
TvP: beat of the rising sun. fly away. forever young35F 06/29 20:09
s32244153: Do you like~~ mycard36F 06/29 20:10
gamania0515: der 飄37F 06/29 20:17
tlasidoen: don't stop the music   running in the 90s38F 06/29 20:19
maxjoiny: killing my love39F 06/29 20:22
zack867: 個人喜歡wings of fire40F 06/29 20:22
tonsin2976: 我全都要41F 06/29 20:24
aggressorX: strike on42F 06/29 20:25
Feliciano: 爹夾木43F 06/29 20:28
aggressorX: 涼介vs死神 project D III 超讚44F 06/29 20:29
yesqqe: 第五季 A Perfect Hero 和 The Top 超愛45F 06/29 20:39
TGLiu: 跟小柏那兩首 code:D跟Limousine46F 06/29 20:40
ss77995ss: Forever young47F 06/29 20:41
sam6543218: the top 算遊戲的話 kiss. prayer. when the sun goes48F 06/29 20:42
sam6543218:  down. adrenaline.
joesong1986: Battle 1和project DIII50F 06/29 20:44
shimaismywif: don't turn it off     gravity51F 06/29 20:48
forme8520: 唯一支持快樂崇拜52F 06/29 20:50
Jade117: Running in the 90's , Rage your dream53F 06/29 21:00
KenWang42: Deja Vu54F 06/29 21:00
tonybin: Night of Fire56F 06/29 21:03
lv256: Running in the 90's57F 06/29 21:13
lv256: gas gas gas
LegLebron: 飄移59F 06/29 21:20
henry5217: night of fire adrenaline60F 06/29 21:27
nikoyaka9527: don't stop the music.61F 06/29 21:28
deathslipkno: De javu62F 06/29 21:31
qd6590: Gas gas gas63F 06/29 21:51
hugh800134: 怎麼沒有人推remember me64F 06/29 22:01
naskate: crazy for love65F 06/29 22:09
app8447: Strike Out 下雪天上秋名救夏樹的插入曲66F 06/29 22:25
app8447: 打錯 Strike On
oscarddd: 奶頭發芽XDDD68F 06/29 22:34
teachjinjin: Night of power69F 06/29 22:51
teachjinjin: Night of "fire",sor剛突然也想到max power
assassinrex: night of fire. rage your dream71F 06/29 22:54
john91018: Deja Vi72F 06/29 23:05
john91018: Vu
gm79227922: Running in the 90's74F 06/29 23:12
gm79227922: https://youtu.be/80g7ZfgxgX0
yoyozero: gas gas gas76F 06/29 23:15
ericayou: 沒有狗打架?77F 06/30 01:04
kk4789: 90 發芽 DejaVu SSB 一堆好聽的 好難選78F 06/30 03:01
wingtasy: 以前玩PS2的時候很喜歡the race is over跟Express Love79F 06/30 03:16
wingtasy: 還有Grand Prix跟Heartbeat 這4首

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