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作者 標題 [閒聊] SE:NS版DQ11還在做 剩下無可奉告啦
時間 Fri Jun 22 14:20:00 2018
Dragon Quest 11 on Switch needs ‘many things’ worked out first
All the way back in 2015, two games were announced for Nintendo NX — the
first to be revealed for the in-development console. They were Dragon Quest
10 and Dragon Quest 11, the latter of which had yet to be released on any
Now it’s 2018, and the Nintendo Switch, as the NX became, is a massive hit.
It would make sense for Square Enix to ensure that Western fans get their
choice between PlayStation 4, Switch and Windows PC versions of Dragon Quest
11 once it launches this fall. But the Switch version of the game remains
under construction, without any hint of when it will be ready.
At E3 2018, I asked director Takeshi Uchikawa and producers Hokuto Okamoto
and Hikari Kubota for an update on the Switch version. What was the holdup?
“We’re making it,” said Okamoto. “We’re still making it. I can’t say
anything more.”
Dragon Quest 11 aims for Monster Hunter: World’s Western success
OK — but how much longer did they anticipate making it for, and what
accounted for the extra development time? I couldn’t pry out an answer to
the first question, but Okamoto’s reason for the protracted Switch release
makes sense.
“When we first announced [Dragon Quest 11], the Switch hadn’t come out yet,
and the development kit also wasn’t finalized,” he said. “The hardware
specs weren’t out yet, but we were like, ‘We can manage this. We can put
this out on the Switch.’”
Nintendo hasn’t said much about how the NX prototype differed from the final
Switch, but it’s no surprise to hear that things changed dramatically along
the way. While PC and PS4 infrastructure has been in place since Square Enix
announced Dragon Quest 11, the Switch is much newer. And certain other
third-party developers have hit roadblocks when bringing their multiplatform
games to Switch as well.
There’s no telling when Okamoto and crew will be done “taking care of all
those many things” that need adjustments before the Switch version launches.
In fact, Okamoto, through a translator, kindly asked me to stop asking about
when Dragon Quest 11 would come to Switch as I continued to press for answers.
Dragon Quest 11: Echoes of an Elusive Age launches on PS4 and PC on Sept. 4,
more than a year after the Japanese release. Switch owners, meanwhile will
have to keep waiting.
「還在做 沒什麼好說的 一開始我們不知道規格 很多三廠跟我們一樣做的很辛苦」
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推 : 丟給移植天際的那家說不定早就好了1F 06/22 14:20
預言一發 跟PS4語音版一起上"阿 我們剛好就做好了"
※ 編輯: carotyao (, 06/22/2018 14:22:03
推 : 但是當年可是馬上宣布會跨2F 06/22 14:22
推 : 倒數第二段:岡本透過翻譯禮貌跟我講,請不要再問NS版的事了3F 06/22 14:23
→ : NBA2K跟毀滅公爵2都是同世代的引擎(FIFA是舊的改新)4F 06/22 14:23
推 : dq11ns版 ff7re誰會先出呢5F 06/22 14:23
→ : 人家都要出了 你一個UE竟然可以改小版本號就卡死騙笑XD6F 06/22 14:23
推 : 我記得賣點是有新角色能使用7F 06/22 14:23
→ : 就堀井個人獨斷吧,搞不好SE高層都不知道他會突然在記者會8F 06/22 14:23
→ : 說要跨NX
→ : 說要跨NX
推 : 真假 有新腳色?TO事件重演然後立場顛倒?10F 06/22 14:24
→ : 堀井手上有DQ的部分權利,也是神主牌,SE社不可能無視他意見11F 06/22 14:25
推 : 說要出ps4版也是他想做hd版啊12F 06/22 14:26
推 : 明明就是自己移植技術不好= =13F 06/22 14:28
→ : 而且最早說也是三年前的事情了...不管想不想做都早可14F 06/22 14:29
→ : 以提出來
→ : 以提出來
推 : 小玩家、英雄集結:16F 06/22 14:29
→ : 搞得這家開發個遊戲要10年起跳 連移植也要10年(?17F 06/22 14:30
推 : coming sooooon18F 06/22 14:33
→ : PS4版出了後才開始動工的可以掰說不知道規格…?19F 06/22 14:34
推 : 作太久了吧20F 06/22 14:38
推 : square這邊可能不爽堀井 但enix這裡堀井可是大神級的21F 06/22 14:39
→ : 崛井跟鳥山可說DQ神主牌
→ : 崛井跟鳥山可說DQ神主牌
推 : 人家ff15也做10年難道是不爽野村嗎23F 06/22 14:40
→ : 這單純是sqex正常能量釋放而已吧
→ : ps4 dq11最早搞不好是2007年就企劃也說不定
→ : 這單純是sqex正常能量釋放而已吧
→ : ps4 dq11最早搞不好是2007年就企劃也說不定
推 : 笑死,移植技術爛就說阿26F 06/22 14:42
→ : 開始怪三廠不努力技術差,留不著三廠27F 06/22 14:48
推 : 說不定是移3DS版本上來,當然很難啊XDD28F 06/22 14:48
→ : 坐等標題破碎重組成dq1229F 06/22 14:50
→ : 移3ds版到NS就有MHXX這個前例啦,沒那麼難30F 06/22 14:51
推 : 卡婊移植應該是比天尊厲害31F 06/22 14:55
推 : 3DS的DQ11是外包做的喔XDD32F 06/22 14:58
→ : wforce跟capcom的引擎真的是很厲害33F 06/22 15:01
→ : 移植遊戲簡直就是不費功夫
→ : 移植遊戲簡直就是不費功夫
→ : DQ從一代就外包作的,DQ11PS4本家作才是特例35F 06/22 15:02
推 : 3DS還有個企畫是2D和3D同步 不過只做第一城鎮完就放棄了36F 06/22 15:10
推 : SE的步調就那樣了,人力要支援手遊的關係吧37F 06/22 15:19
→ : UE4引擎跨平台很難?38F 06/22 15:20
推 : 我們現在都講SESE,不過S跟E還是有差別的39F 06/22 15:20
→ : 至於到底是哪一方的問題嘛...S當初去找E土下座...嗯
→ : 至於到底是哪一方的問題嘛...S當初去找E土下座...嗯
推 : E從來沒有遊戲開發能力,只是出版商而已,開發都是S的人41F 06/22 15:24
推 : steam版有語音,其實玩steam就夠了,至於漢化肯定會有42F 06/22 15:27
→ : 等steam的還比較實在一點
→ : 等steam的還比較實在一點
推 : 應該沒有多少人還在期待玩ns版吧44F 06/22 15:30
→ : 等著看笑話的應該比較多
→ : 等著看笑話的應該比較多
推 : 都老遊戲了 還玩46F 06/22 15:32
→ : 等明年了47F 06/22 15:34
推 : 任粉想玩也有3ds版能玩 真的要變梗了48F 06/22 15:34
→ : 任迷期待,期待嘲笑SE49F 06/22 15:35
推 : 以前都是堀井找人來做的這代是掛se本公司做的吧50F 06/22 15:35
推 : 酸一下而已,真的出了也不會想買51F 06/22 15:35
→ : 製作的部份看起來不是堀井負責的所以不知道誰出包52F 06/22 15:37
推 : 繼續摸魚53F 06/22 15:49
→ : 預計2087年發售54F 06/22 15:50
→ : 從新遊戲等到變舊遊戲XD55F 06/22 15:58
→ : 沒人在等 沒事做找理由發薪水給員工而已56F 06/22 16:00
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