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作者 標題 [閒聊] 擬真畫面遊戲引擎 DEMO
時間 Wed Jul 26 16:40:57 2017
這是 Toms Hardware 整理出來的,近代遊戲引擎的展示影片
原文連結 https://goo.gl/tLU3JX
Photorealistic Game Engine Tech Demos
Since its birth in the 1970s, video games have evolved almost continuously, closely following advancements in technology. ...
Adam (Unity 5)
ADAM: Episode 1 - YouTube
Watch the new Unity demo, Book of the Dead: "Adam" is an award-winning real-time-rendered short film, written and...
Watch the new Unity demo, Book of the Dead: "Adam" is an award-winning real-time-rendered short film, written and...

Agni's Philosophy (Luminous Engine)
Agni's Philosophy -- FINAL FANTASY REALTIME TECH DEMO - YouTube 2012年6月5日、E3にて発表されたリアルタイム技術映像作品「Agni's Philosophy -- FINAL FANTASY REALTIME TECH DEMO」の映像です。

Kara (Quantic Dream Engine)
Kara - Heavy Rain/Quantic Dream Tech Demo - YouTube
Awesome new tech demo from the people at Quantic Dream. Read more about this tech demo here:
Awesome new tech demo from the people at Quantic Dream. Read more about this tech demo here:

Loft in London (Unreal Engine 4)
Unreal Engine 4 - Loft in London Tech-Demo 4K - YouTube
You can download the demo here cgcloud.pro yt channel Buy cheap games:
You can download the demo here cgcloud.pro yt channel Buy cheap games:

Lost (Lumberyard)
"Lost" Demo - Amazon Lumberyard - YouTube
“Lost” demonstrates what game developers can create today using Amazon Lumberyard, a free AAA game engine deeply integrated with the AWS Cloud and Twitch. Th...
“Lost” demonstrates what game developers can create today using Amazon Lumberyard, a free AAA game engine deeply integrated with the AWS Cloud and Twitch. Th...

Museum (Mizuchi Game Engine)
Rendering Engine Mizuchi real-time Tech Demo "Museum" [FullHD] - YouTube This incredible real-time tech demo of Silicon Studios' rendering engine Mizuchi shows a museum trip with a photorealistic look. It uses the middleware Yebis...

Frostbite 3 Feature (Frostbite Engine)
Battlefield 4: Official Frostbite 3 Feature Video - YouTube
Hear about the next generation Frostbite 3 engine powering BF4, straight from the developers at DICE. Learn more about Frostbite 3 at B...
Hear about the next generation Frostbite 3 engine powering BF4, straight from the developers at DICE. Learn more about Frostbite 3 at B...

Tech Demo Showcase (CryEngine)
CRYENGINE - Tech Demo Showcase - GDC 2015 Trailer - YouTube
Take a closer look at some of the features CRYENGINE places at users' fingertips, and shows again how the engine's accessibility is leveling the playing fiel...
Take a closer look at some of the features CRYENGINE places at users' fingertips, and shows again how the engine's accessibility is leveling the playing fiel...

The Division (Snowdrop Engine)
Snowdrop Next-Gen Engine | Tom Clancy's The Division [UK] - YouTube Powered by the Next Gen Snowdrop engine, Tom Clancy's The Division sets a new bar in video game realism and open-world rendering. Experience a chaotic and de...

http://i.imgur.com/VgZ4Po5.png ~A2
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→ : 應該找個Actual Footage跟Tech Demo比XD1F 07/26 16:42
※ 編輯: arrenwu (, 07/26/2017 16:43:26推 : 想到FOX引擎這麼神居然沒辦法被傳承下來 FYK2F 07/26 16:48
→ : 我也想到 fox engine 那畫面真的很棒3F 07/26 16:49
推 : UE真的是一直很屌,不過以新手起步開源來說聽說是UE跟Unit4F 07/26 16:51
→ : y的支援性最好(?
→ : y的支援性最好(?
→ : 其實還有很多2D引擎XD6F 07/26 16:52
推 : FOX Engine還有PES在用,不過應該也不會有大發展了..7F 07/26 16:54
推 : 是沒錯啦wwww 不過2D好像沒什麼人在care擬真8F 07/26 16:54
推 : 就算是UE4 也有做得很詭異的作品9F 07/26 17:13
→ : 看到全境縮水就知道再猛的引擎,沒有調教也是一樣10F 07/26 17:54
推 : 其實Lumberyard就是CryEinge 只是CryTek快倒了所以把核心11F 07/26 18:13
→ : 技術賣給了亞馬遜 變成lumberyard
→ : 技術賣給了亞馬遜 變成lumberyard
推 : 個人覺得最猛的不再列表上,那就是音速小子常用的13F 07/26 18:18
→ : "刺蝟引擎"。
→ : 了解這引擎就知道當初E3第一次公開的時候給業界超震撼
→ : 簡單的說,嚴格來講這引擎不是即時運算的,但他卻能
→ : 用不可思議少的硬體資源做出類似即時運算的畫面與場景
→ : "刺蝟引擎"。
→ : 了解這引擎就知道當初E3第一次公開的時候給業界超震撼
→ : 簡單的說,嚴格來講這引擎不是即時運算的,但他卻能
→ : 用不可思議少的硬體資源做出類似即時運算的畫面與場景
推 : Hedgehog Engine那個光場技術超神的18F 07/26 18:35
→ : 有那麼神嗎 當年看次世代音速小子發表怎沒這種感覺19F 07/26 18:35
→ : 也沒印象當時有很多人稱讚音速小子的畫面
→ : 也沒印象當時有很多人稱讚音速小子的畫面
→ : 那是正常好嗎? 因為只看畫面並沒有特別突出21F 07/26 19:24
→ : E3展有展示引擎的畫面原理說明,只有業界的才會去注意
→ : 需求有多小,大概就是可以用mail-400這種鳥GPU來跑
→ : E3展有展示引擎的畫面原理說明,只有業界的才會去注意
→ : 需求有多小,大概就是可以用mail-400這種鳥GPU來跑
推 : 近代用最少耗能體現最好畫面的應該是source引擎24F 07/26 21:34
推 : 刺蝟引擎還有用在PS2的確厲害25F 07/26 21:54
→ : 次世代音速小子首作的最佳化也是為人詬病 我想沒有玩家感受26F 07/28 13:06
→ : 到它宣稱的低需求
→ : 到它宣稱的低需求
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