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作者 arrenwu (柊真雪超級可愛)
標題 [閒聊] 擬真畫面遊戲引擎 DEMO
時間 Wed Jul 26 16:40:57 2017

這是 Toms Hardware 整理出來的,近代遊戲引擎的展示影片
原文連結 https://goo.gl/tLU3JX
Photorealistic Game Engine Tech Demos
Since its birth in the 1970s, video games have evolved almost continuously, closely following advancements in technology. ...

Photorealistic Game Engine Tech Demos

Adam (Unity 5)
ADAM: Episode 1 - YouTube
Watch the new Unity demo, Book of the Dead:  "Adam" is an award-winning real-time-rendered short film, written and...


Agni's Philosophy (Luminous Engine)
Agni's Philosophy -- FINAL FANTASY REALTIME TECH DEMO - YouTube 2012年6月5日、E3にて発表されたリアルタイム技術映像作品「Agni's Philosophy -- FINAL FANTASY REALTIME TECH DEMO」の映像です。

Suqare Enix 的引擎

Kara (Quantic Dream Engine)
Kara - Heavy Rain/Quantic Dream Tech Demo - YouTube
Awesome new tech demo from the people at Quantic Dream. Read more about this tech demo here:


Loft in London (Unreal Engine 4)
Unreal Engine 4 - Loft in London Tech-Demo 4K - YouTube
You can download the demo here  cgcloud.pro yt channel  Buy cheap games:


Lost (Lumberyard)
"Lost" Demo - Amazon Lumberyard - YouTube
“Lost” demonstrates what game developers can create today using Amazon Lumberyard, a free AAA game engine deeply integrated with the AWS Cloud and Twitch. Th...


Museum (Mizuchi Game Engine)
Rendering Engine Mizuchi real-time Tech Demo "Museum" [FullHD] - YouTube This incredible real-time tech demo of Silicon Studios' rendering engine Mizuchi shows a museum trip with a photorealistic look. It uses the middleware Yebis...


Frostbite 3 Feature (Frostbite Engine)
Battlefield 4: Official Frostbite 3 Feature Video - YouTube
Hear about the next generation Frostbite 3 engine powering BF4, straight from the developers at DICE. Learn more about Frostbite 3 at  B...

Battlefield 系列的引擎

Tech Demo Showcase (CryEngine)
CRYENGINE - Tech Demo Showcase - GDC 2015 Trailer - YouTube
Take a closer look at some of the features CRYENGINE places at users' fingertips, and shows again how the engine's accessibility is leveling the playing fiel...

Far Cry 用的引擎

The Division (Snowdrop Engine)
Snowdrop Next-Gen Engine | Tom Clancy's The Division [UK] - YouTube Powered by the Next Gen Snowdrop engine, Tom Clancy's The Division sets a new bar in video game realism and open-world rendering. Experience a chaotic and de...

Ubisoft 的引擎

http://i.imgur.com/VgZ4Po5.png            ~A2

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dreamnook: 應該找個Actual Footage跟Tech Demo比XD1F 07/26 16:42
※ 編輯: arrenwu (, 07/26/2017 16:43:26
Porops: 想到FOX引擎這麼神居然沒辦法被傳承下來 FYK2F 07/26 16:48
robler: 我也想到 fox engine 那畫面真的很棒3F 07/26 16:49
mu3657: UE真的是一直很屌,不過以新手起步開源來說聽說是UE跟Unit4F 07/26 16:51
mu3657: y的支援性最好(?
dreamnook: 其實還有很多2D引擎XD6F 07/26 16:52
reinhert: FOX Engine還有PES在用,不過應該也不會有大發展了..7F 07/26 16:54
mu3657: 是沒錯啦wwww 不過2D好像沒什麼人在care擬真8F 07/26 16:54
cat05joy: 就算是UE4 也有做得很詭異的作品9F 07/26 17:13
dixieland999: 看到全境縮水就知道再猛的引擎,沒有調教也是一樣10F 07/26 17:54
p587868: 其實Lumberyard就是CryEinge 只是CryTek快倒了所以把核心11F 07/26 18:13
p587868: 技術賣給了亞馬遜 變成lumberyard
extemjin: 個人覺得最猛的不再列表上,那就是音速小子常用的13F 07/26 18:18
extemjin: "刺蝟引擎"。
extemjin: 了解這引擎就知道當初E3第一次公開的時候給業界超震撼
extemjin: 簡單的說,嚴格來講這引擎不是即時運算的,但他卻能
extemjin: 用不可思議少的硬體資源做出類似即時運算的畫面與場景
WiLLSTW: Hedgehog Engine那個光場技術超神的18F 07/26 18:35
talan: 有那麼神嗎 當年看次世代音速小子發表怎沒這種感覺19F 07/26 18:35
talan: 也沒印象當時有很多人稱讚音速小子的畫面
extemjin: 那是正常好嗎? 因為只看畫面並沒有特別突出21F 07/26 19:24
extemjin: E3展有展示引擎的畫面原理說明,只有業界的才會去注意
extemjin: 需求有多小,大概就是可以用mail-400這種鳥GPU來跑
treeson: 近代用最少耗能體現最好畫面的應該是source引擎24F 07/26 21:34
xzealotx: 刺蝟引擎還有用在PS2的確厲害25F 07/26 21:54
talan: 次世代音速小子首作的最佳化也是為人詬病 我想沒有玩家感受26F 07/28 13:06
talan: 到它宣稱的低需求

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