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作者 yang560831 (酷教信徒喬尼)
標題 [閒聊] 哪個ACG歌曲富有宗教氣息?
時間 Sun Apr 23 16:58:00 2017



但我聽到妖精的旋律的OP  Lilium時


說起來很下流 但我...我竟然X起了...

想請問各位 數以萬計動漫歌曲中


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a1090236: 梶浦由紀.1F 04/23 16:58
bevis00: 夏洛特OP有段聽起來像佛經2F 04/23 16:59
eva05s: http://tinyurl.com/mr3ud3d 唱福音3F 04/23 17:00
seer2525: 動物朋友4F 04/23 17:01
pauljet: Eva主題曲5F 04/23 17:01
SaberMyWifi: 以前覺得狼辛一期op有這種感覺  常常播來洗滌自己6F 04/23 17:01
Gokudo: Kalafina   志方あきこ  黑石ひとみ7F 04/23 17:02
vct886: 殘酷天使第一句 雖然跟內文這首氛圍不太一樣8F 04/23 17:02
lturtsamuel: 妖精帝國唱的未來日記op9F 04/23 17:03
rinrinbell: 只有神知道的世界10F 04/23 17:03
umano: AKIRA的ost11F 04/23 17:04
Nuey: 動物朋友12F 04/23 17:04
ninninrenee: 空之境界的OST13F 04/23 17:06
Mami's Theme (Credens Justitiam) with lyrics - YouTube
This is Credens Justitiam or Mami's Theme song from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (Puella Magi Madoka Magica). It is sung by Yuki Kajiura and the language is Ka...

z15f20i12e09l14d (Vocals Only) - Xenoblade Chronicles X OST - Hiroyuki Sawano - YouTube The song "z15f20i12e09l14d (Vocals Only)" from the Xenoblade Chronicles X Original Soundtrack. Composed by Hiroyuki Sawano. Playlist:

misaki1088: 動物朋友16F 04/23 17:10
shihpoyen: 印象中海貓有幾首歌有點這類味道17F 04/23 17:11
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OST 09 Virtuous Pope - YouTube Todos a gritar..SMERALD SPLASHHHH o EL CASTIGO DE LAS MIL AGUJAS!!

S209: 平澤進19F 04/23 17:12
teptjmex: ceui-espacio20F 04/23 17:13
pinacolada: 壓嗎你壓嗎你壓一壓21F 04/23 17:13
Ben40: 神知22F 04/23 17:13
mistel: kokia的造語歌23F 04/23 17:13
canon15167: Hitman-Apocalypse https://youtu.be/hVsjLPF5JaY24F 04/23 17:14
Hitman-Apocalypse - YouTube
Soundtrack from Hitman, by Jesper Kyd, with some pics, hope you enjoy, ;)

Ar Tonelico III - EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. (中文字幕) - YouTube
Ar Tonelico III -EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. 作詞/作曲:KOKIA 编曲:伊藤真澄 Vocal:KOKIA 【Hymmnos語翻譯參考】 Hymmno Server: Hymmnos - Conl...

demiackerman: 巨人二季片尾有一點!26F 04/23 17:15
joy3252355: 夏娜ED1有種聖歌的唱法27F 04/23 17:15
dr45jfga: 動物朋友28F 04/23 17:15
志方あきこ - ラ・シェール 中文字幕(Chinese Translation) - YouTube Disclaimer: All rights to Akiko Shikata, therefore, I do not own this audio. If you enjoy this song, Please support her by buying this album! OFFICIAL WEBSIT...

hami831904: 鳥之詩跟rewrite的渡りの詩30F 04/23 17:15
志方あきこ - ラシェール・フューザー 中文字幕(Chinese Translation) - YouTube Disclaimer: All rights to Gust Co., Ltd., therefore, I do not own this audio. If you enjoy this song, Please support them by buying this album! OFFICIAL WEBS...

may6052003: 這季的巨人ED吧...那個神秘氛圍聽了雞皮疙瘩都上來32F 04/23 17:17
canon15167: Ave Maria - Hitman https://youtu.be/dok4wJ4pqo033F 04/23 17:17
Ave Maria - Hitman: Blood Money + mp3 - YouTube
MP3 (NEW) -  Ave Maria from Hitman: Blood Money menu and level "Requiem". Unfortunately, Eidos didn't put this song to o...

laplacian: 動物朋友34F 04/23 17:17
CCNK: https://youtu.be/T13kjLivE2Q 奇跡の海 別於福音的異教風35F 04/23 17:18
Valter: 妖精旋律那首有說因為太像聖歌了真的被教堂拿去練唱36F 04/23 17:18
jerrysaikou: Asphodelus https://youtu.be/SwcM91hg9QU37F 04/23 17:18
Asphodelus/Ceui - YouTube
Ceuiさんの絆のアルバム「Rapsodia」-ラプソディア-から "Asphodelus" [ August 穢翼のユースティア op ]

CactusFlower: 啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦 oh welcome to the Japari park38F 04/23 17:19
lsjack007: 同推kokia39F 04/23 17:20
txauznd98307: 看標題一秒想到原po 那首40F 04/23 17:20
puno: 湯a湯 湯a湯41F 04/23 17:22
DarkHolbach: 攻殼 魁儡謠42F 04/23 17:23
jerrysaikou: 霜月はるか-護森人 https://youtu.be/_4JLAaVCEbE43F 04/23 17:23
English) 霜月はるか(Shimotsuki Haruka) - 護森人(Mamoribito) - YouTube This is a lyrics video for a song from the album ティンダーリアの種(Tindharia no tane : the seed of Tindharia)

pipi5867: lilium丟去你管搜尋  可以看到很多歐美唱詩班拿來唱44F 04/23 17:29
jeff860109: 死神BGM46F 04/23 17:32
SeijyaKijin: Nier OST47F 04/23 17:39
SeijyaKijin: 自動人型
xup6u06yji4: 三~缺~一~啊~49F 04/23 17:41
elve7878: 少女革命的絕對運命默示錄 雖然很久惹51F 04/23 17:49
Regition: 一心一教52F 04/23 17:49
maksim1005: 麻美學姊的主題曲53F 04/23 17:55
PrinceBamboo: #1OiVl7EV (C_Chat) 動物朋友OP 類型:宗教音樂54F 04/23 18:01
PrinceBamboo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5cBBuGU4AAzBEi.jpg
yngchn: 血緣 黑魂 nier 的ost這類的?57F 04/23 18:02
志方あきこ - Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; 中文字幕(Chinese Translation) - YouTube Disclaimer: All rights to Gust Co., Ltd., therefore, I do not own this audio. If you enjoy this song, Please support them by buying this album! OFFICIAL WEBS...

deedreet: 志方あきこ - Class::CIEL_NOSURGE;59F 04/23 18:06
linda10285: 石川智晶唱的曲子都有這種感覺60F 04/23 18:08
Diaw01: 只有神知道的世界op好像是故意做成宗教形式61F 04/23 18:15
PrinceBamboo: 認真: https://youtu.be/Q_439qLQzHs 鋼鍊FA的合唱62F 04/23 18:16
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - Lapis Philosophorum - YouTube Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST! I do not own FMA or any other registered trademarks. If you like this, then I suggest buying the CD! Lyrics: Lapis philo...

PrinceBamboo: 還特地請波蘭愛樂合唱團演唱63F 04/23 18:18
Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows (Full Version) w/ Lyrics - YouTube All lyrics finally up. If you don't see them, please turn annotations on. No download links, sorry. Yes, it feels cut off because it immediately transitions ...

P2: 初音大悲咒65F 04/23 18:19
P2: http://youtu.be/bZ9FwMyh-5Y
【初音未来/Hatsune Miku】大悲咒 / The Great Compassion Mantra [Vocaloid Version] - YouTube 祥瑞御免 卍 家宅平安 Original Video Address : 【Bili Bili】 Video Name: 大悲咒 【初音ミク】【原创】 Edit: 【Musical Composition】Luna 【Post-mixdo...

tomsonchiou: 刀劍神域 \Coffee/ \Soda/67F 04/23 18:24
Elisk: 舞-HIME系列的BGM68F 04/23 18:24
Elisk: 梶浦由紀的都有這種氛圍吧
Elisk: https://youtu.be/zPJUSz_i4Ks
My-HiME - Mezame - YouTube
Anime: My-HiME / Mai-HiME Album: Mai-Hime Original Soundtrack 1 Song name: Awakening / 目覚め / Mezame *No copyright infringement is intended.

ShibaMiyuki: 聽到勃X到底是...71F 04/23 18:31
fiction4569: 等等,壓馬泥壓一壓其實很燃吧www72F 04/23 18:32
relyt: 空之音OP73F 04/23 18:34
bowcar: LoveLive,雖然是自己本身就是宗教74F 04/23 18:37
P2: http://youtu.be/oSgVppJMKNo  紅髮色魔(咦75F 04/23 18:38
Ys Origin OST -Bonus track- GENESIS BEYOND THE BEGINNING - YouTube Propiedad de Nihon Falcom & Falcom Sound Team J.D.K. Ys Origin Original Sound Track track #18 (Disc 2) ■D1-2,3,5 / D2-2,10,12,15,16,18 Arrangement : Yukihiro...

melzard: 色魔都還沒出生吧那時候www76F 04/23 18:40
souvlaki: 神曲 月之繭77F 04/23 18:50
shiweiyah: 聖魔之血的安魂曲我自己覺得挺像的https://youtu.be/8j78F 04/23 19:04
shiweiyah: JibW24z6A79F 04/23 19:04
shiweiyah: https://youtu.be/8jJibW24z6A
Trinity Blood Soundtrack- Requiem-Inori - YouTube
Trinity Blood Soundtrack- Requiem-Inori Lyrics Midareyuku subete no mono owari wa kono yo ni wa nai nemuritamae itoshii hito sono inochi tsudzuite yuku anata...

popo2006po: 未來日記的 op81F 04/23 20:03
waiw: 平沢進82F 04/23 20:05
krrvincent: 啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦 噢 welcome to the japari park83F 04/23 20:20
lv256: dra koi 怎麼樣 ww85F 04/23 21:40
chitin0313: 野良神ost86F 04/23 23:55
SweetLolita: 這季巨人ED!87F 04/24 00:40
sw52099: 殘酷天使88F 04/24 00:50
GlowNight246: 海貓鳴泣之時89F 04/24 02:53
ArashiL: \coffee soda/\toffe pasta/90F 04/24 13:18

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