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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-26 22:08:21
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作者 lv256 (等級256)
標題 [問題] 洛克人經典bgm有哪些
時間 Thu Mar 23 03:14:24 2017



capcom本來bgm就做得很強 不過礙於以前的技術限制只能做8bit



Storm Eagle
Mega Man X - Storm Eagle (Rock/Metal Cover) - YouTube
I know some of you have requested a song from Mega Man X. Official Website:  Facebook:


Flame Mammoth
Megaman X - Flame Mammoth on guitar - YouTube
Took some time off from these covers for a couple of weeks, and it feels good to be back! This is a song that has been requested a few times and I'm glad to ...


Spark Mandrill
Mega Man X - Spark Mandrill (Rock/Metal Cover) - YouTube
More music from Mega Man! In this video you can see me testing out my new guitar from the 80's, Kramer Focus 3000. Official Website:


Volt Catfish
Megaman X3 - Volt Catfish on guitar - YouTube
Another great track from the Megaman X series! Requested by Furber216. Got pretty uninspired while I was doing this video because of all the bullshit that Go...


Toxic Seahorse
Megaman X3 - Toxic Seahorse on guitar - YouTube
This theme rocks so much! And the lead melody is really fun to play on guitar! Seems like the Megaman X series' soundtrack is made to be played on the guitar...


Gravity Beetle
Megaman X3 - Gravity Beetle on guitar - YouTube
I haven't played that much Megaman X3 when I was younger, but this theme is one of the things I remember and really like in that game! Background gameplay fo...


Armored Armadillo
Megaman X - Armored Armadillo - YouTube
Armored Armadillo Theme from Megaman X. In my opinion, the hardest Megaman song out there (When playing both parts.) Mess up in a few places (only when I rec...


Mega Man X Guitar Medley - YouTube
MP3:  WAV:  Help me make more covers with Patreon!  Buy my music!


小清新的snakeman雙吉他  這也很讚
Mega Man 3 Guitar Cover - Snake Man - Super Guitar Bros - YouTube Super Guitar Bros' acoustic guitar cover of Snake Man from Mega Man 3 for the NES! Watch our full playlist - Acoustic Guitar Video Game Jams -



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gcobc12632: 打不倒的空氣人1F 03/23 03:17
pudin2008: 沒人推2代王關BGM我切樓下gg2F 03/23 03:20
e49523: https://youtu.be/Sw4LacGJQmQ 影子人3F 03/23 03:22
Shadow Man Stage (Mega Man 3) - Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Music Extended - YouTube Super Smash Bros. for Wii U music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. Developer(s): Sora Ltd, Namco Bandai Games Publisher(s): Nintendo...


喔喔 supersmashbro裡面有好多重新編過的 nice~~~~

Kanecart: X VS ZERO Guitar Ver. https://youtu.be/Mn7-8zetMqQ4F 03/23 03:28
Megaman X5 | X vs Zero Cover - Epic Guitar - YouTube
Enjoy this awesome guitar battle from the theme of X vs Zero song of Megaman X5 ¡Suscribe for more of Epic Guitar! Special Thanks to La Radio Producciones (C...


喔喔 這首好讚!!

PasserDin: 布魯斯登場口哨,還有他的主題曲5F 03/23 03:29
※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 03:30:56
haoboo: VGL的洛克人組曲6F 03/23 03:29
SCLPAL: 2帶我在你管有看到一系列改歌!!7F 03/23 03:29


Album: VIDEO GAMES LIVE: LEVEL 2 Title: Megaman Montage Interpreter: Manami Matsumae Video Games Live (VGL) is a concert series created and produced by indus...


哦哦 居然帶點交響風味 太強啦
※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 03:36:29
haoboo: VGL就是一隻電玩交響樂團,除了岩男之外有演奏很多作品9F 03/23 03:41
haoboo: 有機會的話非常建議電玩愛好者去享受一次live,他們現場演
haoboo: 出個人感覺遠勝專輯(也跟現場氣氛有關)
rich3826: X5的OP(美版) https://youtu.be/1Bd5qdq5peg12F 03/23 03:54
megaman X5 op - YouTube
huza its the opining to megamman X5



Hyadain - Quick!!! (Subbed) - YouTube
It bugged me there wasn't a clean subbed version of this out there so here it is! All I did was subtitle it. Hyadain did the music/lyrics, and EarthlyMaidenL...



tst6a822: 印象中X6都不錯 序關超讚https://youtu.be/N1CI3oF6pr814F 03/23 04:04
Rockman X6 - Opening Stage - YouTube
Background Music of Rockman X6 Opening Stage



ts02890855: https://youtu.be/iW_Ct49H1ng  阿卡貝拉版15F 03/23 05:21
Mega Man 2 - Dr. Wily Stage Acapella - YouTube
An original acapella arrangement of the MegaMan 2 song from Dr. Wily's Castle. ●Become my Patron:  ●Download my albums i...


喔喔  這首不錯 這傢伙的阿卡貝拉超強的喇

mike0327: 洛克人X4 PS日文OP16F 03/23 05:39
mike0327: https://youtu.be/lljkGZWifRw
洛克人X4-OP - YouTube
PlayStation版本(1997) 分享之動畫片段僅供同好玩家參考其內容大意 如喜愛此作品,請支持正版 by 洛克人頻道(Rockman's youtube channel)


仲間由紀惠嘛我知道XD  X4應該是我少數有玩到的ROCKMAN作品


xzero000: Z1 zero theme18F 03/23 06:14

吼吼 ZERO主題曲重新編曲耶 這超讚!!

shanaharuhi: https://youtu.be/OW9VZccpoL8 東方某Bgm應該有受這19F 03/23 07:36
Megaman X5 - Zero Virus Stage 4 - YouTube
The theme of Zero Virus Stage 4 from Megaman X5. Picture and music were downloaded from The Megaman Network(www.themmnetwork.com), and are copyrights of Capcom.

shanaharuhi: 首影響20F 03/23 07:36

這首雖然很電子舞曲 但是我超喜歡的! 我都拿來當我的戰鬥BGMww

omegamonzx: 樓上是說東方哪首?21F 03/23 07:39
omegamonzx: 我超喜歡這首Sigma Stage的音樂
omegamonzx: 跟前面Zero Stage的壓抑不同,是富含節奏的死亡邀請
omegamonzx: 找到了,玲仙的主題曲:http://youtu.be/lY_KORpQPdI
Reisen's Theme - Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon - YouTube A song from the game Imperishable Night, with a picture of the moon rabbit Reisen Udongein Inaba. Enjoy!


我一介木耳聽不出來相似的地方 XDD

ymca8: 我喜歡x2序關bgm25F 03/23 08:12
leo255112: X5噴火龍觀的BGM26F 03/23 08:28
Mega Man X4 - Intro Stage (X) - YouTube
The theme of the intro stage (while playing as X) from Mega Man X4. Picture and Music were downloaded from The Mega Man Network. URL: blue-bomber.jvmwriter.o...

t8410011: X4 序關的BGM28F 03/23 08:37

蔚藍BITCH~ 好懷念R

AT1045: Z2的Departure Z3的Cannon Ball也都是不錯的曲子29F 03/23 09:43
AT1045: Z2的Departure Z3的Cannon Ball也都是不錯的曲子
AT1045: 官方專輯Mythos裡也有幾個很讚的電音改編


AT1045: 啊 抱歉重複送出了32F 03/23 09:45
SS4477: 我還以為有人一定會推空氣人https://youtu.be/JCS0YTcfjqI33F 03/23 09:50
洛克人-打不倒的空氣人 - YouTube
原名《エアーマンが倒せない》,是相當有名的一首非常熱血的同人原創歌曲。 作者因為玩 FC(美版稱NES) 的洛克人二代怎樣都打不死其中一個 Boss「空氣人(Airman)」而寫歌發洩。歌詞內容簡單來說就是詳細描述空氣人到底有多難打。 作曲者為「てつくずおきば4」的 seramikutitan(せら),演唱者為「...



wwa928: 推推薦34F 03/23 10:08
hirabbitt: こいつはホントに協力する気があるのか?35F 03/23 10:23
hirabbitt: クリアまでは眠らない! 跟空氣人同系列? 但是只有空氣
hirabbitt: 人比較紅
hirabbitt: 思い出は億千万 也是洛克人的BGM

有ㄟ這系列剛出的時候我都有聽過 XD

AAAdolph: 回憶一股腦湧上來39F 03/23 10:40
waiter337: 這個才爽!40F 03/23 10:51
waiter337: https://goo.gl/kqexmL
Blast Hornet - Megaman X3 (SNES) Music Extended - YouTube
Megaman X3 (SNES) music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from  This stre...


幹我超愛黃蜂關 可是沒甚麼人要來ARRANGE  QQ

waiter337: https://goo.gl/e9kYL342F 03/23 10:53
Doppler Stage 1 - Megaman X3 (SNES) Music Extended - YouTube
Megaman X3 (SNES) music that has been extended to play for at least 15.5 minutes. This video was uploaded from  This stre...



※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 11:26:14
Megaman X3 - Opening Stage (Remix) - YouTube
Download track in every format:  Follow me on Facebook:  Follow me on Soundcloud: ...



※ 編輯: lv256 (, 03/23/2017 11:33:29
stps424: OC Remix滿多首都不錯 我覺得Nuclear Flash張力很強44F 03/23 11:40
Megaman Maverick Hunter X OST: Central Highway - YouTube
MMMHX OST: Opening stage Megaman (C) Capcom

IKAFIRE: 要經典當然是元祖的46F 03/23 12:52
Breis - Mega Man X2: X-Hunter Stage 1 & 2 (2016) - YouTube
NOT BY ME. This remix was made by Breis. Breis Playlist:  Breis' website:

julian213456: X2 X-Hunter Stage 1&2 Beris Remix 神曲不解釋XD48F 03/23 12:55
ymca8: https://youtu.be/HQ9oQCCSw8o  狂推X2 BGM49F 03/23 21:16
Mega Man X2 Guitar Playthrough - YouTube
Original composer: Yuki Iwai Check my EP TYRANNY WITH MANNERS:  Mp3 Download: Revised version:

qama: Max Vegetable50F 03/23 22:47
Megaman X4 ---- Iris's Theme - YouTube
DISCLAIMER : i do not own the music nor pictures nor character. It belongs to capcom and the fanart to the owner

Golbeza: zero stage 252F 03/25 16:50
Golbeza: https://youtu.be/duPoJrA9qwI
Mega Man X5 OST - Zero Stage 2 - YouTube
Rock Man X5 OST - Zero Stage 2


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