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作者 標題 [推薦] 求推薦有帶有"魔性"的動漫歌曲
時間 Thu Aug 18 00:09:45 2016
1. A/Z - 0.vers
2. 進擊的巨人 - Bauklotze
Bauklötze - Mika Kobayashi / [Attack on Titan] - YouTube
Bauklötze - Attack on Titan. [Lyrics below] Made with Audio Visualizer Creator. Derechos reservados a sus autores. ------------------------------------------...
Bauklötze - Attack on Titan. [Lyrics below] Made with Audio Visualizer Creator. Derechos reservados a sus autores. ------------------------------------------...

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→ : 先來個magia吧1F 08/18 00:12
不知為何,有夏洛特OP的既視感@@推 : walkure全系列2F 08/18 00:13
推 : SH全系列 跟著故事走3F 08/18 00:14
→ : LoveLive系列歌曲4F 08/18 00:15
→ : 樓上這是甚麼作品的啊?6F 08/18 00:17
推 : ハピメア7F 08/18 00:18
這首有fu,感覺有到!推 : 喵 電 感 應9F 08/18 00:19
→ : 感謝10F 08/18 00:19
推 : 撲殺天使11F 08/18 00:19
→ : 有點搞不清楚你想要的所以就從澤野下手XD13F 08/18 00:21
→ : 好吧我承認我是澤野控XD,KLK我已收藏了,感謝14F 08/18 00:22
Kalafina oblivious (空之境界 第一章片尾曲) - YouTube
作詞:梶浦由記 作曲:梶浦由記 演唱:kalafina 本当は空を飛べると知っていたから 羽ばたくときが怖くて風を忘れた oblivious 何処へ行くの 遠くに見えるあの蜃気楼 いつか怯えながら 二人の未来を映して よるべない心二つ寄り添う頃に 本当の悲しみがほら翼広げて oblivious 夜の中で 真昼の影...
作詞:梶浦由記 作曲:梶浦由記 演唱:kalafina 本当は空を飛べると知っていたから 羽ばたくときが怖くて風を忘れた oblivious 何処へ行くの 遠くに見えるあの蜃気楼 いつか怯えながら 二人の未来を映して よるべない心二つ寄り添う頃に 本当の悲しみがほら翼広げて oblivious 夜の中で 真昼の影...

→ : KALAFINA很多17F 08/18 00:24
※ 編輯: x04nonesuchx (, 08/18/2016 00:27:12Ikeda Haruna - I hope so.... (天使のいない12月 Opening Theme) - YouTube Full version of "I hope so..." by Ikeda Haruna, with lyrics. This song is the opening theme of the game "Tenshi no nai Juunigatsu", which can be translated a...

→ : 金坷拉19F 08/18 00:27
Nanatsu no Taizai OST Perfect Time - YouTube
Nanatsu no Taizai The Seven Deadly Sins 七つの大罪 Soundtrack
Nanatsu no Taizai The Seven Deadly Sins 七つの大罪 Soundtrack

Kill la Kill - Blumenkranz [w/lyrics + translation] - YouTube thanks to Sawano Hiroyuki that make this epic song :3

→ : 沒想到有人Op了24F 08/18 00:30
→ : 哇哈哈25F 08/18 00:32
Yuri Kuma Arashi Full Op あの森で待ってる / ボンジュール鈴木 - YouTube DATA: Bonjour Suzuki – Ano Mori de Matteru Single あの森で待ってる / ボンジュール鈴木 Release date (2015.02.05) Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1...

ef - the first tale. opening movie: 悠久の翼 (日文&中譯歌詞) - YouTube The opening movie from visual novel ef - the first tale. .

Kill La Kill / Satsuki Theme - YouTube
Kill La Kill / Satsuki Theme Kiryuu ga KILL (鬼龍G@キLL) by Hiroyuki Sawano
Kill La Kill / Satsuki Theme Kiryuu ga KILL (鬼龍G@キLL) by Hiroyuki Sawano

暁の車 ~ReTracks FictionJunction YUUKA 曉之車 ~ReTracks - YouTube 暁の車 ~ReTracks FictionJunction YUUKA 曉之車~ReTracks Follow my channel gundam seed hd ed2 Distance 02.水の証 ...

推 : 醫龍也是30F 08/18 00:35
Most Emotional Music Ever: Krone - YouTube
Subscribe: From: Guilty Crown By: Sawano Hiroyuki Auto-Replay: ARTWORK DETAILS: Image: htt...
Subscribe: From: Guilty Crown By: Sawano Hiroyuki Auto-Replay: ARTWORK DETAILS: Image: htt...

Attack on Titan - 'Call Your Name' with Lyrics - YouTube
She lost her brother a month ago His picture on the wall And it reminds me When she brings me coffee... her smile I Wish I could be with her until my last da...
She lost her brother a month ago His picture on the wall And it reminds me When she brings me coffee... her smile I Wish I could be with her until my last da...

※ 編輯: x04nonesuchx (, 08/18/2016 00:42:25
Shiei no Sona-nyl OST 01 Rosa Morada [Full OP] - YouTube
Shiei no Sona-nyl ~What a beautiful memories~ (Sona-nyl of Violet Shadow) developed by Liar-soft Soundtrack by Blueberry&Yogurt/MUTS Music Studio, vocals by ...
Shiei no Sona-nyl ~What a beautiful memories~ (Sona-nyl of Violet Shadow) developed by Liar-soft Soundtrack by Blueberry&Yogurt/MUTS Music Studio, vocals by ...

→ : 好像不太合... 算了35F 08/18 00:42
感謝啦,你幫推好多首了!!supercell - Today Is A Beautiful Day - 01 - 終わりへ向かう始まりの歌 - YouTube supercell Official Web: Today Is A Beautiful Day is the second album released by supercell. The limited edition of this album came h...

The key we've lost - Xenoblade Chronicles X [OST] - YouTube
Game: Xenoblade Chronicles X Music: The key we've lost
Game: Xenoblade Chronicles X Music: The key we've lost

※ 編輯: x04nonesuchx (, 08/18/2016 00:48:52
ThreeFiveNineFourε - Hiroyuki Sawano/Mika Kobayashi - YouTube iOS Game "3594ε" Insert Song Music by Hiroyuki Sawano Vocal by Mika Kobayashi Lyrics by Rie HIROYUKI SAWANO BEST OF SOUNDTRACK [emU] [Limited Edition]

推 : 平澤進39F 08/18 00:47
Z会 「クロスロード」 120秒Ver. - YouTube
「クロスロード」の海帆と翔太も取り組んでいる、「Z会の通信教育」についてはこちら⇒ ▼受験生応援ストーリー「クロスロード」特設サイト Z会と...
「クロスロード」の海帆と翔太も取り組んでいる、「Z会の通信教育」についてはこちら⇒ ▼受験生応援ストーリー「クロスロード」特設サイト Z会と...

→ : 新海誠的...好像也不太合43F 08/18 00:50
推 : Starting Now Starting Now45F 08/18 00:55
【Audio】【天の樹】Tsuki Amano 天野月 - 09 光る魚 - YouTube
【FULL ALBUM Preview+DL 】: Follow Me On Twitter: @Limited_yan323 Follow TSUKI AMANO, buy the album on 【amazon.co.jp...
【FULL ALBUM Preview+DL 】: Follow Me On Twitter: @Limited_yan323 Follow TSUKI AMANO, buy the album on 【amazon.co.jp...

※ 編輯: x04nonesuchx (, 08/18/2016 01:05:15
志方あきこ 「片翼の鳥」 歌詞付 - YouTube
Il giudizio finale sta per essere emesso (最後の審判は下されてゆく) Nessuno puo emendarsi dal peccato che scorre nelle vene (体を流れる血の原罪からは、誰も逃れることはできない) 海鳴りの調べに 黒雲は空へ集う 嵐...
Il giudizio finale sta per essere emesso (最後の審判は下されてゆく) Nessuno puo emendarsi dal peccato che scorre nelle vene (体を流れる血の原罪からは、誰も逃れることはできない) 海鳴りの調べに 黒雲は空へ集う 嵐...

→ : 越推越覺得自己老QQ50F 08/18 01:03
→ : 其實Sound Horizon也蠻多的54F 08/18 01:06
3:00~3:10這段覺得有中Inner Universe (full song) - YouTube
"Inner Universe" by Yoko Kanno & Origa © Victor Entertainment, Inc., 2003
"Inner Universe" by Yoko Kanno & Origa © Victor Entertainment, Inc., 2003

ルルティア - 氷鎖 - YouTube
Rurutia mini-album "Hyousa" title track april 30 2008 jpop j-pop amazing ethereal jesus religeous angels
Rurutia mini-album "Hyousa" title track april 30 2008 jpop j-pop amazing ethereal jesus religeous angels

→ : ルルティア有很多可以滿足你 舉上面當例子59F 08/18 01:09
推 : jojo第四季ed60F 08/18 01:11
→ : Savage Garden的I want you
阿~~太多首了,先感謝各位大大的推薦!!明天我在一首一首欣賞,眼皮撐不住了QQ 晚安→ : Savage Garden的I want you
※ 編輯: x04nonesuchx (, 08/18/2016 01:14:47
[Mikage Yuu] MIDNIGHT MEMORY (七瀬恋) - YouTube
Song: MIDNIGHT MEMORY Singer: Mikage Yuu Hentai game "Nanase Ren" opening theme song. *** 曲名: MIDNIGHT MEMORY 歌手: 御影由宇 『七瀬恋』オープニングテーマ
Song: MIDNIGHT MEMORY Singer: Mikage Yuu Hentai game "Nanase Ren" opening theme song. *** 曲名: MIDNIGHT MEMORY 歌手: 御影由宇 『七瀬恋』オープニングテーマ

Rozen Maiden Opening -- ALI PROJECT - 禁じられた遊び [Kinjirareta Asobi] - YouTube This is the first Opening-Song from Rozen Maiden, an Anime about seven Dolls which want to become Alice [...] The Song is performed by th japanese Band ALI P...

[MV]天野月 - 鳥籠-in this cage- - YouTube
遥か遠くで あなたを待つ一羽の鳥 翼を折り畳み 何処にも飛ばず佇む 錆びた籠の中 朧げになった日々は 薄れていくほどに 美しい彩を放つ 誰かワタシノ声ヲ ドウカ届ケテ下サイ あの空へ あの雲間へ あなたの眠る麓へ The distance to the heaven The distance from my he...
遥か遠くで あなたを待つ一羽の鳥 翼を折り畳み 何処にも飛ばず佇む 錆びた籠の中 朧げになった日々は 薄れていくほどに 美しい彩を放つ 誰かワタシノ声ヲ ドウカ届ケテ下サイ あの空へ あの雲間へ あなたの眠る麓へ The distance to the heaven The distance from my he...

Zankyou no Terror/残響のテロル「Dare ka, Umi wo.」 - YouTube
I do not own nor am I affiliated in any way with Zankyou no Terror or Aimer. This video is for entertainment purposes only. In an alternate iteration of the ...
I do not own nor am I affiliated in any way with Zankyou no Terror or Aimer. This video is for entertainment purposes only. In an alternate iteration of the ...

【初音未來】unravel Full 【迴響貝斯】東京喰種 試唱ChineseSub - YouTube ◆強烈建議調整HD畫質,以獲得優質觀賞品質(建議以優質耳機視聽)。 ◆もし著作権関係で動画を消してもらいたい場合は連絡ください。 ◆本人僅為影片加上字幕,版權歸於原影片製作者。 ◆作品名:unravel ◆影片來源(ニコニコから転載): ◆歌:初音未來(初音ミク...

【VOCALOID10人】祝福のメシアとアイ/祝福的彌賽亞與愛之塔 - YouTube 影片非我所有.此片純粹只是翻譯! Original(本家) : 原標題 : 【ボカロ10人】祝福のメシアとアイの塔【オリジナルMV】 影片說明文 : 嘲諷神、渴求著超越人類智慧力量的文明,招致了神的憤怒。神將塑造世界的九個要素封印在...

[Asking for donate]/[UTAU - MV] Tokyo Teddy Bear [獣音ロウ - Kemonone Rou] - YouTube [Asking for donate, pls read all of this] Song: Tokyo Teddy Bear Music/Lyrics: Neru Vocal:獣音ロウ - Kemonone Rou UTAU: ZjKjKun Video: Nviek5

【紅鏡緋色】FACE【UTAUカバー】【オリジナルPV】 - YouTube
素晴らしい本家: niki (sm16164600) ust: main/me harm/ShinySerebii/thiabauf76200 extra1/Mr.づれいく 唄:紅鏡緋色(UTAU獣人) 調声/Mix:5+(noSCAR-P) mylist/44870733 【plurk:@s92008248】 ...
素晴らしい本家: niki (sm16164600) ust: main/me harm/ShinySerebii/thiabauf76200 extra1/Mr.づれいく 唄:紅鏡緋色(UTAU獣人) 調声/Mix:5+(noSCAR-P) mylist/44870733 【plurk:@s92008248】 ...

→ : 這兩首把獸人玩壞 (′・ω・`)75F 08/18 02:03
推 : Silent Hill 4: The Room - Room Of Angel76F 08/18 02:04
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdXCsXcs6nA
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdXCsXcs6nA
Silent Hill 4: The Room - Room Of Angel - YouTube
From The Original Soundtrack For Silent Hill 4: The Room You lie, silent there before me. Your tears, they mean nothing to me, The wind howling at the window...
From The Original Soundtrack For Silent Hill 4: The Room You lie, silent there before me. Your tears, they mean nothing to me, The wind howling at the window...

Ar Tonelico - EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY/. With Lyrics - YouTube
This is Misha's Hymn Chronicle Key from Ar Tonelico! Make sure to look and like my Facebook page:
This is Misha's Hymn Chronicle Key from Ar Tonelico! Make sure to look and like my Facebook page:

Ar Tonelico III - EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. with Lyrics - YouTube
This is the hymmnos COSMOFLIPS for Ar Tonelico III. It is sung by KOKIA. Make sure to look and like my Facebook page:
This is the hymmnos COSMOFLIPS for Ar Tonelico III. It is sung by KOKIA. Make sure to look and like my Facebook page:

推 : 看到有人推薦Kalafina oblivious83F 08/18 02:28
→ : 不自覺的想推薦Kalafina Nowhere
→ : http://youtu.be/e6I0wF_9In0
→ : 不自覺的想推薦Kalafina Nowhere
→ : http://youtu.be/e6I0wF_9In0
MADLAX OST Track 2 - NOWHERE - YouTube
FictionJunction Madlax OST track 2 Nowhere Artist fictionjunction. Lyrics song and arrangement by Yuki Kajiura THIS IS SIMPLY A FAN MADE VIDEO I DO NOT CLAIM...
FictionJunction Madlax OST track 2 Nowhere Artist fictionjunction. Lyrics song and arrangement by Yuki Kajiura THIS IS SIMPLY A FAN MADE VIDEO I DO NOT CLAIM...

Sound Horizon - 07 11文字の伝言(Triumph)Live - YouTube
Please advise if there's any infringement, we will remove it immediately ©Sound Horizon
Please advise if there's any infringement, we will remove it immediately ©Sound Horizon

KASHIWA Daisuke - april.#19 (MUSIC VIDEO) "from Re:" - YouTube KASHIWA Daisuke - Re: Buy Digital Album Buy CD

→ : april.#19心目中的神曲,高潮在3:3089F 08/18 02:56
推 : 當然是路人100]90F 08/18 02:58
Mai-Hime Ensei(媛星) - YouTube
The background music from a Japanese Anime called 舞-hime. Produced by 梶浦由記(Kajiura Yuki).
The background music from a Japanese Anime called 舞-hime. Produced by 梶浦由記(Kajiura Yuki).

推 : UC我比較喜歡RX-0這首 有種觸底反彈的感覺93F 08/18 08:35
→ : 浦尾的也可以考慮一下94F 08/18 09:43
推 : 逆襲的夏亞 ost整張滿精彩的95F 08/18 11:48
→ : 會變成經典不奇怪
→ : 會變成經典不奇怪
推 : 推一首《Qualidea Code》的OST 「Canalia's Song」,完97F 08/18 12:42
→ : 整的好像還沒出來
推 : https://youtu.be/Z4pneqTc4lo
→ : 整的好像還沒出來
推 : https://youtu.be/Z4pneqTc4lo
Qualidea Code - Canaria's Song - YouTube
Lyrics : Someone calling you Someone calling you Can't you hear my voice Now it's time to go Show your bravery Now it's time to go Now it's time to go ??? ???
Lyrics : Someone calling you Someone calling you Can't you hear my voice Now it's time to go Show your bravery Now it's time to go Now it's time to go ??? ???

Marvelous Battle OST's: The Intrepid - YouTube
From: Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood By: Akira Senju
From: Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood By: Akira Senju

推 : RX-0,mobile suit103F 08/18 16:51
RWBY Theme: From Shadows Extended (RoosterTeeth) - YouTube
*I own nothing but the video that I edited. All materials belong to their respective owners* Song: Jeff Williams - From Shadows NOTE: I do not own the pictur...
*I own nothing but the video that I edited. All materials belong to their respective owners* Song: Jeff Williams - From Shadows NOTE: I do not own the pictur...

推 : 感覺原PO要的是 美聲抒情+歐美語系?105F 08/18 21:44
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