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作者 Emerson158 (紅豆 X 八嘎 X 烏魯賽)
標題 [求推] 求推薦好聽,熱血的格GAME BGM!
時間 Sat Mar 19 01:19:14 2016





Street Fighter 5: Ryu's Theme - YouTube
Street Fighter V ©Capcom Co, Ltd. All rights reserved.

Street Fighter 5: Ryu's Theme

Street Fighter 5: Ken's Theme - YouTube
Street Fighter V ©Capcom Co, Ltd. All rights reserved. Well, it's almost 3 minutes. Kappa

Street Fighter 5: Ken's Theme


有其他格GAME BGM可以推薦嗎?~


Ans:My angel.

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hogiking: BB tsubaki theme1F 03/19 01:19
Devarena: blazblue和guilty gear系列2F 03/19 01:21
Devarena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmqHxHSXBw4
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- OST The Lily of steel - YouTube
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- OST The Lily of steel (Millia Rage's Theme)

Basara5566: RaaaaaShiiiiiDooooooo4F 03/19 01:36
Satoman: https://youtu.be/GiirWzIEvqg  Chaos Code Eleganza5F 03/19 01:39
Chaos Code OST - 18 - Eleganza (Cthylla Stage) - YouTube
Composers: nekono Visit the official Chaos Code website for more info:  Or check out FK Digital's blog for more up to date...

Satoman: https://youtu.be/tFVll5yHyBA  北斗神拳AC 起始之地6F 03/19 01:40
Satoman: https://youtu.be/75cIxRe15i4 劍魂 鋼の信念7F 03/19 01:41
Satoman: https://youtu.be/sWFFYVNeP4Q GGX  Still in the Dark8F 03/19 01:42
Best Game Music #2 - Guilty Gear X - Still in the Dark - YouTube Well, as you can see this is the first of a collection of Video Game Music that I consider to be the best. This is in no particular order. Feel free to debat...

Emerson158: 話說MBAC的BGM  我最喜歡是青子的~9F 03/19 01:43
稍微回味一下MB的intro.  那時東西很單純  現在TM到底怎麼了呢?

Melty Blood Full Opening - YouTube
Bueno como siempre ddespues de tanto tiempo, ahora les traigo el opening completo de este famosisimo juego de japon Melty Blood, Que lo disfruten.

※ 編輯: Emerson158 (, 03/19/2016 01:47:26
Emerson158: 對了  那不是官方的應該是FANS製作的10F 03/19 01:49
Mortal Kombat Theme Song Original - YouTube
Mortal Kombat: The Album is an album by The Immortals (Maurice Engelen aka Praga Khan and Oliver Adams best known for their work on the Techno/Industrial ban...

Dydron: https://youtu.be/jS7EPzE-R8s KOF97 變身大蛇隊音樂12F 03/19 02:11
The King of Fighters '97 - Rhythmic Hallucination (Arranged) - YouTube The King of Fighters '97 Rhythmic Hallucination Orochi Team Orochi Yashiro, Orochi Shermie, Orochi Chris.

Dydron: https://youtu.be/LrSW_ThlX7Q KOF97 Orochi13F 03/19 02:12
KOF ' 97 Orochi-Origin of mind - YouTube
Song of kof ' 97 arranged collection Cancion del kof '97 coleccion arranged

Dydron: https://youtu.be/HldrpJvmowM KOFXI Shingo Theme14F 03/19 02:16
The King of Fighters XI OST "Still Green" (Shingo Theme) - YouTube KOF XI OST - Still Green (Shingo Yabuki Theme)

Dydron: https://youtu.be/-pbTWhH_M2w KOF94 Women Team15F 03/19 02:19
KOF'94 - Ne! (Women's Fighters Team Theme) (United Kingdom) OST - YouTube Women's Fighters Team: Yuri Sakazaki, Mai Shiranui y King.

Dydron: https://youtu.be/RVuon4OLtpE KOF99 Kyo16F 03/19 02:22
The King of Fighters '99 - Tears (Arranged) - YouTube
The King of Fighters '99 Tears Theme of Kyo Kusanagi.

Dydron: https://youtu.be/cva0mN0ZGno KOFXI Rivals Team Theme17F 03/19 02:29
The King of Fighters XI - Queen (Rivals Team Theme) - YouTube Rivals Team, Elisabeth Blanctorche, Benimaru Nikaido, Duo Lon

Dydron: https://youtu.be/-fTHAEfddiQ 真侍魂 Mizuki Stage18F 03/19 02:40
Samurai Showdown 2 OST - Wicked Heart - Mizuki Rashouzin Stage - YouTube The first boss with that disease...SNK-Boss Syndrome!

Dydron: 插播一首非格GAME的超熱血BGM19F 03/19 02:53
Dydron: https://youtu.be/Cvm1aR8FrNg RockmanX6 無限水兵關
colorsnows: KOF 96 ESAKA https://youtu.be/ukmnYjBdARs21F 03/19 09:04
KOF'96 - Esaka (Japan Team Theme) OST - YouTube
Esaka, uno de los temas favoritos del KOF'96.

gs7er: kof96, 97 主角隊22F 03/19 09:29
moonfire: SF4 Ryu, KOF Geese23F 03/19 11:14
Op53: 97八神隊 funky神曲24F 03/19 11:52
autumoon: https://youtu.be/T3CsAH-1yT0 推侍魂黑子BGM,超讚25F 03/19 23:06
Stage of Kuroko - Maitougeki - YouTube
Samurai Shodown III Original Soundtrack


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