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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-02-12 10:00:55
看板 C_Chat
作者 Emerson158 (紅豆 X 八嘎 X 烏魯賽)
標題 [閒聊] 今日的PixivSpotlight是  女裝男子 ...
時間 Wed Feb 10 17:13:47 2016



Guys wearing women's clothing! - pixiv Spotlight
What happens when you get guys wearing women's clothing? Interesting results! Sometimes there are guys who wear women's clothing that look way better than some women wearing the same thing!! There's a lot of illustrations of guys in women's clothing on pixiv! We collected a bunch of guys with person ...




Girls and the Surface of the Water! - pixiv Spotlight
Illustrating topics such as the surface of water from a lake or the ocean is already a beautiful sight... but then when you add a girl, it becomes an even more beautiful scene! A girl standing by the waterfront or the surface of water reflecting the girl like a mirror... creates a romantic mood. Tod ...


 作者  Skyblade (天劍家的女兒無與倫比)                           站內  C_Chat
 標題  [閒聊] 你會最先注意異性角色的哪裡?                                    
 時間  Thu Feb  5 21:49:08 2015                                              
QBian: 黑長直!02/05 22:03
scott032: 嘴巴(認真)02/05 22:05
mer5566: 雞雞02/05 22:07

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diding: 投稿這些的是.....1F 02/10 17:14
WindSpread: 小鳥遊2F 02/10 17:15
Emerson158: 你可以挑幾個去畫ANSI阿...3F 02/10 17:15
QBian: 姆咪4F 02/10 17:18
hanayomywife: 不能只有我看到系列5F 02/10 17:18
MikiSayaka: 水面少女第一章就迷子燒 @@a6F 02/10 17:20
QBian: 看了一下 有幾個頗實用啊7F 02/10 17:21
siscon: 小渚我老婆8F 02/10 17:21
OlaOlaOlaOla: 幹我對天發誓我還沒點進去喔,先猜有島風服蛇叔9F 02/10 17:22
MikiSayaka: 女裝男... 開門死 XDDD (MGS 島風開門嗎wwwwww)10F 02/10 17:22
QBian: 天啊 為什麼你會知道有11F 02/10 17:22
OlaOlaOlaOla: 我好厲害!!!!!!12F 02/10 17:23
Lirael: GAN有那個雙馬尾外國人XDDDDDDDDDDD13F 02/10 17:23
Emerson158: 蛇叔就交給你惹14F 02/10 17:23
diding: 會長就交給樓下15F 02/10 17:24
P2: 那有麻美蛇叔嗎16F 02/10 17:25
siscon: 補血 http://spotlight.pics/zh-tw/a/48417F 02/10 17:25
Full of energy!! Boys with shorts! - pixiv Spotlight
When you were in elementary school, did you always have that one boy that wore shorts year round? Shorts make boys look like they are ready to spring at any moment since they look so full of energy! They can be cute or cool, so check out these shorts wearing boys! ...

OlaOlaOlaOla: 樓上的正太屁股一個比一個翹是怎樣...18F 02/10 17:26
raepopo: JOJO戰隊wwwww19F 02/10 17:27
Emerson158: 我當年也是個可愛正太20F 02/10 17:28
dichenfong: 水面少女太棒了21F 02/10 17:28
QBian: 批兔不准欺負麻美22F 02/10 17:29
sdfsonic: QBian不准欺負P2!23F 02/10 17:29
alan99: yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo24F 02/10 17:32
mer5566: 158 30年前是9歲正太25F 02/10 17:33
P2: http://i.imgur.com/bZF4At4.jpg  麻美不人氣QQ      1844513026F 02/10 17:34
mer5566: P2 30年前也是6歲小蘿莉啊27F 02/10 17:35
swallow753: 有幾張還行啦28F 02/10 17:35
QBian: 麻美才沒有不人氣29F 02/10 17:39
shintz: 靠妖 看到尼特羅那張我爆笑30F 02/10 17:42
ar0sdtmi: 如果是這個會長 王應該打不贏31F 02/10 17:42
P2: 總算可以泡到王32F 02/10 17:50
Hybridchaos: 不... 我的帥氣蛇叔....33F 02/10 18:00
skhten: 氣癒云(物理)34F 02/10 18:09
Grishank: 畫力有夠高,整頁都在浪費才能36F 02/10 18:44
Aikwocd: 我…… 我看了什麼……37F 02/10 18:50
chocopie: 還好有預覽圖,直接進洗眼睛。38F 02/10 19:41
railgun111: 樓上上上那篇是三小!!!?39F 02/10 20:45
KMSNY: 氣癒云好痛40F 02/10 22:24
wendy55: 不要毀了蛇叔啊囧41F 02/10 23:51
helloallen29: 太棒了42F 02/11 09:25
gt24: 水面3,應該會被蚊子叮成紅豆冰;再不然就得前兩天去噴殺蟲劑43F 02/12 04:30

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