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作者 標題 [問題] sha la la la la ?
時間 Sat Jan 14 20:30:39 2017
sha la la la la阿?
sha la la la la有什麼特殊由來嗎?
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推 : 魔女ㄋ1F 01/14 20:31
推 : 黑絲襪魔女的OP miwa唱的2F 01/14 20:31
→ : Yesterday once more3F 01/14 20:33
推 : 時間魔法4F 01/14 20:33
推 : Sha la la la la (pa pa pa) Sha la la in the mor~ning5F 01/14 20:33
推 : yesterday once more6F 01/14 20:33
推 : 結界師>///<7F 01/14 20:33
推 : sha la la la la8F 01/14 20:34
→ : 唱下去三十分鐘就會變成三分鐘9F 01/14 20:34
→ : 該死的泡麵番10F 01/14 20:35
Melt 【メルト】 PV . Hatsune Miku - YouTube
from: get mp3 at MELT lyrics: [hatsune version] ASA ME GA SAMETE MA-SAKI NI OMOI UKABU KIMI NO KOTO OMOIKIT...
from: get mp3 at MELT lyrics: [hatsune version] ASA ME GA SAMETE MA-SAKI NI OMOI UKABU KIMI NO KOTO OMOIKIT...

→ : 不知道這首算不算12F 01/14 20:36
→ : 火影有首OP也是13F 01/14 20:37
推 : 哆啦A夢、生物股長14F 01/14 20:37
推 : LB遊戲%%%%%時的BGM15F 01/14 20:39
推 : 木匠兄妹16F 01/14 20:39
推 : 偶偶偶 蝦啦啦啦啦~ 蝦啦啦啦 you & me17F 01/14 20:41
推 : 阿斯~~~~18F 01/14 20:43
推 : ♪ o(゚∀゚o)~shalalala~(o゚∀゚)o♪19F 01/14 20:44
→ : 定期蝦啦啦啦啦~
→ : 定期蝦啦啦啦啦~
推 : 蝦啦啦啦21F 01/14 20:46
推 : LB聽到sha la la 就知道要幹嘛了22F 01/14 20:47
推 : ♪ o(゚∀゚o)~shalalala~(o゚∀゚)o♪23F 01/14 20:47
→ : 絢香24F 01/14 20:47
→ : Disney的大力士電影 i wont say im in love25F 01/14 20:47
推 : 時間加速的咒文。26F 01/14 20:48
推 : 我怎麼記得夏娜好像也有?27F 01/14 20:48
The Carpenters - Yesterday Once More (INCLUDES LYRICS) - YouTube Montage of images along with the classic song "Yesterday Once More" from The Carpenters R.I.P Karen Carpenter Lyrics: When I was young I'd listen to the radi...

推 : when i was young listen to the radio29F 01/14 20:51
Jersey Girl - Tom Waits - YouTube
I got no time for the corner boys Down in the street making all that noise Don't want no whores on eighth avenue 'Cause tonight I wanna be with you Tonight I...
I got no time for the corner boys Down in the street making all that noise Don't want no whores on eighth avenue 'Cause tonight I wanna be with you Tonight I...

推 : 看來大家都是LB(ecstasy)同道中人XD32F 01/14 20:55
推 : 第一個想到的是黑絲襪魔女OP 蝦啦啦啦~~~33F 01/14 21:00
推 : 借問一下,有人知道一首動漫歌的副歌也是重覆這句的嗎34F 01/14 21:02
→ : 聲音甜甜的女生唱的,不是初音類的
→ : 聲音甜甜的女生唱的,不是初音類的
推 : 飛翔的魔女36F 01/14 21:04
推 : miva <337F 01/14 21:05
→ : miwa <3
→ : miwa <3
推 : 歌詞文? 太早 waiting for my favorite song~~~~39F 01/14 21:06
Dragon Ball Z Opening 1 - Original 1989 Japanese - YouTube
Dragon Ball Z (The greatest Anime/Manga Of all Time!) I DO NOT OWN DRAGONBALL. DragonBall is Owned by TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. and Licensed by FUNimation Product...
Dragon Ball Z (The greatest Anime/Manga Of all Time!) I DO NOT OWN DRAGONBALL. DragonBall is Owned by TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. and Licensed by FUNimation Product...

推 : cha la a cha la41F 01/14 21:14
推 : 蝦啦啦啦~42F 01/14 21:15
推 : 良守>\\\<43F 01/14 21:15
推 : 我怎麼是想到七龍珠!?44F 01/14 21:16
推 : 蝦啦啦啦45F 01/14 21:17
推 : 蝦啦啦啦~46F 01/14 21:23

Koubou (光芒) Mami Kawada ~ Shakugan no Shana - YouTube
光芒 Beam of Light Mami Kawada Shakugan no Shana Enjoy!
光芒 Beam of Light Mami Kawada Shakugan no Shana Enjoy!

推 : 蝦啦啦啦~50F 01/14 21:32
→ : 小叮噹好像也有51F 01/14 21:46
推 : 蝦啦啦啦~52F 01/14 21:55
推 : 不是迪士尼的小美人魚嗎53F 01/14 22:02
Sha La La Ecstasy (Little Busters) - YouTube
A Little Busters! OST I do NOT own this song nor the image featured in the video. All rights belong to it's rightful owner/owner's.
A Little Busters! OST I do NOT own this song nor the image featured in the video. All rights belong to it's rightful owner/owner's.

→ : 直接叫sha la la55F 01/14 22:11
→ : 做愛的時候常聽到56F 01/14 22:31
推 : 題外話,a台結界師op的翻譯錯到現在都沒改正...57F 01/14 22:44
→ : 火影補上59F 01/14 22:46
推 : 印象還有一首蝦啊拉拉 窩喔喔喔 窩喔喔喔
推 : 印象還有一首蝦啊拉拉 窩喔喔喔 窩喔喔喔
→ : 木匠兄妹+161F 01/14 23:29
→ : 蝦啦啦啦~63F 01/15 00:31
推 : 木匠兄妹 推個65F 01/15 12:38
推 : 克林姆王:快轉27分鐘66F 01/15 14:16
推 : Sha lalala 三分鐘過去了你做了一場好夢67F 01/15 22:11
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