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作者 ntupeter (ntu dove)
標題 [閒聊] 《經濟學人》對 <你的名字> 的報導
時間 Mon Nov 28 14:52:42 2016

英國的《經濟學人》(The Economist)與美國的《時代》(Time)是公認世界上最為權威的幾家新聞雜誌社,我在逛FB專頁時恰巧看到這篇文章,特來翻譯一下,與諸版友分享,也算是幫我每周都被教授電到生活不能自理的翻譯課練習一下,另外經濟學人之用字句法以艱澀出名,必定有誤譯,還請大家不吝指教。


原文網址:https://goo.gl/pWCrSz (寫於2016年11月18日)

With “Your Name”, Makoto Shinkai proves himself a director to watch


FANS of Japanese anime had much to rejoice this week. First, there was the
announcement that Hayao Miyazaki had come out of retirement. The 75-year-old
co-founder of Studio Ghibli, and the director of such beloved masterpieces as
“Spirited Away”, said that he couldn’t resist making one more feature
film, even if he will be 80 before he completes “Boro the Caterpillar”. But
that wasn’t the only good news for anime aficionados. Coincidentally, Mr
Miyazaki’s statement came just before the British release of “Your Name”,
a film so exquisite and unpredictable that its director, Makoto Shinkai, has
been called, yes, “the new Hayao Miyazaki”.


Mr Shinkai is no imitator, though. His originality is obvious within the
opening minutes of “Your Name”, with their zooming “camera” movement,
their snappy editing, their unusual angles, their richly-detailed cityscapes
and rural vistas, and, most of all, their variety of gorgeous lighting
effects. A distinctive blend of conventional hand-drawn animation techniques
and digital flair, “Your Name” is worth seeing for the shafts of sunshine
in a dusty room, and the coruscating purple trail of a comet across the night


It’s so disorientating in its rhythms—and so lovely to behold—that it’s a
while before the film reveals itself to be a fast, well-observed, “Freaky
Friday”-style body-swap comedy. Its teenage heroine, Mitsuha (voiced by Mone
Kamishiraishi), is a schoolgirl who is bored of life in her lakeside mountain
town. Never mind its idyllic views and its ancient rituals, there are no
cafes for her to go to, so she dreams of living as a boy in the hustle and
bustle of Tokyo. And, somehow, her dream comes true. One morning, she can’t
understand why everyone keeps telling her that she behaved weirdly the
previous day, but she eventually figures it out: two or three times a week,
she wakes up to find that her mind has switched places with that of Taki
(Ryunosuke Kamiki), a Tokyo resident of her own age.


At first, this bizarre phenomenon works out well for both of them. When Taki
is in Mitsuha’s body, his basketball skills turn her into a school champion,
and when Mitsuha is in Taki’s body, her feminine sensitivity impresses the
girl he has a crush on. Not that the youngsters are always so intent on
helping each other. Obsessed as she is by metropolitan cafes, Mitsuha can’t
stop ordering expensive desserts whenever she takes over Taki’s identity.
Taki, meanwhile, can’t stop fondling Mitsuha’s breasts whenever he takes
over hers—much to the bemusement of her younger sister.


A further twist is that, once they return to their own selves, Mitsuha and
Taki soon forget what they did during the switch. This fairy-tale logic is
something of a narrative cheat, but the amnesia is ultimately what gives the
film its considerable poignancy. Like “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
”, “Your Name” forces us to ask how much of ourselves we lose whenever a
memory slips away, and why crises which once felt monumental can come to seem
trivial just a few years later.


And that is just half of the film. “Your Name” would have been a quirky
delight if it had stuck to the romantic high-school mix-ups, but it races
past them on its way to a bigger, stranger and more momentous story. It would
be wrong to reveal how exactly it leaps to a thrilling new genre while
retaining its initial nuanced charm and humanity. But it is fair to say that,
as innovative as Mr Shinkai undoubtedly is, he sticks to the anime tradition
of making everything go spectacularly psychedelic and apocalyptic towards the
end of the film. Anyone who came out of “Arrival” with a hunger for more
expansive, heart-rending science-fiction will tuck into “Your Name” as
greedily as Mitsuha/Taki tucks into her/his delicious desserts.


Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand.
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
                                                     Yeats "The Stolen Child"

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meredith001: 不重要 地方小報而已1F 11/28 14:53
brianoj: 過譽2F 11/28 14:55
aulaulrul4: 以為加個學人就專業了嗎(?)3F 11/28 14:55
BoatLord: 經濟學人什麼咖 寫經濟會懂動漫? 你的名子過譽了4F 11/28 14:56
EXEXbein: 你也經濟學人 我也經濟學人了5F 11/28 14:56
BoatLord: 根本是跟風學人6F 11/28 14:57
sixpoint: 除了法國以外 歐洲票房應該不會有這麼爆炸的成長7F 11/28 14:57
crystal0345: 怎麼沒配簽名檔8F 11/28 14:57
BoatLord: 推這種文好爽 謝謝一堆說過譽的文章:=)9F 11/28 14:58
opoa: 過譽學人  少見多怪10F 11/28 14:58
gametv: 經濟學人只是英國一個小報啊,野雞雜誌沒有權威性11F 11/28 14:58
senas: 經濟學人甚麼爛報紙 要拿也拿有點名氣的好嗎12F 11/28 14:59
wlsh: 輪到大將軍出牌了13F 11/28 14:59
sarevork: 特殊現象啦~不知名小報啦14F 11/28 15:00
Irenicus: 過氣雜誌15F 11/28 15:00
jason1050606: 過慾16F 11/28 15:00
ian90911: 推翻譯17F 11/28 15:00
shirou123: 這篇要搭配經濟學人的簽名檔食用 不然看不懂推文反串18F 11/28 15:01
darkbrigher: 沒配經濟學人專屬簽名檔 失敗19F 11/28 15:01
Briefs0321: 我可以期待大將軍回這篇嗎?20F 11/28 15:01
EXEXbein: 創刊一百多年就權威了?那人民日報創刊多少年你要不要查21F 11/28 15:02
sai007788: 經濟學人算什麼,只是鄉下地方的小報而已22F 11/28 15:03
kendra0606: 求簽名檔23F 11/28 15:04
Rain0224: 全天下學經濟的人這麼多,憑什麼自稱經濟學人24F 11/28 15:04
cloudin: 大將軍的回合25F 11/28 15:05
ssd860505da: 斷慾26F 11/28 15:05
liyikisen: 總之先推地方小報 過譽 跟風 還有什麼?27F 11/28 15:05
CornyDragon: chinaviva=realtw28F 11/28 15:05
wlsh: http://i.imgur.com/sbt9Uvw.png 支援29F 11/28 15:05
lagtwo: 撫弄三葉胸部的興趣...!?30F 11/28 15:06
qoo2002s: 推一下金凱瑞的王牌冤家  心目中的神作31F 11/28 15:06
Shift2: 太經典32F 11/28 15:07
darkbrigher: 樓上那張沒有realtw知道後還硬ㄠ那句XDDD33F 11/28 15:07
Shift2: 我是說那個簽名檔XD34F 11/28 15:07
wu5834: 簽名檔XDDD35F 11/28 15:07
moccabranco: 可是有些劇情是被別人修改的.....給他自己做大概就..36F 11/28 15:07
moccabranco: .
sai007788: 我們繼續這樣反串下去,會不會真的有人上當啊w38F 11/28 15:07
a25270672: 原來要配簽名檔XDD我還在努力思考推文怎麼跟我認識的經39F 11/28 15:08
a25270672: 濟學人不一樣
QBian: 譽過41F 11/28 15:08
mibbl0: 細膩(這句好熟悉)42F 11/28 15:10
gino0717: 守不住街亭43F 11/28 15:11
alan99: 鍋與44F 11/28 15:11
bettybuy: 經濟學人根本小報r45F 11/28 15:12
EXEXbein:轉錄至看板 Gossiping                                   11/28 15:12
WindSpread: 推翻譯,還有轉文的有先問過嗎?46F 11/28 15:13
lingsk: 籃球球技X 胸部晃動O47F 11/28 15:13
bbbgggttt999: 我修過個經 我也是經濟學人48F 11/28 15:13
ntupeter: 沒有49F 11/28 15:13
kris4588: 全家都經濟學人50F 11/28 15:14
ntupeter: 但就讓他轉吧51F 11/28 15:14
violegrace: 過譽52F 11/28 15:14
sai007788: 他轉文的用意很明顯啊www53F 11/28 15:14
NicoNeco: 看推文以為我來到八卦版54F 11/28 15:15
inokumaw: 縱譽過度55F 11/28 15:16
DarkHolbach: 連經濟學人都要強調摸胸那段XDDDDDDD56F 11/28 15:19
wishxuso: 過譽 只能再刷挑毛病57F 11/28 15:20
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 15:22:14
DarkHolbach: 你的名字在全球都過譽了,連經濟學人都一樣58F 11/28 15:21
jhs710041: 過譽了59F 11/28 15:22
ntupeter:轉錄至看板 movie                                       11/28 15:22
a43164910: 野雞雜誌60F 11/28 15:23
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 15:25:09
WTF55665566: 那個realtw不意外啊 在八卦跟政黑狂秀下限 不知道被61F 11/28 15:25
WTF55665566: 人洗臉幾次了XD
aegis43210: 我記得打籃球那次,三葉好像沒穿內衣?63F 11/28 15:26
s82901: 大將軍的褲子呢?64F 11/28 15:26
EXEXbein: 已經刪除轉錄文章 很抱歉65F 11/28 15:26
cic2014: wwwww66F 11/28 15:26
Fxckyou5566: 過欲了                                   我說三葉67F 11/28 15:28
shlee: 對 當時是瀧in三葉 沒穿內衣所以特別晃w68F 11/28 15:34
jcaosola: 靠杯 經濟學人認證69F 11/28 15:45
newest: 摸胸萬歲70F 11/28 15:45
DinDing1129: 野雞雜誌的報導也讓大家高潮71F 11/28 15:48
iAsshole: "It’s so disorientating..."這一句翻得可以說和原意完72F 11/28 15:50
iAsshole: 全相反了。
TKOSAYA: 過欲拉74F 11/28 15:51
s1326520: 有請大將軍75F 11/28 15:52
dichenfong: 你也經濟學人 我也經濟學人了啊76F 11/28 15:54
wht810090: 經濟學人認證77F 11/28 15:56
SnowSophia: 那樣不會拉傷嗎(驚78F 11/28 15:56
ntupeter: iAsshole 願聞其詳,這句真的靠爸拗口,雖然用字不難79F 11/28 15:57
ghi15431: 我勸你們別反串哦  不然大將軍又要發廢文了XD80F 11/28 15:58
iAsshole: 應該是 "令人沉醉的節奏、好看的畫面一開場就立刻吸引觀81F 11/28 15:58
iAsshole: 眾,觀眾看著看著才會察覺..."
qwer338859: 大將軍敢回這篇 樓下發雞排83F 11/28 16:00
iAsshole: 同一段的 "Never mind"不是女主角不在意,而是 "不說"、84F 11/28 16:02
iAsshole: "姑且不提"... 之類的意思。
jcaosola: 不要86F 11/28 16:03
kk2025: 經濟學人太小眾了,大將軍看不上眼的87F 11/28 16:05
iAsshole: "It's a while before...",before後面接的才是時序上比88F 11/28 16:06
iAsshole: 較晚的事,是吧?
Fm4n: 經濟學人認證90F 11/28 16:07
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 16:12:49
jason1515: 過譽了 我要等BD出買來看 看一次罵一次91F 11/28 16:10
iAsshole: Snappy editing也可以再想一下 - 如果它和 "camera"一樣92F 11/28 16:11
iAsshole: 有引號,你應該立刻就明白了。
我不知道Snappy editing的意思,即使查了字典(掩面,求指教
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 16:14:13
fragmentwing: 大將軍等下會發出跟realtw一樣的文嗎94F 11/28 16:23
iAsshole: Editing是剪接。95F 11/28 16:31
ntupeter: 喔喔,謝謝,疏忽了,但真正不解的還是snappy到底做什96F 11/28 16:35
ntupeter: 麼解
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 16:35:43
ntupeter: 絕妙、漂亮,字典說是口語用法,感覺實在不太像經濟學人98F 11/28 16:36
ntupeter: 的用字風格
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 16:38:01
iAsshole: 我沒看過不好推敲,只能替你查字典。101F 11/28 16:38
iAsshole: "At first, this..."這句也可以再想想看。
ntupeter: 這些解釋都看過(趴 但個人感覺還是<絕妙>在形容上適合些103F 11/28 16:40
ntupeter: 幹~~~翻錯啦 馬上改
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 16:42:20
bryan861111b: 過譽了105F 11/28 16:41
killeryuan: 連這裡都有野雞雜誌梗XDDD106F 11/28 16:42
ntupeter: 這裡不意外 電影版也有我才意外www107F 11/28 16:43
iAsshole: Snappy很常在科技網站的評論中看到 - 用來形容靈動的使108F 11/28 16:44
iAsshole: 用者介面 - brisk。
ntupeter: 原來,我還想說輕快活潑實在有些不妥(趴110F 11/28 16:45
nowucme: 翻譯推個111F 11/28 16:58
jayway: 看個學術文章被雷個不要不要的   去你媽的央国洨報112F 11/28 16:59
iAsshole: 對了,我用的那個字典很讚,強力推薦。Android、iOS都有113F 11/28 17:00
iAsshole: ;也有網頁版。搜尋關鍵字是"farlex"。
w520670: 大將軍還不快出來洗地www115F 11/28 17:00
iAsshole: Farlex最近出的文法書,讚。117F 11/28 17:02
a502152000: 經濟學人 哪國的報紙 快上鉤啊大將軍118F 11/28 17:08
ntupeter: 喔喔 感謝119F 11/28 17:11
BalaBalaDaBa: 召喚大將軍ヽ(‵∀′)ノ 120F 11/28 17:19
iamnotgm: 這篇又沒雷關鍵 算不錯的導讀吧121F 11/28 17:24
comicreader: kindle是神器,看原文書超好用(離題)122F 11/28 17:26
gametv: 經濟學人認證的揉胸部123F 11/28 17:26
comicreader: why crises which once felt monumental can come to124F 11/28 17:29
comicreader: seem trivial just a few years later.
comicreader: 這一句應該是描寫感情的句子,翻成像心理學科普語法
comicreader: 感覺有點跑掉了
notsmall: 推翻譯討論128F 11/28 17:32
anson26666: 地方野雞雜誌 呵呵 見識短淺129F 11/28 17:33
alex01: 這樣有人會被雷到耶130F 11/28 17:51
game147: 卡雞排131F 11/28 17:59
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 18:20:38
dearjohn: 每日大將軍呢?132F 11/28 18:23
caresomes: 大將軍快出來戰野雞雜誌阿133F 11/28 18:36
enthusiasm12: 『無法控制』撫弄三葉胸部XDDD134F 11/28 18:36
dephille: 大將軍躲回去土豆網看他的空軌了沒空135F 11/28 18:43
skhten: 野雞雜誌不意外136F 11/28 18:47
※ 編輯: ntupeter (, 11/28/2016 18:53:11
sharkshana: 缺大將軍137F 11/28 21:42
willwayne111: 你翻譯的非常好 很享受文字 感謝138F 11/28 22:37
koimarika: 這種標題我還以為是大將軍139F 11/29 11:50

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