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作者 標題 [問題] 求推薦吟唱類bgm
時間 Mon Sep 26 20:10:32 2016
或是魯魯修的Innocent Days
Continued Story
Code Geass - Continued Story - YouTube
Title : Continued Story Singer : Hitomi Kuroishi Anime : Code Geass R2 Type : Anime Insert Song Where : Ending of Code Geass R2 Episode 25 Related Songs Masq...
Title : Continued Story Singer : Hitomi Kuroishi Anime : Code Geass R2 Type : Anime Insert Song Where : Ending of Code Geass R2 Episode 25 Related Songs Masq...

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推 : 志方1F 09/26 20:11
推 : 梶浦由記2F 09/26 20:11
推 : 只有神知道的世界 God Only Knows3F 09/26 20:12
推 : 大悲咒4F 09/26 20:12
→ : 戲言動畫官網5F 09/26 20:14
推 : 麻美學姊主題曲7F 09/26 20:17
【黄昏乙女× アムネジア】 『レクイエム - 柊奈緒』 Requiem - Nao Hiiragi (FULL) - YouTube DL : Tasogare Otome x Amnesia 黄昏少女× 失忆 插曲 FULL 挿入歌「レクイエム」(第8話、第12話) 主唱:柊奈緒 歌詞 / Lyrics Lalala... あぁ あなたは あぁ いつか〖啊啊 你呀 啊啊 有朝一日〗 私に告げるのでしょう ...

推 : 其實可以往葛雷果聖歌、經文歌找,前者單聲部後者多聲部9F 09/26 20:18
推 : 蒼穹(2004) op110F 09/26 20:19
Madlax OST 2 - Track 6 - Saints - YouTube
Madlax Original Soundtrack: Track 6 - Saints **Spoiler Below** This is the music right after Limelda shoots Vanessa. We see Madlax staring at Vanessa, and th...
Madlax Original Soundtrack: Track 6 - Saints **Spoiler Below** This is the music right after Limelda shoots Vanessa. We see Madlax staring at Vanessa, and th...

→ : angela和kalafina?12F 09/26 20:20
推 : 史詩合唱真的就推梶浦由紀了14F 09/26 20:20
推 : 志方あきこ15F 09/26 20:20
→ : nier有不少17F 09/26 20:23
推 : 志方あきこ19F 09/26 20:24
Elfen Lied - Lilium (Full Opening Theme Song) - YouTube
I cried like a bitch listening to this song. It's really beautiful for my ears to hear. Just absolutely beautiful! I also started watching the show too. The ...
I cried like a bitch listening to this song. It's really beautiful for my ears to hear. Just absolutely beautiful! I also started watching the show too. The ...

推 : 歌手:Emi Evans21F 09/26 20:25
Cowboy Bebop OST 1 - Space Lion - YouTube
Web: Space Lion Anime: Cowboy Bebop OST: Cowboy Bebop OST 1 (1998) [audio] Cowboy Bebop (カウボーイビバップ, K...
Web: Space Lion Anime: Cowboy Bebop OST: Cowboy Bebop OST 1 (1998) [audio] Cowboy Bebop (カウボーイビバップ, K...

推 : 我買了Kalafina演唱會出的譜之後才發現合音都是有歌詞的25F 09/26 20:35
推 : kalafina 梶浦由紀27F 09/26 20:37
推 : 摸~哩~撒~媽~29F 09/26 20:49
推 : 昭和緣祿物語心中 應該有30F 09/26 21:00
※ 編輯: Dean1116 (, 09/26/2016 21:04:09→ : Kokia 不過她不是anisong為主31F 09/26 21:04
※ 編輯: Dean1116 (, 09/26/2016 21:05:51
Ar Tonelico -EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/- みとせのりこ 志方あきこ 霜月はるか - YouTube Ar Tonelico -EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/- みとせのりこ 志方あきこ 霜月はるか

KOKIA - Road to Glory〜 for Dragon Nest White Version〜 - YouTube KOKIA『Road to Glory〜long journey』 >01.Road to Glory〜 for Dragon Nest White Version〜 02.Daybreak 03.For little tail...

Almateria (Tales of Symphonia the Animation Soundtrack) - YouTube Tales of Symphonia the Animation Extra Track #1: Almateria The opening theme to the Animation, sung by Kawai Eri. It's said it's sung in a fictional (elven?)...

→ : 新居昭乃36F 09/26 21:25
推 : 講到這類音樂就不得不推Lilium 完全是聖歌了37F 09/26 21:30
推 : ヴィルキス~覚醒~ 天使與龍的BGM38F 09/26 21:32
Madoka Magica - Credens Justitiam with Lyrics - YouTube
Download link: Official lyrics to Credens Justitiam (Latin for "Believing in Justice") by Kajiura Yuki. The...
Download link: Official lyrics to Credens Justitiam (Latin for "Believing in Justice") by Kajiura Yuki. The...

Break Blade Op Full: 'Fate' by Kokia - YouTube
Break Blade movie series' opening track 'Fate' by KOKIA Note: I do not own the song, full rights go to whoever the hell does :) Enjoy.
Break Blade movie series' opening track 'Fate' by KOKIA Note: I do not own the song, full rights go to whoever the hell does :) Enjoy.

推 : kalafina 梶浦由紀 fictionjunction42F 09/26 21:44
推 : 魔獸的A Call to Arms 就是爐石裡面弗丁和安東尼達斯的BGM43F 09/26 21:53
推 : ICO- You Were There44F 09/26 22:06
Devil May Cry - All Divinity Statue themes - YouTube
All of the Divinity Statue themes from Devil May Cry 1-4( Well...the 4th is The Idol of Space and Time but , you get what I mean.)
All of the Divinity Statue themes from Devil May Cry 1-4( Well...the 4th is The Idol of Space and Time but , you get what I mean.)

推 : 感謝各位無私分享,這類型的非常喜歡46F 09/26 23:11
推 : 光之歌 風之歌47F 09/26 23:21
推 : kalafina 很常聽到起雞皮疙瘩XD48F 09/26 23:48
推 : 攻殼的op49F 09/27 01:32
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