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作者 標題 [閒聊] 請推薦氣勢宏大或黑暗詭譎的合唱歌曲
時間 Wed Nov 18 22:02:14 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izvpK05_mMA (合唱從1:57開始)
Hitman contracts besi - Jesper Kyd - White Room & Main Title - YouTube Hitman contracts besi - Jesper Kyd - White Room & Main Title

Hitman-Apocalypse - YouTube
Soundtrack from Hitman, by Jesper Kyd, with some pics, hope you enjoy, ;)
Soundtrack from Hitman, by Jesper Kyd, with some pics, hope you enjoy, ;)

話說,Jesper Kyd在台灣的討論度似乎很低啊.......
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Marilyn Manson - Resident Evil Main Theme (Extended) - YouTube Download link: Extended version of the Resident E...

→ : Sound Horizon3F 11/18 22:06
推 : 梶浦由記的歌多數都很符合這一要求4F 11/18 22:06
推 : 澤野弘之5F 11/18 22:07
推 : 魔塔大陸8F 11/18 22:11
Kara no Kyoukai 5 (Mujun Rasen) OST - M23 (last part) - YouTube Soundtrack from Kara no Kyouko 5 by Yuki Kajiura

→ : M23建議整首10F 11/18 22:11
Berserk - Aria lyrics in Japanese and Romanji - YouTube
These are the lyrics to the song Aria from Berserk in Japanese and Romanji. Sorry no English this time.
These are the lyrics to the song Aria from Berserk in Japanese and Romanji. Sorry no English this time.

推 : TARI TARI的歌12F 11/18 22:12
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:12:47Two Steps From Hell - Strength of a Thousand Men (Extended Version) - YouTube NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! Thanks! This is my extended version of "Strength of a Thousand Men," Two Steps from Hell. Please enjoy :D

Two Steps From Hell - Protectors of the Earth - YouTube
TSFH Official: Buy this album on iTunes: Buy TSFH Music on iTunes:
TSFH Official: Buy this album on iTunes: Buy TSFH Music on iTunes:

Thomas Bergersen - A God Of Epic Music - Public Album Archangel (Two Steps From Hell) - YouTube Please read the description. Bitte lest die Beschreibung. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:16:01
推 : 絕對運命默示錄17F 11/18 22:15
推 : 海貓 ED18F 11/18 22:16
→ : 啊 說到詭譎的合唱的確不能不推少革XDDDDD19F 11/18 22:16
推 : red moon、Lacrimosa、Magia、輝く空の静寂には、追憶,20F 11/18 22:17
呃啊啊啊......→ : 以上這些是我覺得有氣勢/氣氛詭譎的Kalafina作品22F 11/18 22:17
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:19:29推 : 還有 傀儡謠系列.....大媽們的威力23F 11/18 22:19
Stormwind - Music of World of Warcraft - YouTube
by Blizzard Entertaimend & Tracy W. Bush, Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford and Matt Uelmen for composing the music.
by Blizzard Entertaimend & Tracy W. Bush, Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford and Matt Uelmen for composing the music.

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:25:30
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:26:54
Ace Combat Zero Soundtrack - Zero [HQ] [PS2] - YouTube
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Takanori Goto, Keiki Kobayashi - Namco Bandai - 2006 - PS2
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War Takanori Goto, Keiki Kobayashi - Namco Bandai - 2006 - PS2

推 : 大媽+126F 11/18 22:31
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War - The Unsung War - YouTube
The Unsung War Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2 - 2004) Developed by Namco Published by Namco Composed by Keiki Kobayashi This song originally dre...
The Unsung War Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PlayStation 2 - 2004) Developed by Namco Published by Namco Composed by Keiki Kobayashi This song originally dre...

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:35:12
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:39:57
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 22:42:34
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - UNICORN Live - YouTube
Live performance from the Collector's Edition Disc of Mobile Suit Gundam UC 【機動戦士ガンダムUC】 (PS3 game) Note: I've uploaded all the concert footage so please don...
Live performance from the Collector's Edition Disc of Mobile Suit Gundam UC 【機動戦士ガンダムUC】 (PS3 game) Note: I've uploaded all the concert footage so please don...

鋼彈UC OST好像是澤野弘之最受推崇的作品之一?有空找來仔細聽聽
推 : 有人推Two Steps From Hell了 那我推另外一間29F 11/18 22:50
→ : Immediate Music
推 : https://youtu.be/9S61q2Ooxpo 這首應該比較多人聽過
→ : Immediate Music
推 : https://youtu.be/9S61q2Ooxpo 這首應該比較多人聽過
Immediate Music - Glory Seeker - YouTube
Track: Glory Seeker Album: Trailerhead: Saga Artist: Immediate Music
Track: Glory Seeker Album: Trailerhead: Saga Artist: Immediate Music

推 : 靠! 居然是Freedom Fighters!! 我當年心目中的神作32F 11/18 22:54
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:02:08
推 : 布蘭詩歌...別打我 我自己走33F 11/18 23:01
Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Cleric Beast - YouTube
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki
Bloodborne Official OST Composers: Ryan Amon, Tsukasa Saitoh, Michael Wandmacher, Yuka Kitamura, Cris Velasco, Nobuyoshi Suzuki

[Music] Bayonetta ► You May Call Me Father ║Extended║ - YouTube Game: Bayonetta Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U Music: You May Call Me Father Album: BAYONETTA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK (

※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:10:19
El Shaddai [Soundtrack] - Disc One - 01 - Theme Of El Shaddai - YouTube FULL PLAYLIST HERE The original 2-disc soundtrack for the hit new videogame El Shaddai: Ascension Of ...

→ : 還有樓上推的nier的魔王,本來也想推這首39F 11/18 23:12
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:18:03推 : 推魔塔大陸跟WAVE40F 11/18 23:20
推 : 志方あきこ有些歌也蠻符合的
推 : 志方あきこ有些歌也蠻符合的
Red Alert 3 Theme - Soviet March with lyrics 紅色警戒3主題曲(三國語言字幕) - YouTube 這首音樂的作者是 James Hannigan. 這個是終極動員令的最新大作:紅色警戒3的主題曲 非常蘇維埃風格的一首歌,在這裡把所有的字幕都加上去讓各位好好欣賞:) *蘇維埃之熊:就跟中國人的象徵是龍一樣,俄羅斯人的是熊

Soviet March比起March Of The Empire,
March Of The Empire較為含蓄內斂,且融入斯拉夫民間傳說風格,
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:32:01
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/18/2015 23:34:09
推 : Justice to Believe LIVE GRACE -ORCHESTRA-版本44F 11/18 23:34
BLIND GUARDIAN - Sacred Worlds (Sacred 2 - In-Game Concert) (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube Blind Guardian performs "Sacred Worlds" in Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Order at Nuclear Blast: SUBSCRIBE to Blind Guardian:

Kill la Kill - Ragyo Kiryuin Theme [Blumenkranz] - YouTube
--- Check Discription! --- Picture found here: Music: Blumenkranz
--- Check Discription! --- Picture found here: Music: Blumenkranz

→ : 我貼錯秒數 要從頭開始聽47F 11/18 23:46
推 : 推48F 11/18 23:46
angela - Kishi Koushinkyoku from Knights of Sidonia (Official Video) - YouTube Official video to angela's single "Kishi Koushinkyoku" (Knight's March) the OP song for the second season of TBS’s anime Knights of Sidonia: Dai-kyu Wakusei ...

推 : Sound Horizon的Moira50F 11/18 23:58
Kenji Kawai Concert - 'Log In' from Avalon - YouTube
'Log in' from the movie "Avalon" by Mamoru Oshii. This is from the only Kenji Kawai's 2007 live concert 'Cinema Symphony'.
'Log in' from the movie "Avalon" by Mamoru Oshii. This is from the only Kenji Kawai's 2007 live concert 'Cinema Symphony'.

→ : 死魂曲系列的奉神御詠歌(推NT版52F 11/19 00:16
→ : 好像跟我上次問得有點類似w53F 11/19 00:35
→ : 太七 片翼天使呢@@?
這首一直都打不太到我......→ : 太七 片翼天使呢@@?
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 00:49:00
天神さんの子守歌-勝沼恭子 - YouTube
(作詞:井荻麟 / 作曲:菅野よう子) 「愛の輪郭」は、1998年5月21日にリリースされた「KOKIA」の企画シングル作品。カップリングには「天神さんの子守歌(勝沼恭子)」「Dear my mother」「愛の輪郭(オリジナル・カラオケ)」を収録。WOWOWアニメ『ブレンパワード』のエンディングテーマとして起用...
(作詞:井荻麟 / 作曲:菅野よう子) 「愛の輪郭」は、1998年5月21日にリリースされた「KOKIA」の企画シングル作品。カップリングには「天神さんの子守歌(勝沼恭子)」「Dear my mother」「愛の輪郭(オリジナル・カラオケ)」を収録。WOWOWアニメ『ブレンパワード』のエンディングテーマとして起用...

推 : Elfen Lied的OP Lilium 有很多西方合唱團翻唱 算是黑59F 11/19 00:57
→ : 暗但是悲傷的嘆息
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07UwP3kHTTk
→ : 暗但是悲傷的嘆息
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07UwP3kHTTk
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 01:06:55
サクラ大戦 2011 武道館ライブ2 DVD 帝都 巴里 紐育 夢のつづき - YouTube サクラ大戦 2011 武道館ライブ2 DVD 帝都 巴里 紐育 夢のつづき Sakura Taisen Budoukan live 2 Teito Paris NewYork

→ : 櫻戰歷代的角色+歌謠秀角色全部登場63F 11/19 02:42
推 : 但丁的地獄64F 11/19 11:44
→ : M23 + M24, 雖然13:20,空境我最愛的一集..66F 11/19 12:17
→ : 這集表現力道真的很強
→ : 這集表現力道真的很強
Thomas Bergersen - Rada - YouTube
For the complete experience, you can find the album available for purchase on the following sites: iTunes: Cdbaby: h...
For the complete experience, you can find the album available for purchase on the following sites: iTunes: Cdbaby: h...

Medieval 2 Total War: Teutonic Background Menu Screen [With standard menu Music] - YouTube I put some music with this one to make it more interesting

→ : Medieval 2 Total War71F 11/19 12:44
※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 13:01:59※ 編輯: canon15167 (, 11/19/2015 13:57:06
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1226
作者 canon15167 的最新發文:
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