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作者 qize1428 (倫)
標題 [問題] 求推薦有如壯闊史詩般的OST
時間 Sun Sep 28 00:11:16 2014









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SaberTheBest: 梶浦大神1F 09/28 00:11
SaberTheBest: 澤野大神
剛剛隨便聽了幾首,整個雞皮疙瘩掉滿地,太好聽了 感謝你
utamaru: Unicorn3F 09/28 00:12
finzaghi: 薩爾達傳說4F 09/28 00:12
prismwu: UC5F 09/28 00:12
defenser: 聖戟神嘆(錯棚)6F 09/28 00:12
sabertomoaki: Xenoblade Zelda7F 09/28 00:12
chct0613: 伊蘇始源8F 09/28 00:13
yakuky: MACROSS Frontier9F 09/28 00:13
MikageSayo: 三國志510F 09/28 00:13
chavaze: 從作曲家下手可能會快點11F 09/28 00:13
sthho: 進擊的巨人不知道算嗎?12F 09/28 00:14
伊蘇~始源~片頭曲 - YouTube

sabertomoaki: 我覺得遊戲比較多(?14F 09/28 00:14
jimmy5680: 罪惡王冠? 進擊的巨人?15F 09/28 00:14
dderfken: FATE?16F 09/28 00:14
Emerson158: UC I>II III17F 09/28 00:15
hinofox: 黒石ひとみ、志方あきこ18F 09/28 00:15
jimmy5680: 天元突破?19F 09/28 00:16
QBian: F/Z20F 09/28 00:16
hinofox: Coffee Soda Toffee Pasta http://youtu.be/DROMho7oa6I21F 09/28 00:17
【CCM】Sword Art Online Parody - Coffee Soda Toffee Pasta - YouTube ☆RANDOM☆ PLEASE READ: I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-m...

minipig0102: 魔法少女小圓 麻美主題曲22F 09/28 00:17
willytp97121: 大河劇也不少’也可從三國志姜維傳配樂找’作者挑23F 09/28 00:18
willytp97121: 的眼光都很不錯
Edison1174: 次元艦隊25F 09/28 00:19
orohi: 境界線上的地平線26F 09/28 00:20
shauhon: 神秘的世界ova27F 09/28 00:21
hundreder: 歷代三國志的配樂都可以找找,五代與六代的OP都很不錯28F 09/28 00:21
dukemon: 菅野大神  個人推トルキア29F 09/28 00:21
dukemon: 攻殼每首都很好聽
newgunden: FF11以前的FF系列......31F 09/28 00:22
yys310: elder scrolls morrowind oblivion skyrim32F 09/28 00:22
Ghost in the Shell OST - Torukia - YouTube
Torukia - Gabriela Robin Dunno why but i rly like this song ;)

shauhon: epic這一類的音樂應該很多符合34F 09/28 00:22
※ 編輯: qize1428 (, 09/28/2014 00:27:15
tim0922: 上古卷軸 激戰235F 09/28 00:28
wohtp: 如果咖啡汽水還只算接近,我真的不知道有什麼曲子符合標準36F 09/28 00:28
wohtp: 是原po沒聽完整首曲子嗎?去youtube找一找swordland
ithil1: 烙印勇士劇場版,Aria38F 09/28 00:30

Foot: 軌跡系列也滿多的 http://ppt.cc/I-Uw41F 09/28 00:34
英雄伝説 零の軌跡 スーパーアレンジバージョン 11.to be continued - YouTube 在破了零碧後 決定將當中一部份bgm上傳分享 首先是零軌的super arragne version中的預兆 也就是碧軌中紅色星座襲擊crossbell時的bgm 英雄伝説_零の軌跡_スーパーアレンジバージョン 11. to be continued Falcom Sound Team j.d.k.

Two Steps From Hell - Dragon Rider - YouTube
Rate, comment, favorite and subscribe if you want. For more videos check out my channel. 1st picture :  Music used...

Komachionozu: Two Steps From Hell 有很多音樂都是,他們也有做電43F 09/28 00:35
Komachionozu: 影配樂~
Foot: http://ppt.cc/fSTn45F 09/28 00:36
Immediate Music & Globus - Electric Romeo & Europa (REMIX by Kiko10061980) - YouTube Immediate Music - Electric Romeo & Globus - Europa, Remixed to one Epic Song by Kiko10061980 !! Enjoy, Rate and Subscribe!!! :)

wohtp: http://youtu.be/ThroAhFjoBs         老鋼彈不能亡!47F 09/28 00:41
Char's Counterattack/逆襲のシャア (吹奏楽) - YouTube
作曲: 三枝成彰 演奏: 航空自衛隊 航空中央音楽隊 Composed by: Shigeaki Saegusa Performed by: JASDF Central Band

gm79227922: 川井憲次48F 09/28 00:51
Fate/Stay Night OST's - Unlimited Blade Works(Archer's Theme) - YouTube I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body, and fire is my blood I have created over a thousand blades Unknown to death, nor known to life Have withstood pai...

Star Wars - John Williams - Duel Of The Fates - YouTube
Star Wars - John Williams - Duel Of The Fates - I The Phantom Menace

gm79227922: 個人最愛的BGM51F 09/28 00:54
silvawu: 汪達與巨像~52F 09/28 00:54
gm79227922: http://ppt.cc/nysB EVA(誤) 其實是EVA抄他54F 09/28 01:00
Battlefield 4 - OFFICIAL MAIN THEME (Extended) - YouTube
The actual clean, official theme song of Battlefield 4. Downloaded straight from the official site. The non-extended version of the song lasts only 'till aro...

julian07027: BF456F 09/28 01:08
joey123xd: 魔獸世界幾乎符合你要的~~57F 09/28 01:15
Bleach OST [Stand Up Be Strong] Full Version - YouTube
YOU KNOW HOW TO READ DESCRIPTIONS, RIGHT??? Song: Stand Up, Be Strong Anime: Bleach Comment please! Just... do it! This is NOT a new AMV. But don't worry. Th...

r6982057: halo 原聲帶59F 09/28 01:17
World of Warcraft Epic Music Compilation (New) - YouTube
WoW music was created by 11 amazing composers: Jason Hayes, Russell Brower, Neal Acree, Matt Uelmen, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford, David Arkenstone, Sam Cardon...

r6982057: Halo Reach OST - Overture:http://youtu.be/yMfO9ZJVs61F 09/28 01:28
r6982057: t462F 09/28 01:28
TaiwanXDman: Okami63F 09/28 01:41
ricky764: RWBY64F 09/28 01:41
sakaya00: 蒼鋼有幾首不錯65F 09/28 03:44
orange0319: 一樓已經把我要回答的答案說完了 -.-66F 09/28 04:30
seiryu99: 光田康典!67F 09/28 07:23
jack0204: Two Steps From Hell - Skyworld68F 09/28 08:25
jack0204: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFn1cVnz_lE
Two Steps From Hell - Skyworld - YouTube
New track from their upcoming public album Skyworld which is recording in Prague (Czech Republic) and L.A. during this month. TSFH getting only better and be...

leviathen: 關鍵字: Trailer Music70F 09/28 10:52
leviathen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O6Q1OiF6LI
Two Steps From Hell - United We Stand, Divided We Fall (Archangel) - YouTube Buy this album on iTunes:  Follow Thomas on Facebook:  Follow Two Steps From Hell on Facebook:

kimmj: 我覺得.hack系列的很多都很棒72F 09/28 12:26
loamsdown: 推薦蒼藍鋼鐵戰艦73F 09/28 13:52
howardjou: 遊戲王(武藤)的都不錯74F 09/28 14:05

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