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作者 標題 [閒聊] 伊修瓦爾殲滅戰紀念MAD組曲
時間 Fri Feb 21 11:48:12 2014
Ishval "We're bound to linger on"
Ishval "We're bound to linger on" - YouTube
I had planned for this to be only about Ishval, but somehow Hughes managed to sneak his way into it. The song is Until We Bleed by Lykke Li, the cello versio...
I had planned for this to be only about Ishval, but somehow Hughes managed to sneak his way into it. The song is Until We Bleed by Lykke Li, the cello versio...
Ishbal- A Hero of War
Ishbal- A Hero of War - YouTube
I thought this song fit Mustang very well. Here he is as a recruit, joining because he wants to make Amestris a better country while helping his friends Heat...
I thought this song fit Mustang very well. Here he is as a recruit, joining because he wants to make Amestris a better country while helping his friends Heat...
war of red and blue
war of red and blue; - YouTube
All information regarding the anime and song are at 0:00-0:13 1080p please. I'm serious. HD is your best friend because Youtube murdered the quality. ;A; Ani...
All information regarding the anime and song are at 0:00-0:13 1080p please. I'm serious. HD is your best friend because Youtube murdered the quality. ;A; Ani...
FMA / FMAB Ishbalan War Tribute
FMA / FMAB Ishbalan War Tribute - YouTube
(Yes!! ´500+ views!!) Just found out that 80% of my Amvs are kinda' violent ( alot of blood splatter) :I . Sorry for subbed parts (couldn't find any raws or ...
(Yes!! ´500+ views!!) Just found out that 80% of my Amvs are kinda' violent ( alot of blood splatter) :I . Sorry for subbed parts (couldn't find any raws or ...
Ishval - What We Have Become
Ishval - What We Have Become - YouTube
This is a tribute to the series of sad events that made up the Ishvalian war of extermination. A tribute to FMA Brotherhood to the music of Daughtry's What W...
This is a tribute to the series of sad events that made up the Ishvalian war of extermination. A tribute to FMA Brotherhood to the music of Daughtry's What W...
Ishval War [ Sunday Bloody Sunday ] BETA
Ishval War [ Sunday Bloody Sunday ] BETA - YouTube
DISCLAIMER: i'm own nothing from FMA Brotherhood :) song: Paramore - Sunday Bloody Sunday ( U2 Cover) cap 30 was amazing. but volume 15 it's more amazing, u ...
DISCLAIMER: i'm own nothing from FMA Brotherhood :) song: Paramore - Sunday Bloody Sunday ( U2 Cover) cap 30 was amazing. but volume 15 it's more amazing, u ...
Violet Hill - Ishval
關於農家生活的作品也一整個魅力十足 期待牛媽有新的神作
歌:北乃きい http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF95PIiVlJA
タイワンダー☆テーマソング . 台灣der-
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◆ From:
推 :阿姆斯壯少校激情噴淚很感人1F 02/21 11:55
推 :鋼鍊神作 大總統高居我心中反派第一名2F 02/21 13:08
推 :真的是神作3F 02/21 13:16
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 651
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