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作者 標題 [推薦] 音樂:世紀帝國-征服者 BGM
時間 Thu Jan 10 19:53:26 2013
從接觸世紀一開始 我就很喜歡裡面的BGM
接著羅馬霸主 世紀二 征服者 我都特別注意裡面的音樂 世紀三之後就沒接觸了
這些世紀帝國系列音樂中 我最喜歡就是征服者的音樂
雖然征服者音樂聽起來有些淒涼 小調(這"小調"的用法不知道沒有錯)
以下我就遊戲中10首BGM 做點不專業的賞析
原本的音樂是30分鐘未切割版 這次我找切割版給各位
1. http://youtu.be/bnhxoA8nuhw
01 - Pork Parts ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這首是開始進行遊戲中第一首 感覺有點像是叢林
或許應映這次新增的阿玆特克 馬雅 是叢林中的文明 所以才有的氣氛
2. http://youtu.be/l-jMcJ7aLxU
02 - Pudding Pie ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這首我第一次聽到的時候 會想到羅馬霸主的另一首 http://youtu.be/ljHLD4-MBlo
Age of Empires : The Rise of Rome - OST - Track 05 [1080p] (Lossless audio) - YouTube Age of Empires : The Rise of Rome BGM & OST Lossless audio エイジ オブ エンパイア: ライズ オブ ローマ 世紀帝國 : 羅馬興起 帝国时代 : 罗马复兴 [facebook] Top Video Game Music (遊戲音樂瘋) 【http:/...

羅馬霸主這首也同樣是遊戲中第二首 且在羅馬霸主中我也很喜歡
不知為何我覺得這兩首有點像 所以會聯想在一起
3. http://youtu.be/82ojanrOZNY
03 - Tide Me Over Warm 'em Ups ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

感覺這首像是祭典 古代中美洲文明都有些神聖的祭典
4. http://youtu.be/p0jMor7UEtU
04 - Voodoodoodoo ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這首聽起來就有點哀 淒涼淒涼的 但我覺得也不錯
5. http://youtu.be/YJtmpD6Y4hY
05 - The Bovinian Derivative ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這首有些旋律上比較輕快 可是似乎沒有完全脫離淒涼風得感覺
6. http://youtu.be/iNfevKE2XV0
06 - Case in Point ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這首可以說是最哀的吧 感覺上
7. http://youtu.be/9ReHdCj5Wgo
07 - Mountain Lie On / Seamus and Chamois ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

我很喜歡這首搭配揚琴的感覺 好聽
8. http://youtu.be/WGD7QVdriMk
08 - Subotai Defeats the Knights Templar ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這首我也很喜歡 但說不起來像什麼 聽起來很輕快
9. http://youtu.be/vc7maXYd8gs
09 - Roi-r! / Basura! Basura! ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這首我也覺得不錯 該說是戰鬥前的寧靜呢?
10. http://youtu.be/580cQcz-N9Q
10 - Neep Ninny-Bod ~ Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack - YouTube Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion Soundtrack composed by Stephen Rippy, David Rippy and Kevin McMullan Enjoy it =) Dowload the full soundtrack of t...

這聽起來較像戰鬥的音樂 世紀出的這幾款每代都會有這樣的音樂
想想以前只有一台破CD的時代 聽這首都要等好久
總之 分享給各位
我對音樂樂器等等還不夠專業 所以有錯請指正吧
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◆ From:
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