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看板 C_Chat
作者 標題 [Nico] Fate/Zero第二季01
時間 Sat Apr 7 23:32:10 2012
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :push!1F 04/07 23:32
推 :動畫準備中...2F 04/07 23:33
→ :卡了卡了3F 04/07 23:33
推 :好卡....4F 04/07 23:35
推 :神OP5F 04/07 23:35
推 :政要po的 QQ6F 04/07 23:35
推 :卡卡7F 04/07 23:37
推 :聽到時臣的聲音講英雄王 就不知不覺想到tod的空氣王ww8F 04/07 23:39
推 :蘭斯洛特真的超帥9F 04/07 23:45
推 :太豪洨了XDDD10F 04/07 23:45
→ :被拿去餵蟲會比較好嗎???好歹也調查一下吧這個當爸爸的.11F 04/07 23:45
推 :戰鬥機的代號是Diablo1&2 怎麼不來三個XD12F 04/07 23:49
推 :3要5/15才來XD13F 04/07 23:51
推 :畫面完全沒在跑....塞爆了嗎@@?14F 04/07 23:53
推 :完畢15F 04/07 23:54
推 :好感動阿~~全中文字幕阿XD 實況也!!16F 04/07 23:54
推 :XDDDD 她是麻知嗎17F 04/07 23:54
推 :看完惹XD18F 04/07 23:54
推 :有有中文!!! 天啊!!!19F 04/07 23:55
推 :看ED好難過...20F 04/07 23:55
→ :用種花50個妹頂多卡一兩秒就沒了 最有誠意的是中文阿21F 04/07 23:56
推 :看完了QQ22F 04/07 23:56
推 :這集只能說神空戰 比大拉芙還搶戲XDD23F 04/07 23:56
推 :神OP 神ED 神作畫阿24F 04/07 23:56
推 :神!!25F 04/07 23:57
推 :預算砸很多ww26F 04/07 23:57
推 :切嗣!!!27F 04/07 23:57
推 :本集總結 英雄王:你也懂飛機 蘭斯洛特:略懂28F 04/07 23:57
推 :diablo是哪招29F 04/07 23:57
推 :ED淚腺崩壞QAQ30F 04/07 23:57
→ :J2你現在是不是很想買進切嗣股31F 04/07 23:58
推 :Diablo聽到當下我還想說" 我聽錯了嗎? "32F 04/07 23:58
推 :OP/ED讚33F 04/07 23:58
推 :英雄王的那台好像神族的鳳凰戰機34F 04/07 23:58
推 :看完了 真好看35F 04/07 23:58
推 :ED超畜生的QQ36F 04/07 23:59
推 :這集空戰應該燒掉不少錢37F 04/07 23:59
→ :Vimana 印度神話的飛空艇,可以丟核彈(汗38F 04/07 23:59
推 :好錶的op ed39F 04/07 23:59
推 :太精采了!40F 04/07 23:59
推 :雁夜出場一次就燃燒生命一次WWWW41F 04/07 23:59
推 :Diablo就一個代號 ED整個就是為了之後的後勁準備(抖)44F 04/08 00:00
Blood Dragon Armor - Mass Effect Wiki - Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, walkthroughs and more
Blood Dragon Armor is a non-customizable armor in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Originally... ...
Blood Dragon Armor is a non-customizable armor in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. Originally... ...
推 :空戰太威了吧46F 04/08 00:01
推 :ED害我哭慘了。・゚・(ノ Д`)・゚・。47F 04/08 00:01
→ :OP很雷,ED很婊...老虛GJ48F 04/08 00:01
推 :真的是神OP....49F 04/08 00:01
推 :2nd的OP和ED聽完沒有『燃起來』的感覺50F 04/08 00:02
→ :OP最後牽手那段超神...51F 04/08 00:02
推 :神...52F 04/08 00:02
推 :ED好閃..可是我淚目了..53F 04/08 00:02
推 :ED超棒,看得我好痛 Q______Q54F 04/08 00:02
→ :重點不在燃(無誤55F 04/08 00:02
推 :這集好神啊!56F 04/08 00:03
推 :我只看到滿滿的太太57F 04/08 00:03
推 :ED。・゚・(ノ Д`)・゚・。58F 04/08 00:04
推 :OP中愛莉吐出黑色液體是呼喚聖杯降臨的意思嗎 @@"59F 04/08 00:04
推 :可憐的berserker,整集只能"阿阿阿阿阿阿阿~~~~~~"的叫60F 04/08 00:05
推 :聖杯說了會雷,知道的就知道,還有不要忘了這作者是虛淵61F 04/08 00:05
→ :二季可是平均一集超過一個便當的(茶
→ :二季可是平均一集超過一個便當的(茶
推 :太讚了...63F 04/08 00:06
→ :只好趕快把小說補完QQ64F 04/08 00:06
→ :神空戰(゚∀゚)b65F 04/08 00:06
推 :ED好諷刺 = =66F 04/08 00:06
推 :看下去就知道了 這是一部 愛與勇氣 以及充滿絕望的故事=ˇ=b67F 04/08 00:06
推 :看過小說後覺得ED做得很棒68F 04/08 00:06
推 :ED滿滿惡意69F 04/08 00:11
推 :神作畫!!!!!70F 04/08 00:11
推 :不是Diablo吧....71F 04/08 00:12
推 :暗黑破壞神72F 04/08 00:13
推 :是Diablo73F 04/08 00:14
推 :金皮卡+巴薩卡對戰=製作團隊燒錢吐血保證75F 04/08 00:20
Diabolo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The diabolo (commonly misspelled as diablo; formerly also known as "the devil on two sticks") is a juggling prop consisting of a spool which is whirled and tossed on a string tied to two sticks held one in each hand. A huge variety of tricks are possible using the sticks, string, and various body pa ...
The diabolo (commonly misspelled as diablo; formerly also known as "the devil on two sticks") is a juggling prop consisting of a spool which is whirled and tossed on a string tied to two sticks held one in each hand. A huge variety of tricks are possible using the sticks, string, and various body pa ...
→ :比扯鈴還扯77F 04/08 03:01
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