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作者 標題 [討論] ISML的PV
時間 Thu Mar 29 23:57:57 2012
2011 PV
International Saimoe League 2011 PV - YouTube
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ Disclaimer: All characters are copyrighted by their respective owners. ISML only wishes to present them for promotional p...
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ Disclaimer: All characters are copyrighted by their respective owners. ISML only wishes to present them for promotional p...
2011 SE PV
International Saimoe League 2011 SE PV - YouTube
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ Disclaimer: All characters are copyrighted by their respective owners. ISML only wishes to present them for promotional p...
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ Disclaimer: All characters are copyrighted by their respective owners. ISML only wishes to present them for promotional p...
2010 PV
International Saimoe League 2010 PV - YouTube
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ I have received several comments on why Katsura Hinagiku appeared so much. I can assure you that this is not a personal d...
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ I have received several comments on why Katsura Hinagiku appeared so much. I can assure you that this is not a personal d...
2010 DE PV
International Saimoe League 2010 DE PV - YouTube
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ Double Elimination starts September 5th! Please vote and support your favorite charaters. Disclaimer: All characters are ...
http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ Double Elimination starts September 5th! Please vote and support your favorite charaters. Disclaimer: All characters are ...
2009 DE PV
International Saimoe League 2009 Double Elimination PV - YouTube http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/ Please Vote! Music: Paradise Lost by Minori Chihara
2009 PV
International Saimoe League 2009 (ISML09) - YouTube
A promo video for ISML09. It is not the official video and Im not the staff of ISML either. Song, Da'Bomb by Ruffedge. The character design and video is copy...
A promo video for ISML09. It is not the official video and Im not the staff of ISML either. Song, Da'Bomb by Ruffedge. The character design and video is copy...
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◆ From:
推 :看標題我還以為2012年版的出了1F 03/30 00:07
推 : 以為2012年版的出了+12F 03/30 00:47
推 :2011的冠軍賽影片被刪了 好想看!3F 03/30 11:03
作者 helmet10845 的最新發文:
- 這是一位正在梨山分隊服勤的替代役朋友所打的文章 消防隊員們冒著生命危險 拚命的想要搶救山難的民眾 結果還要被批評無能真的看了相當的難過 Holy Chao - 剛剛接到了2通來自民眾打來梨山消防隊給我 …84F 55推 2噓
- 看完第13集 學姊真是太棒了啦! 老套的設定、老梗的劇情 但是這人設和個性就是超愛~ 這種腳色往往都沒有好結局QQ 可是最近一直在賣學姊... 拜託給學姊好的結局吧!! …4F 4推
- 大家喜歡哪一首呢? 我個人是最喜歡2010年的初賽啦~ 輕快又有力,剪接的也很棒! 2011 PV International Saimoe League 2011 PV - YouTube Disc …3F 3推
- 橘純一 該怎麼說呢~ 我完完全全服了這傢伙 原本連學姊的名子都不好意思叫 只敢在心中妄想的小廢廢 居然能在畢業典禮、全校師生面前 像校園偶像告白、求婚 真是太有尬雌!太了不起了! …11F 5推