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※ 本文為 adst513 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-14 23:36:24
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作者 ALPHONSE2501 (MelonHunter 2000™ )
標題 [討論] 美國海軍開始測試逼哩逼哩
時間 Wed Feb  8 03:32:40 2012

Navy to begin tests on electromagnetic railgun prototype launcher
Navy to begin tests on electromagnetic railgun prototype launcher The Office of Naval Research (ONR)'s Electromagnetic (EM) Railgun program will take an important step forward in the coming weeks when the first industry railgun prototype launcher is tested at a facility in Dahlgren, Va., officials said Feb. 6. ...

計畫射出以4,500 mph 到 5,600 mph的彈頭





A.縞パンツ  B.貧乳   C.靈活的腳  D.鎖骨曲線  E.腰臀曲線   F.死魚眼

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◆ From:
etderain2002:D1F 02/08 03:37
seraph01:http://youtu.be/bkYQwIeXGdI 幾年前的試射影片2F 02/08 03:42
Navy Tests Electromagnetic Railgun 美國海軍磁軌砲試驗 - YouTube The Navy's newest weapon shoots without any explosive charge, relying on electromagnets to shoot bullets at several times the speed of sound

Rail Gun Naval Test Shot - YouTube
Video showing Naval Rail Gun Fire Testing

IMGOODYES:之前不是砍掉了嗎?又開始了?4F 02/08 03:44
gunng:大概裁軍之後海軍有預算了5F 02/08 03:45
ousapas:美國沒有裁軍喔 只是把軍力從歐洲放到亞洲這邊6F 02/08 03:52
gunng:海軍不是砍掉了幾艘船? 海陸也說要裁3萬人7F 02/08 03:53
ousapas:短期看起來是這樣吧 呵呵8F 02/08 04:12
gunng:裁的錢都拿去升級下世代的武器啦10F 02/08 04:18
killord:F11F 02/08 06:27
Estel:F12F 02/08 07:34
npc776:B13F 02/08 08:58
aulaulrul4:D14F 02/08 09:13
KTA0619:G15F 02/08 10:10
raineneu:E16F 02/08 10:22
lauto:D17F 02/08 10:26
f222051618:F18F 02/08 10:33
arcanite:B19F 02/08 12:12
darkgerm:B20F 02/08 12:18
pathfinder:狂派表示:得早點進攻地球了21F 02/08 12:24
hank780420:可是逼哩逼哩也是狂派的啊.....22F 02/08 13:28
jujustine83:真的實裝嚇死人23F 02/08 18:44
satyrs05:原來有F的同好24F 02/08 20:13

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