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※ 本文為 boris2003 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-02 21:26:34
看板 BoardGame
作者 neowu (東村誠)
標題 Re: [交易] 賣木頭的大象棋
時間 Fri Dec  2 15:29:31 2011

遊戲名稱: Xiang Qi
遊戲人數: 2-3人
遊戲時間: 30-60分
遊戲類型: 戰棋, 地圖攻防, 兵種優勢

遊戲背景: 在2000多年前的中國, 正值舊王朝崩壞, 改朝換代之時
          此時勢力最大的兩支軍隊, 原本已經劃下了楚河漢界,



遊戲簡介: 每個玩家手上共有7種不同的兵種棋,每種兵種均有特定的初始位置
     將棋子移出遊戲。遊戲的目的在於設法殺死對方的主帥, 或讓對方無法

細部規則: 遊戲開始時,以較年長或有玩過此遊戲的人作為起始玩家。起始玩家

1.暗棋模式: 在此一模式中, 只使用一半的版圖, 將32顆兵種棋棋面向下洗勻
            起始玩家翻開其中一顆後, 才決定雙方的勢力。在此一模式中,

            各兵種之間有階級和相剋的區分, 且除了某種兵種發動攻擊時除外,


2.麻將模式: 在此一模式中不使用版圖。將32顆兵種棋棋面向下洗勻後, 每名玩家
            堆抽取1張後, 打出1張不要的手牌。在某些情況下可以拿取其他玩家

            組合,並根據形成的組合進行計分。如果牌庫的牌均用完, 則此局

※ 引述《ZZealot (型男3號)》之銘言:
: 商品名稱:賣木頭大象棋 十元硬幣為比例呎
: 購買網址:http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=zack999&b=19&f=1045969156&p=0
: 交易地區:台北
: 商品價格:500
: 新舊狀況:二手
: 交易方式:台北現金面交
: 聯絡方式:站內信

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
JusuisDeVil:大笑推1F 12/02 15:30
joelll:好像很好玩耶,哪裡買得到啊?有要開團購嗎?XDDDDDD2F 12/02 15:38
Ayanesoul:欲購請洽全省各大小書局、文具行、雜貨店3F 12/02 15:39
berice152233:他說得好像很好玩的感覺............4F 12/02 15:41
welia:還有三國棋模式XD5F 12/02 15:42
jackice:好好笑,要補充三國玩法嗎?XDDDDD6F 12/02 15:44
tormentorwin:三國模式的劉協超猛...7F 12/02 15:45
robinwillfly:楚河漢界...原來戰棋版的古戰陣(恍然大悟8F 12/02 15:48
robinwillfly:               ^是
inkdenny:酷唷!!10F 12/02 15:49
BOX:可以借轉嗎?(不是PTT的看板)11F 12/02 15:52
joelll:不過似乎還可以補充一下,古代中國帝王常以死囚玩大型真人12F 12/02 15:55
Akaski:XDDDDDDDDD14F 12/02 15:57
blackcellar:http://tinyurl.com/6ozbbcu 新電影XDDDD15F 12/02 16:17
huangwm:夠犀利16F 12/02 16:18
godsun:哈哈哈哈哈哈哈XDXDXDXDXDXDXD17F 12/02 16:18
adamlee1120:感覺超好玩的啊XDDDDDD18F 12/02 16:21
smoox:開箱文咧!(掏錢包...)19F 12/02 16:33
joelll:這張可以嗎?http://www.badongo.com/pic/1403940220F 12/02 16:39
yuchia69:看到這害我想到將族 小時候都打不贏 XD21F 12/02 16:46
adamlee1120:豬八戒都打不贏的那款嗎 ̄▽ ̄22F 12/02 16:52
edison321:XDDDDDDD23F 12/02 18:08
abcbbs:哈哈阿~~24F 12/02 19:23
XiangQi | Board Game | BoardGameGeek XiangQi is one of the most played board games in the world. Translated loosely as "elephant game", the name of XiangQi may have first been recorded in Songs of Chu during the 4th century BC of early China; in the state of Qi during the Warring State Period, the name "XiangQi" meant ivory Liubo pieces, not modern XiangQi played by Chinese. The modern Xiangqi set dates back to the Song dynasty.

Based closely on ancient Chinese military strategy, XiangQi draws comparisons to European Chess, and indeed, both are descended from the ancient Indian game of Chaturanga.


XiangQi, commonly referred to in English as "Chinese Chess", is played with 32 pieces (16 per player) on a board that is 9 lines wide and 10 lines long. As in the game of Go, the game is played on the intersections of the game board. The area of play is divided into two territories by a river in the middle of game board. In each territory there is a 3 line by 3 line palace, in which each player's respective General/Marshal is located. The object of the game is to capture the opponents's General/Marshal.

The pieces on both sides and their movements & special rules are:

    1 General: 1 Point orthogonally within the palace only. Not allowed to ‘see’ the enemy General on an open file.
    2 Advisors: 1 point diagonally within the palace only.
    2 Chariots: Any distance orthogonally.
    2 Cannons: Moves like a Chariot. To capture, it must first leap over an intervening piece of either color.
    2 Horses: 1 point orthogonally, then one point diagonally.
    2 Elephants / Ministers: 2 points diagonally. Cannot cross the river.
    5 Soldiers: 1 point straight forward.  Once across the river, can also move 1 point sideways instead.

Pieces capture as they move and never jump. The only exception (for both rules) apply to the cannon.


The price of the game varies depending on the material used in the game. Inexpensive sets are usually made with plastic or low-grade wooden pieces and a paper gameboard. Expensive sets are usually made with jade or high-grade wooden pieces and a wooden gameboard.

Online Play

     Boardspace.net (real-time, AI option)
     http://www.iggamecenter.com/ - igGameCenter (real-time)


    Banqi - Game using same pieces
    Giog - Game using same pieces
    Mini Xiang Qi - Smaller version
    San Guo Qi - Three-player version
    Qi Guo Xiang Qi - Seven-player version
    Changgi - Korean version
aappjj:長大了還是打不贏豬八戒阿XD26F 12/02 19:29
I23:連豬八戒都不如 好慘 lol27F 12/02 19:33
Chihuah:這遊戲介紹真的是超酷的!28F 12/03 01:36
kooi:說起來這名稱為什麼叫象棋?? 為什麼不是兵棋或帥棋呢??29F 12/03 02:04
查了一下wiki, "象"棋的"象",是"象"徵的"象"
是symbol, 不是elephant的意思
一開始的棋子不是現在的將士象車馬炮, 而是日月星辰什麼的
象徵天地萬物, 所以稱之為"象"棋
feaze:象棋的象好像不是大象的象而是氣象的象←只是想打象30F 12/03 10:34
※ 編輯: neowu           來自:         (12/03 11:43)
alphax:象棋有先手優勢, 應該年長或技術好的執黑子後動才對吧?32F 12/03 12:34
xxx60709:好介紹www33F 12/03 14:40
USBv2:其實我也記得有先手優勢 但我記得的是年長者執紅棋當後手34F 12/03 16:45
alphax:我確定慣例上黑棋是後手, 棋譜上也是這樣.36F 12/04 20:08
tormentorwin:象棋是紅色先 圍棋是白色先37F 12/04 20:58
north4909:圍棋黑先38F 12/04 23:11
play911419:BGG的Xiang Qi註明西元960年出產的耶~不是2000多年前喔39F 12/05 03:59
※ 編輯: neowu           來自:        (12/05 14:22)
tormentorwin:打錯了XD40F 12/05 20:12

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