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※ 本文為 graynoah 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-14 09:23:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 stantheman (甜心寶貝)
標題 Re: [爆卦] AnonTAIWAN 出動了?
時間 Mon May 13 05:48:53 2013







Manifesto of Arming~ By Ju Gheh Liang

    Coutier Liang states:

    The late emporer passed away before accomplishing half of his feat. The world is presently devided into three while Sichuan is sterile and ravaged now, and this is indeed the critical moment for our survival! The guarding courtiers never relax in the palace, and the loyal officials are all devoted to the battlefield. They contribute themselves to your imperial mejesty in memory of the late emperor's exceptional grace to them. Thus, your imperial majesty, you should open your ears and listen to them
to glorify the late emporer's legacy of virtue as well as to enhance the morale of these loyal coutiers, and your majesty, you shouldn't look down on yourself, neither should you block their advises with the distorted analogies. The palace and the office of prime minister are in unity. There shouldn't be any discriminations among the rewardings to the virtuous and the punishment to those who make mistakes. Both the criminals and the virtuous should be dispatched to their due places for the treatment
which they deserve in order to highlight your equal and just governance. Therefore, your imperial majesty, you shouldn't favor anyone and differentiate the laws within and without the palace. The high secretary and the vice ministers, Guo Yo-Chi, Fei Yi and Dong Yun are all righteous and honest with pure and loyal mind. They were all promoted by the late emperor to aid you. I think every affair, whether important or trivial, in the palace could be scrutinized by them before the execution, and then
there shouldn't be any errors. General Shang Chong is a virtuous person with plenty of military knowledge. The late emporer praised him able when he was in his probation period. Thus everyone suggested he be the marshal. I think you could entrust him to manage everything in the army and he must be able to consolidate all soldiers and arrange a due post for each one. Getting long with the wise and virtuous courtiers and leaving away the vile and pleasimg people, that's how the West Han Dynasty rose.
Getting along with latter and leaving away the former, that's why the East Han Dynasty fell. Whenever the late emporer talked about it with me, he always repented of what Emporer Hwan and Emporer Ling had done. The ministers, vice ministers, administrators and staff are all loyal and virtuous courtiers. I wish you could believe and trust them, and the imperial family of Han will rise again in the near future.

    I was just a common farmer cultivating alone in Nan-Yang. I just wished to survive in such a chaotic world without being known to any princes. The late emporer didn't care about my humble background and degraded himself to visit my shabby hut three times in person to ask me the situation under the heaven. I was so grateful to him that I promised him to devote myself to him for all my life to return his grace. Later, since we were seriously defeated and nearly terminated twenty-one years ago, I have
been assigned the position of the general military advisor. The former emperor knew I am prudent, thus he entrusted me the important missions when he was passing away. Since the grand assignment, for every day and night, in fear of staining the late emperor's reputation, I have been worried if I fulfill the mission which the late emperor entrusted me. This May we crossed the Lu River and marched into the deep sterile field. Now the south is all pacified, and the arms and soldiers are both fully
recruited, it's time that I, with all my endeavors, lead the troups northward to regain the central land, expulse the vile villains, restore the Han Dynasty, and resettle in the ancient capital. This is all I could do to return the late emperor's grace and fulfill the position you grant to me. When it comes to weighing the benefit against the loss and advising, Yo-Chi, Yi and Yun will take their responsibility. I wish you could entrust me the mission of eliminating all the national rascals. If I fail
to achieve it, I'm willing to take the punishment to console the soul of the late emperor. If Yo-Chi, Yi and Yun fail to well advice, they should also be punished to demonstrate their mistakes. And your imperial majesty, you should also speculate for yourself and accept all good advices to follow the edict the late emperor left to you. I couldn't be more grateful to your and the late emporer's favor. Now I'm leaving, in front of this manifesto with tears on my face, I dont know know what I've said.

: 台灣駭客丟毀滅性武器了
: http://i.imgur.com/u8nMay9.png?1
: 賓賓還不跪嗎?

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GalLe5566:不可以1F 05/13 05:49
amokk76267:WTF...2F 05/13 05:49
EnochJ:你還真是認真 不過考試還是要加油啦 快去休息吧3F 05/13 05:49
jacklovesm:真有心   按不下24F 05/13 05:50
chirmanmao:出師表?5F 05/13 05:50
bitcch:[垃圾網址]6F 05/13 05:51
momojaja:出師表.......7F 05/13 05:51
Zuleta:雨八8F 05/13 05:51
atonny:英文版出師表!!??9F 05/13 05:51
shooooooboom:已感動10F 05/13 05:53
chevalierxd:英文版連台灣人都看不懂了...你直接辜狗翻譯比較實在11F 05/13 05:53
Invec:笑了 2不下去12F 05/13 05:54
blackkane:靠杯,是英文版的出師表XDDD13F 05/13 05:55
enterbenson:幹 是出師表 我哭了14F 05/13 05:55
ienari:XDD15F 05/13 05:56
cnoduke:.... 看謀啦 算你厲害16F 05/13 05:56
keepdream:靠夭 你幹脆在法理學考卷寫這個好了17F 05/13 05:56
Helvetica:有笑有推18F 05/13 05:56
C24128390:troups => troops19F 05/13 05:56
GhOsT1211:幹超屌XDDDDDDDDD20F 05/13 05:56
Go1denDragon:希望有駭客成全原po21F 05/13 05:57
s866217:真有才22F 05/13 05:58
whiskytest:已哭23F 05/13 05:58
yoyo3985:喔喔喔!這一篇我一定要收藏,練練英文24F 05/13 05:58
ECZEMA:噓不下去 英文版出師表 XDDD25F 05/13 05:58
roleveles:出師表...26F 05/13 05:58
graff0407:最後一句多一個know?27F 05/13 05:59
DexterMorgan:我只看得懂最後一句...28F 05/13 05:59
whiskytest:哭得太慘了  口齒不清多說了個 know29F 05/13 06:00
aidaP:XDDDDDDD30F 05/13 06:00
s866217:真的有認真翻耶!31F 05/13 06:00
stantheman:@幹我emperor 好多拼成emporer 還有coutier32F 05/13 06:00
aidaP:你要考試結果整夜都在翻譯這個= =33F 05/13 06:01
EnochJ:重修吧34F 05/13 06:01
JACKY97:這一篇文章值 2 Ptt幣35F 05/13 06:01
s00azure:剛想推XD 原PO辛苦了36F 05/13 06:01
pitalvlu:.................37F 05/13 06:02
s866217:是有一些筆誤造成的錯字!但無損風采38F 05/13 06:02
sese5566:其實網路上有英文版39F 05/13 06:03
stantheman:我用miu PTT 不能修文 嗚嗚40F 05/13 06:03
ECZEMA:你的版本翻得比較好 信達雅兼顧http://tinyurl.com/d95rgbe41F 05/13 06:04
DOGGYBEAR:WTF42F 05/13 06:06
wwwsamyoui12:幹我指考英文38分看不懂43F 05/13 06:08
kingaden:靠杯啊 居然是英文版出師表XDDDD44F 05/13 06:08
darren0831:背起來去口試45F 05/13 06:08
tidworker:淚推46F 05/13 06:09
s866217:http://ppt.cc/X2tE 對岸翻的!給你參考!47F 05/13 06:09
xyz2240:高手48F 05/13 06:09
zsp7009:........你贏了49F 05/13 06:09
Maziger:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD50F 05/13 06:09
kevinfu92:幹有點猛51F 05/13 06:10
hotdogz18:GG52F 05/13 06:10
s866217:同意這篇翻得較好!54F 05/13 06:11
mana20057:幹我秒收藏惹55F 05/13 06:11
allen7976:已哭56F 05/13 06:12
ienari:這篇好棒57F 05/13 06:14
Groger:這篇一定要收藏,將來才可以貼英文版的出師表58F 05/13 06:15
worshipA:==59F 05/13 06:15
s866217:你真的很優秀^o^60F 05/13 06:18
hivgay:說真的 翻得有點糟61F 05/13 06:21
koo200418:人才62F 05/13 06:22
chuntien:真有心推一個63F 05/13 06:23
stantheman:沒辦法啊我讀法國碩士 英文會好到哪去 哈64F 05/13 06:24
sugizo0:純推不下(?65F 05/13 06:24
lions402:法國碩士? 那要不要來個法文版66F 05/13 06:25
sugizo0:你把準備口試的時間拿來翻這個,只能說勇氣可嘉!(膜拜67F 05/13 06:26
mike060606:說不定明天把這拿給教授看 就過了68F 05/13 06:30
stantheman:但是教授是法國人耶 哈69F 05/13 06:31
DexterMorgan:推強人QAQ70F 05/13 06:32
cul287:為何不翻法文?71F 05/13 06:33
mana20057:你該翻法文版72F 05/13 06:35
aiokawai:超屌的73F 05/13 06:36
stantheman:阿賓又看不懂法文 嘿嘿74F 05/13 06:37
s866217:根本就翻得很不錯!原po客氣了^_^75F 05/13 06:38
revorea:不....不下呂布76F 05/13 06:42
cephalitis:幹  出師表XDDDDDDDDDDD77F 05/13 06:42
Super5566:已哭78F 05/13 06:42
KiYu:XDD79F 05/13 06:45
ltameion:厲害..80F 05/13 06:47
hoyunxian:超強的......81F 05/13 06:48
cobepupu:太威了82F 05/13 06:48
s8815110:朝聖....83F 05/13 06:49
cephalitis:人才輩出阿...(拭淚84F 05/13 06:50
chenyoyo:挖賽XDDD85F 05/13 06:50
cmid05:XD86F 05/13 06:52
rinsoukan:有心推87F 05/13 06:55
ryoma9527:Manifesto of Arming~ By Ju Gheh Liang 太可愛了啦XD88F 05/13 06:56
keeyah:很厲害,但臣亮言錯了,是直接打開天窗說亮話的意思…89F 05/13 06:59
ams9:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chu_Shi_Biao  維基版91F 05/13 06:59
Chu Shi Biao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Chu Shi Biao may refer to either of two memorials submitted by the chancellor Zhuge Liang to Liu Shan, the second ruler of the state of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period. The first Chu Shi Biao, referred to as the "Former Chu Shi Biao", was presented in 227 before Zhuge Liang embarked on the  ...
Scott92:臨表涕泣 不知所云92F 05/13 07:04
teddygoodgoo:打開天窗說亮話,你這是哪裡找的解釋?93F 05/13 07:04
EnochJ:打開天窗說亮話感覺很無禮耶 這是臣子該說的?94F 05/13 07:06
aocs21529:某K在說啥 頗ㄏ95F 05/13 07:06
worshipA:不是吧 臣亮言就是他自稱啊96F 05/13 07:07
keeyah:對不起我看到腦神經斷裂了,請不要裡我囧97F 05/13 07:08
zsp7009:XD98F 05/13 07:09
egg123:這..太厲害了Q Q  佩服..太佩服了天啊...99F 05/13 07:09
gn00063172:第一次看到這種解釋...也算頗有新意XD100F 05/13 07:11
keeyah:一晚沒睡一下跟別的東西搞混了,我錯了~T_T101F 05/13 07:12
illustion:KEE大一度讓我真的懷疑我國中到底是不是老師教錯=_=102F 05/13 07:15
C24128390:kee大那個好像有在笨版看過103F 05/13 07:18
s866217:臣亮言=打開天窗説亮話,^ - ^世説新語不錯唷!104F 05/13 07:19
hganan000:XDDDDDDD105F 05/13 07:22
chenyoyo:還想說什麼時候有這種新解釋XDDDD106F 05/13 07:24
dtlove17:哈哈107F 05/13 07:25
chucky0222:跪了108F 05/13 07:33
ciaaarz:朝聖....109F 05/13 07:34
Xobile:哈哈110F 05/13 07:35
wow8228:你只是來秀簽名檔的吧XD111F 05/13 07:36
sam352306:XDDD112F 05/13 07:36
keepdream:真的有人幫你放 XD http://btr.gov.ph/attentive/113F 05/13 07:39
olddadwind:114F 05/13 07:40
mark06140421:教授菲裔法人?115F 05/13 07:40
cxzdsa321:高手高高手116F 05/13 07:42
JS1037:以收藏117F 05/13 07:43
rodc1968:推一個118F 05/13 07:47
u943143:119F 05/13 07:50
alsbun:推 爆沒120F 05/13 07:50
pida5566:XDD121F 05/13 07:53
requan:幹,太強了,這次不但神級駭客出手,各領域神人都出來了122F 05/13 07:59
Aaron22:推用心123F 05/13 08:05
xzs333xzs:已跪..........124F 05/13 08:10
y3u4:幹 這太有材了啊125F 05/13 08:12
jimcheer:幹她嗎得太強拉阿啊啊啊126F 05/13 08:16
chuckni:老董不好吃,本來就不去的,,其人必不_____127F 05/13 08:17
accin:XDDDDDDDDD128F 05/13 08:17
pleasant79er:朝聖129F 05/13 08:19
accin:這位公子文采真好XDD130F 05/13 08:19
ra21844:會紅131F 05/13 08:19
tigernaxo:強到令人啞口無言132F 05/13 08:20
jim102125:神人133F 05/13 08:21
chungyiju:XD134F 05/13 08:22
SansSouci:跪xD 臨表涕泣不知所云135F 05/13 08:22
SoftCatalyst:English version136F 05/13 08:22
DALUGI:這篇要M 供大家收藏137F 05/13 08:24
IndianF4:Rainbow Teach, Bush so win.138F 05/13 08:26
netx1209:太長了 你當考高考作文唷139F 05/13 08:30
Scott92:http://ppt.cc/2klX   丞相的圖來支援了140F 05/13 08:35
binsho:推141F 05/13 08:39
jessicameng:猛!142F 05/13 08:43
Comebuy:這一篇文章值 2 Ptt幣143F 05/13 08:44
lepidoptera: XDDDDDDDDDD144F 05/13 08:46
bestrick:XDDDDDDDDDDDD英文板出師表145F 05/13 08:46
Zeroyeu:屌啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!146F 05/13 08:50
aben112008:山人送主公~147F 05/13 08:54
bobohorn:強者!!148F 05/13 08:57
YCSandy:Cooooooool必了149F 05/13 09:09
gx9900824:超廢又超強悍的文 我噓不下去 CDing150F 05/13 09:10
bird10259:我跪了 太強大了151F 05/13 09:11
e2167471:神152F 05/13 09:13
hike1699:只能推了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!153F 05/13 09:15
evilture:XDDDDDDDD 推推154F 05/13 09:21
amaisar:幹看不懂還是要推155F 05/13 09:24
pupuputtt:看不懂還是要推+1156F 05/13 09:26
yankd:推XD157F 05/13 09:26
willy384:好認真158F 05/13 09:29
vickyshan:你在翻譯什麼啦XDXD159F 05/13 09:30
armygame:有神快拜!!160F 05/13 09:35
ruby19940630:內牛滿面XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD161F 05/13 09:52
killbaga:XD162F 05/13 09:55
imaybe:你太偉大了阿!!!!!163F 05/13 09:55
BBBroflovski:這一篇文章值 2 Ptt幣 XDDD164F 05/13 09:57
timshan:感覺不是翻譯 是重寫出師表= =+165F 05/13 10:00
Archs:ㄎㄎ  是stankitty 那我這老人要來推一下~~166F 05/13 10:16
asami:XDDDDD167F 05/13 10:30
VendeRox:超屌 推CD中 哭哭168F 05/13 10:36
abola921:幹,我也是這樣子想的169F 05/13 10:37
taisa:作者你是神嗎??  實在是太強大了170F 05/13 10:43
JG559:讚172F 05/13 10:48
hongchanghsu:怒推 太強惹173F 05/13 10:51
ex103176:快推~假裝看得懂>"<174F 05/13 10:52
gn01988902:推XD175F 05/13 10:53
Nomoresin:笑了176F 05/13 10:56
ericlin84:XDDDDD超屌177F 05/13 11:00
Liumi:快推~假裝看得懂XDDDDD178F 05/13 11:01
writer1116:快推 免得人家說我們看不懂XDDD179F 05/13 11:04
qtgeorge:三小啦XDDDDDDD180F 05/13 11:06
roseli1919:臨表涕泣不知所云XDDDDDDDD181F 05/13 11:07
jyon:O_Q182F 05/13 11:13
cacasi:看到第一行就笑了XDDD183F 05/13 11:18
tina800920:神人!!184F 05/13 11:27
lefthander:推XDD185F 05/13 11:31
Tenging:出師表啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!186F 05/13 11:37
happyx2:朝聖推XDDDD187F 05/13 11:37
runquickly:有心推188F 05/13 11:37
goyce123:辛苦你了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD189F 05/13 11:52
Q12345Q:推了190F 05/13 11:59
maplemeowcat:靠妖阿竟然是出師表XD191F 05/13 11:59
kidkuang:幹  英文版出山表192F 05/13 12:20
OoJudyoO:推193F 05/13 12:20
peterors:幹  出師表XD194F 05/13 12:21
bearthomas:笑死195F 05/13 12:27
jimmyhero:XDDDDD196F 05/13 12:38
mm19918s:幹QQ 已哭QQ197F 05/13 12:42
balberith:朝聖推XDDDDDDDDDDDD198F 05/13 12:44
q13461346:太強了...199F 05/13 12:44
rettttt5:XDDDD朝聖推200F 05/13 12:49
soleaching:臨表涕泣不知所云~~~!201F 05/13 13:08
albertlaw:wwww英文版出師表  朝聖202F 05/13 13:11
aries1985:有點感動OwQ203F 05/13 13:12
EETLcat:你辛苦了@@204F 05/13 13:20
dav1124:朝聖推205F 05/13 13:29
realmiddle:神英文版206F 05/13 13:30
HAHALEE:英文版出師表實在是太屌了,一定要推的啊!207F 05/13 13:33
mayinchi:朝聖推XD208F 05/13 13:34
jigsaw123:臨表涕泣XDDD209F 05/13 13:42
while789:強爆了~~~~XDDDDDDDDD210F 05/13 13:43
sleah:我在這!!!211F 05/13 13:45
eddy1221:屌212F 05/13 13:49
heekyu:好啦這學期給你過213F 05/13 13:57
gygg543:臨表涕泣,不知所云!214F 05/13 13:58
teddy1220:屌   爆   了!!!!215F 05/13 14:02
gwaCuCu:5:48 您的肝累了嗎  XD216F 05/13 14:03
pxup6ru04zj6:直接寄給教授BJ4217F 05/13 14:16
beypola:太厲害啦~218F 05/13 14:21
ILATTE:英文版出師表 感動!!219F 05/13 14:22
kureni:這一定要推的220F 05/13 14:23
MoonMan0319:太強惹XDDD221F 05/13 14:59
Andy5438:好文不M嗎222F 05/13 15:04
MermaidFA:鄉民有情推223F 05/13 15:11
claireboa:看不完頭很暈但是給推!224F 05/13 16:11
b77887:......我累了225F 05/13 16:53
tonyselina:有人不知道這是在法國的超級神人凱蒂貓大!226F 05/13 17:25
Yie:227F 05/13 18:13
kevinptt:淚推228F 05/13 18:32
stevely:幹 好猛 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD229F 05/13 18:53
Faoitohins:殺小啦這也太強惹~XDDDDDDDDDDDD 跪求雅量英文版230F 05/13 19:44
hotman1014:這文 只有大推呀~~ 噓文跟本是看不見能力強231F 05/13 20:03
goldendragon:朝聖推啊!232F 05/13 20:10
psliurt:哇靠,出師表原文版!!!!!!!!!!!233F 05/13 20:19
hatako:轉錄至某隱形看板                                         05/13 21:11
evilvens:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD234F 05/13 21:22
nipai:太強了235F 05/13 22:19
Shadowlife:推你整晚翻這個XDDDDDDD237F 05/14 01:32
encina:朝聖推238F 05/14 04:39

※ 看板: graynoah 文章推薦值: 11 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 17064 
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( ̄︶ ̄)b fanjet2632, bunnyP, GaryDr, ttyy65432104, AxA, pyr373, Jaies, sorrow80 共 8 個人 說讚!
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