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※ 本文為 layzer 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-09-08 21:18:12
作者 Popopon (Blizzard已死)
標題 Re: [分享] 國家地理頻道對於數位影像修圖的看法
時間 Fri Sep  7 16:03:04 2012

※ 引述《CheerC (Walk on My Way)》之銘言:
: 這陣子好像看到一些關於攝影比賽造假、修過頭得獎的文章,
: 先不論這些新聞報導內容以及事實如何。
: 想跟大家分享的是
: 小弟剛好最近看到了國家地理頻道網站上
: 對於數位照片修圖的這件事 有一些要求
: 我自己還滿喜歡的 打算以後 follow 他們的要求
: 因為我比較喜歡照片呈現出來的感覺
: 跟我當時看到的感覺不會相差太多
: 以下原文引自:http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/your-shot/manipulation
Your Shot - Digital Manipulation - National Geographic Magazine Take your best shot-and send it to us. Submit a favorite photo of your own for possible publication in National Geographic. Come back daily to see the editors' selection of photographs in the Daily Dozen. Solve a puzzle, download wallpaper, and vote for your favorite. ...
: 給大家參考一下
: (小弟英文程度剛好可以看懂內容 就不便翻譯了 QQ)
: I encourage you to submit photographs that are real. The world is already
: full of visual artifice, and we aren't running Your Shot to add to it. We
: want to see the world through your eyes, not the tools of Photoshop.
: (總之,他們希望照片是真實的!)


: Please do not digitally enhance or alter your photographs (beyond the basics
: needed to achieve realistic color balance and sharpness). If you have
: digitally added or removed anything, please don't submit the shot. We look at
: every photo to see if it's authentic, and if we find that yours is in any way
: deceptive, we'll disqualify it.


: DODGING AND BURNING: Dodging (to brighten shadows) or burning (to darken
: highlights) is OK, but it should be minimal. Do not overdo it. Your goal in
: using digital darkroom techniques should be only to adjust the dynamic tonal
: range of an image so that it more closely resembles what you saw. And don't
: oversaturate the color.


: SOLARIZATION, MEZZOTINT, DUOTONE, ETC.: No. If you use one of the myriad
: alteration "filters" available in your digital photo software, please stop.




: HAND-TINTED IMAGES: OK, but only if you're experienced in this art.


: CROPPING: OK, if it makes the photo better.


: STITCHED PANORAMAS: OK, but only if the segments were all made within the
: same time frame. We don't want panoramas with sections made at significantly
: different times. Do not change focal length when you create a stitched image.
: Do not stretch the meaning of panorama to include elements that weren't in
: the scene as you saw it. If your entry is a stitched image, please indicate
: this in the caption. (A stitched panorama is created from multiple images,
: each taking in a different angle of view from the same position, then
: combined using digital techniques. It results in a wider view than can be
: achieved with most wide-angle lenses.)



: FISH-EYE LENSES: OK, but enter at your own risk - editors tend to dislike
: such optical gimmicks.


: HIGH DYNAMIC RANGE IMAGES (HDRI): OK, but like panoramas, only if the
: combined parts are made at about the same time. We don't want final images
: where the foreground was shot at noon and the sky at sunset. If your entry is
: an HDRI image, please indicate this in the caption. (An HDRI image is created
: from multiple images of exactly the same scene, made rapidly but at different
: exposures, then combined using digital darkroom techniques. The final image,
: when done successfully, allows one exposure for shadows to be combined with
: another for highlights to produce a final image that has a greater dynamic
: range than is possible with a single exposure.)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
brianzzy:有翻譯有推1F 09/07 16:08
CheerC:有翻譯有推!2F 09/07 16:11
KSAC:有翻譯有推!3F 09/07 16:25
DeathWizard: 有翻譯有推!4F 09/07 16:27
sundayright:有翻譯有推!5F 09/07 16:30
g33971300:謝謝翻譯!6F 09/07 16:55
PaganTsai:謝謝你解救我這英文白痴7F 09/07 17:22
ostrong:推 適度放寬後製,才不會有所限制8F 09/07 17:38
dontkissme:推9F 09/07 17:48
waterspinach:推 讓影像接近肉眼所見但不造假,中肯的後製原則10F 09/07 17:55
tifosi512m:推翻譯 也推這後製理念~11F 09/07 18:47
MotoGP:這才是攝影的基本要求啊,紀錄眼睛當下所看到的12F 09/07 18:49
Laviathan:solarization查了資料應該是負片的意思13F 09/07 19:11
zeroxod: 推一個15F 09/07 19:43
chulen:推16F 09/07 20:01
olywang:跟我的自我要求差不多嘛(笑17F 09/07 20:39
brianzzy:這篇文滿值得m的,也很值得收入精華區18F 09/07 20:39
badXman:是該m沒錯~19F 09/07 20:50
lucifero:純推你的認真翻譯20F 09/07 20:56
ejywar:晚輩大推翻譯!我英文很破的說!21F 09/07 21:44
LagunaLoire:感謝翻譯22F 09/07 21:47
YoshihiroK:很會修圖的人更容易看出來相片不合理的地方23F 09/07 21:54
BIGNOSER:感謝翻譯!24F 09/07 22:11
xxyxx:推25F 09/07 22:28
pirrysal:推認真翻譯,謝謝你26F 09/08 00:04
POLAX:有準則才會有水準 有公信力28F 09/08 01:03
leonlock:翻譯給推29F 09/08 01:24
Mysex:翻譯給推30F 09/08 16:03
wjeaabb:感謝翻譯31F 09/08 16:05
pase139:讚32F 09/08 16:14
devin0329:感謝翻譯!!再認同不過了!!33F 09/08 16:47
vincentbao:魚眼也不行嗎? 這樣魚眼鏡頭不是虧大了34F 09/08 18:12
Laviathan:魚眼沒說不行啊,只說有點冒險35F 09/08 19:10
ten7728:推36F 09/08 20:09

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