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作者 標題 [轉錄][外電] Michael Redd works out with Suns
時間 2011年12月29日 Thu. PM 02:58:06
※ 本文轉錄自 YOONANASH 信箱
看板 PHX-Suns
作者 標題 [外電] Michael Redd works out with Suns
時間 Thu Dec 29 13:13:58 2011
Michael Redd works out with Suns
Former All-Star Michael Redd likely to sign with Suns
Former All-Star Michael Redd likely to sign with Suns, Notes: The Suns could use a pure-shooting off guard whose unattached and has an All-Star resume. And there is one available in the form of Michael Redd.
The Suns could use a pure-shooting off guard whose unattached and has an
All-Star resume. And there is one available.
Michael Redd, who has a scary knee history, worked out for the Suns at US
Airways Center on Tuesday, and the Suns are considering signing the
32-year-old to address their need for scoring and shooting.
Redd worked out for the Suns along with free agent NBA veteran Ime Udoka and
free agent Gilbert Brown, but Redd appears to have the primary interest. The
Suns also had Redd's left knee examined because he has played only 61 games
over the past three seasons due to two surgeries. Redd tore the
anterior-cruciate ligament and medial-collateral ligament in his left knee in
January 2009 and did it again in January 2010. He played only 10 games last
season, averaging 4.4 points and 13.4 minutes and looking like a defensive
liability for Milwaukee.
他上季只打了10場比賽,平均4.4分,上場時間13.4分鐘 (後面那句不會翻)
Before the injuries, Redd was a top NBA shooter who averaged more than 20
points for six consecutive seasons (2003-04 through 2008-09), topping out at
26.7 in 2006-07, and had a career 3-point shooting percentage of 38.3. Other
teams, such as Indiana and New York, recently looked into signing the
6-foot-6 2004 All-Star now that he is a free agent coming off a six-year, $91
million contract with Milwaukee.
The Suns have a renowned medical staff, including athletic trainers who have
revived players such as Antonio McDyess, Shaquille O'Neal and Grant Hill.
The Suns declined comment. Redd and his agent, Kevin Poston, could not be
reached for comment.
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◆ From:
→ :感謝分享!!!1F 12/29 13:19
要感謝的是今天box的五樓! 他提供消息我才去查的說XD※ 編輯: detinge15 來自: (12/29 13:20)
推 :醫龍表示:2F 12/29 13:20
推 : 簽下來!3F 12/29 13:22
推 :感覺不錯~說不定可以打先發?? 投射速度快~4F 12/29 13:33
→ :只要準度還在感覺不錯~
→ :只要準度還在感覺不錯~
推 :借轉陪射版6F 12/29 13:38
※ oglms:轉錄至看板 PACERS 12/29 13:39推 :WOW~好像在撿回收7F 12/29 13:40
推 :確實是撿回收8F 12/29 13:44
→ :hill之前也是大傷 說不定有希望(?9F 12/29 13:52
推 :可以參考BrentRoy翻譯的那篇,咱們家醫龍膝蓋很專業10F 12/29 13:54
→ :我覺得蠻有機會的就是XD
→ :我覺得蠻有機會的就是XD
推 :很便宜就先簽了吧 反正沒什麼好損失的- -!12F 12/29 13:57
推 :樓上+1!!13F 12/29 13:58
推 :這幾年感覺是因為仰賴醫龍所以很敢簽?14F 12/29 14:01
※ 作者: YOONANASH 時間: 2011-12-29 14:58:06 來自: 111-240-41-173.dynamic.hinet.net
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