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※ 本文為 roganjack 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-20 19:37:15
作者 vivianhsu319 (DuDu)
標題 [情報] 美國 maxi-single "The Boys"試聽
時間 Mon Dec 19 13:11:12 2011

美國 maxi-single "The Boys"試聽

maxi-single的曲目都出來了喔 來聽聽看吧

1. The Boys (跟原版一樣就不放了)

2. The Boys (Clinton Sparks & Disco Fries Remix)

Girls' Generation - The Boys feat. Lil Playy (Clinton Sparks & Disco Fries Remix) [MAXI SINGLE] - YouTube Girls' Generation - The Boys [Maxi Single] 3. The Boys feat. Lil Playy (Clinton Sparks & Disco Fries Remix)


3. The Boys "Bring Dem Boys"(Teddy Riley Remix feat. Suzi) 這首讚

Girls' Generation - The Boys Bring Dem Boys´ (Teddy Riley Remix feat. Suzi) [MAXI SINGLE] - YouTube Girls' Generation - The Boys [Maxi Single] 4. The Boys Bring Dem Boys´ (Teddy Riley Remix feat. Suzi)


4. The Boys `Bring The Boys Out′ (David Anthony Remix)

Girls' Generation - The Boys Bring The Boys Out´ (David Anthony Remix) [MAXI SINGLE] - YouTube Girls' Generation - The Boys [Maxi Single] 5. The Boys Bring The Boys Out´ (David Anthony Remix)


5. The Boys `Bring the Boys′ (Teddy Riley Remix)

Girls' Generation - The Boys Bring the Boys´ (Teddy Riley Remix) [MAXI SINGLE] - YouTube Girls' Generation - The Boys [Maxi Single] 6. The Boys Bring the Boys´ (Teddy Riley Remix)


6. The Boys (Instrumental)伴奏版

Girls' Generation - The Boys (Instrumental) [MAXI SINGLE] - YouTube Girls' Generation - The Boys [Maxi Single] 7. The Boys (Instrumental)


7. The Boys (A Cappella) 清唱版

Girls' Generation - The Boys (A Cappella) [MAXI SINGLE] - YouTube Girls' Generation - The Boys [Maxi Single] 8. The Boys (A Cappella)


聽完請支持正版喔 http://amzn.com/B006JTY5ZC
Amazon.com: The Boys: Girls' Generation: MP3 Downloads Amazon.com: The Boys: Girls' Generation: MP3 Downloads

itunes也可以購買了喔 http://goo.gl/nTnC3 有新增ft.Snoop_Dogg這首
iTunes - Music - The Boys by 소녀시대 (Girls' Generation)
Preview songs from The Boys by 소녀시대 (Girls' Generation) on the iTunes Store. Preview, buy, and download The Boys for $6.99. Songs start at just $1.29.

加贈'The Boys' ft.Snoop_Dogg 完整版

Girls' Generation - The Boys ft. Snoop Dogg (Clinton Sparks & Disco Fries Remix) - YouTube Support and purchase at iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-boys/id488946614 Girls' Generation maxi single - Track 02 - "The Boys" ft. Snoop Dogg ...


http://goo.gl/1SdOA 2011 Golden Disk Awards http://goo.gl/6CfhD 教學
http://goo.gl/02vt5 MSN人氣賞 9個人一起站在舞台上才是完整的少女時代

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: vivianhsu319    來自:       (12/19 13:16)
lee155080:推推  趕緊來聽看看~~1F 12/19 13:16
codomoin:推 超好聽!!  完全大發!!!!!2F 12/19 13:21
evilvens:推推!!!3F 12/19 13:22
nccuwade:推啊!!!4F 12/19 13:23
amose999:推!!5F 12/19 13:26
qazwsx80808:推!!!6F 12/19 14:04
rich780501:PUSH7F 12/19 14:10
poasdm:  推推!!!8F 12/19 14:11
dai771224:推!!!! 喜歡第3首~!9F 12/19 14:16
flamedevil:MAMA那天是前兩首混出來的10F 12/19 14:16
angerlasu:清唱版最前面的Tiffany真令人害羞!11F 12/19 14:29
gotohikaru:樓上XD12F 12/19 14:46
tara20071010:這買的到嗎???13F 12/19 15:13
dirkk004:清唱板太讚了完全顯現實力!14F 12/19 15:51
s379035:這有實體CD嗎15F 12/19 15:52
vivianhsu319:這好像只有數位音源 1/9發行的才有實體CD16F 12/19 15:54
canonring151:阿卡胚拉的Tiffany太令人害羞了XDD17F 12/19 15:54
kimi0017:我也想買!!!!!!18F 12/19 15:55
fgd5555:我要!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  帕妮XDDD19F 12/19 15:55
cherryhu1213:清唱版 帕尼的部分我笑出來了XDDDDD20F 12/19 16:13
momo4th:我喜歡這個版本 http://youtu.be/y9tcTjjdTiY21F 12/19 16:21
[THE BOYS REMIX CONTEST] Girls' Generation - The Boys Remix by ruuvari - YouTube Victory! I'd like to thank everyone for the support! Please keep leaving comments (what you like, what you don't like, what songs you'd like hear remixed etc...

mewcity:帕妮啊XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD22F 12/19 18:45
iloveben75:推!!! 好聽!!23F 12/19 19:03
x3139:聽到清唱版的帕尼我嘴裡的水噴了出來,沒有背景實在有點怪24F 12/19 19:16
flamedevil:樓上一堆推文好糟糕25F 12/19 19:17
a7811292002:真的好令人害羞 可是真的好聽阿26F 12/19 19:22
doggy2009:超好聽的啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!27F 12/19 19:44
kentisking:推帕尼 令人害羞...>///////////////<28F 12/19 19:46
e761031:帕尼.........>////////////////<29F 12/19 21:25
starbox0703:帕妮>///////////////<30F 12/19 23:43
yehtecheng:momo大的那個版本蠻好聽的!31F 12/19 23:55
新增The Boys ft. Snoop Dogg完整版
※ 編輯: vivianhsu319    來自:       (12/20 16:10)

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