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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-20 08:37:02
看板 Gossiping
作者 Fatemax (G小調)
標題 Re: [新聞] 加拿大華裔女子失蹤前 電梯怪異錄影曝光
時間 Wed Feb 20 06:28:18 2013





Body of missing Canadian tourist believed found in water tank at L.A. hotel - latimes.com
A Vancouver woman who was last seen at a Downtown Los Angeles hotel was found dead Monday inside a water tank at the top of the building, authorities said. ...

Body of missing Canadian tourist found in water tank at L.A. hotel

A Canadian woman who was last seen at a downtown Los Angeles hotel almost
three weeks ago was found dead Tuesday in a water tank at the top of the
building, authorities said.

A worker at the Cecil Hotel on Main Street discovered the body of Elisa Lam,
21, about 10 a.m. while responding to a complaint about low water pressure,
sources said.

Sources familiar with the case said it was too early to tell whether Lam was
the victim of foul play but said the location was being treated as a crime
scene. Her body was found in one of four tanks that make up the water supply
for the hotel.

Lam, of Vancouver, Canada, arrived in Los Angeles on Jan. 26 and was last
seen Jan. 31 at the Cecil Hotel at 640 S. Main St, police said. Lam's final
destination was believed to be Santa Cruz; her reasons for visiting
California were unclear.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
stan1231:LA警察過太爽1F 02/20 06:28
swwf:屍水喝了,洗澡,洗碗用了20天,旅館住戶要瘋了2F 02/20 06:30
cd12631:幹...用了20天的屍水...................................3F 02/20 06:30
s3714443:五告胎哥..............4F 02/20 06:31
jyekid:幹 這篇肯定被記者抄走 太噁心了5F 02/20 06:33
lovetina:藍可兒的水......6F 02/20 06:34
cabron:天亮了我不怕!7F 02/20 06:34
alog:在水塔內是國人新聞常見死法之一8F 02/20 06:35
jyekid:不過報導寫是四個水塔之一啦 不是住到的旅客全部喝到9F 02/20 06:35
chuegou:海帶水....不過這裡的海帶是頭髮10F 02/20 06:35
pooznn:水塔通常不都是互相流通的...11F 02/20 06:36
javatea:http://0rz.tw/cHKu9 有人指出電梯影片24:03~25:00被警方12F 02/20 06:37
Elisa Lam Video - YouTube
Video of missing Canadian Elisa Lam, via the LAPD

javatea:和諧 沒有公布 from top comment, RIP13F 02/20 06:37
jyekid:http://ppt.cc/QH~w 圖在這 有沒有流通不知道耶14F 02/20 06:40
Fatemax:只能靠驗屍報告來判斷謀殺或是自殺了 不管哪個都毛毛的15F 02/20 06:43
howwong:白痴都知道在水塔   沒想到LA警察是智障16F 02/20 06:44
amos6064:最後面很恐怖17F 02/20 06:47
asianDUB:howwong 那你之前怎麼不講?18F 02/20 06:50
baogua:之前討論文好像就有人說在水塔.........19F 02/20 06:52
howwong:台灣人的常識還需要講?20F 02/20 06:53
darkgoblin:專長大概是抓襲警犯21F 02/20 06:55
alog:不過女的是怎麼上去的?@@看起來很高22F 02/20 06:55
jyekid:旁邊的建築物吧 從那邊跳下去還好23F 02/20 06:56
TauchK:是他殺還是自殺阿 毛毛der24F 02/20 06:57
alog:反正就是..走了-_-. 或許是解脫25F 02/20 07:00
Ryougi:有人想到鬼水怪談嗎?26F 02/20 07:01
cd12631:水塔要怎自殺?27F 02/20 07:02
deathsman:幹,差個小女孩就是鬼水了啊!28F 02/20 07:02
Giselles1014:我也是第一個想到鬼水29F 02/20 07:03
tungpayton:恩 RIP30F 02/20 07:03
ilovewr:難怪前幾篇有人說他們旅館水的咖啡色的31F 02/20 07:09
Fatemax:剛剛LA警方已經確定是藍可兒的遺體 後續會有驗屍報告32F 02/20 07:10
diebird5566:水塔都沒查 = = 警察真鳥33F 02/20 07:11
CILOHAKROW:   為什麼死在水塔好像是常識(?)34F 02/20 07:12
signm:在水塔更毛~那她之前跟誰玩和講話阿35F 02/20 07:12
CILOHAKROW:   看新聞常有 但為什麼屍體要丟水塔?36F 02/20 07:13
lonelyboy94:他們都喝了藍的水37F 02/20 07:13
dick5566:RIP38F 02/20 07:13
CILOHAKROW:有人可以稍微講解一下嘛QQ39F 02/20 07:13
bbbruce:台灣人的直覺是很敏銳的40F 02/20 07:14
LFTK:可能因為 你犯案後要把屍體帶離建築物四處都是攝影機41F 02/20 07:15
hank11235813:他們怎麼可以這麼蠢45F 02/20 07:18
jatj:這篇果然又釣出一堆鍵盤事後諸葛46F 02/20 07:20
jatj:到看看之前文章有幾個人提到水塔的 頗ㄏ
Fatemax:http://ppt.cc/lcNX http://ppt.cc/U-wI 空拍出事地點48F 02/20 07:22
Adolfo Flores
LAFD is working on removing the body of the 20 something year old from a water tank above the Cecil Hotel.
Adolfo Flores
LAPD said they're treating it as a suspicious death investigation.
larailing:水塔 維修間 牆壁中間 鬼片都先猜這有屍體49F 02/20 07:23
blue999:...乾 鬼水怪談這部很恐怖>_<50F 02/20 07:28
qmaper:靠背~la警察太嫩了吧51F 02/20 07:29
bitlife:美國去年為什麼要舉行防僵屍演習?從啃臉,肝臟攻擊,到觀光52F 02/20 07:30
bitlife:客坐電梯像中邪,不得不佩服美國政府領先潮流的能力 XD
tim0922:鬼水怪談............54F 02/20 07:33
willt:這樣代表他殺的可能性很大...把電梯外按住開關的人找出來...55F 02/20 07:39
LFTK:樓上確定是人?56F 02/20 07:40
P2:搞不好他是口渴,跑到水塔想喝水,結果摔進去57F 02/20 07:56
alpha008:推文一堆放馬後炮的58F 02/20 08:13
zsp7009:...........59F 02/20 08:29

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