※ 本文為 use2ptt.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-14 02:17:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] Opera 沒落了
時間 Wed Feb 13 23:22:07 2013
※ 引述《shyangs (厚呦)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/a7crglu
Opera Is Dead, Desktop Browser Replaced with Chromium, WebKit on Mobile - Softpedia Opera Is Dead, Desktop Browser Replaced with Chromium, WebKit on Mobile ...
這個作者可能不知道 Opera 的梗,
Opera Turbo 讓連線經過 Opera 自已的 proxy server
這個技術不限於 Opera 自已的 Presto 呀
Opera Mini & Opera Mobile browsers - Features
Opera offers the best browsers for mobile phones. Get the best Web experience on almost any phone. ...
Opera offers the best browsers for mobile phones. Get the best Web experience on almost any phone. ...
還有為什麼 Google、Apple、Opera 都用 WebKit
但只有 Google、Apple 可以稱為主要瀏覽制造者 ?
Opera 和 KDE 情何以堪..囧
想當年 WebKit 還是從 KDE Konqueror 的 KHTML 引擎分出來的,
後來 Apple 自已改的東西跟瑞凡一樣再也回不去了,
就變成現在的 WebKit 了
KHTML - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
KHTML is the HTML layout engine developed by the KDE project. It is the engine used by the Konqueror web browser. A forked version of KHTML called WebKit is used by several web browsers, among them Safari and Google Chrome. Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, KHTML ...
WebKit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WebKit is layout engine software designed to allow web browsers to render web pages. It powers the Apple Safari and Google Chrome browsers, and Opera have annonced that their browser will also move to use it. As of November 2012 it has the most market share of any layout engine at over 40% of the br ...
雖然如此, 但 KDE 也是源碼的主要供獻者之一
(其他還有 Adobe, Nokia/Trolltech 等等..)
Companies and Organizations that have contributed to WebKit
從 Opera 的站上看來, 之後也會參與 WebKit 和 Chromium 的開發
Opera Developer News - 300 million users and move to WebKit
On the same day as announcing that Opera has 300 million users, we're also announcing that for all new products Opera will use WebKit as its rendering engine and V8 as its JavaScript engine. It's built using the open-source Chromium browser as one of its components. Of course, a browser is much more ...
總之, 原文作者好像跟瀏覽器們不太熟..
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :Opera Turbo很難用 不開還好 一開更慢1F 02/13 23:22
→ :你講太深了 鄉民會跟不上2F 02/13 23:22
→ :那是以前頻寬窄的時候用的 現在不需要了3F 02/13 23:23
推 :開了反而會變慢的東西4F 02/13 23:24
推 :快推,免得說看不懂5F 02/13 23:25
推 :很宅,我看不懂6F 02/13 23:26
推 :他的桌面介面還蠻好用的 我的電腦用chrome反而快不了7F 02/13 23:26
推 :沒落個屁=.=8F 02/13 23:28
推 :嗯嗯 我也是這麼想9F 02/13 23:29
推 :那技術在台灣真得很爛,1.需驗證網頁進不去 2.慢10F 02/13 23:32
推 :嗯!跟我想的一樣誒XD11F 02/13 23:32
推 :透過proxy的網站還是有點毛...12F 02/13 23:36
推 :我還用opera 老電腦還是它好!13F 02/13 23:36
推 :這個Turbo是不是可以用於翻牆啊14F 02/13 23:47
推 :Opera Turbo 有中國伺服器...所以..15F 02/14 00:09
→ :以前我的Nokia 6100透過OperaMini度過幾百個美好上網時光16F 02/14 01:50
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