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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] iphone 5成本約$167.5元
時間 Sat Sep 15 03:32:52 2012
iphone 5成本約$167.5元
iPhone 5 may cost Apple $167.50 to build, says one estimate | Apple - CNET News
The new phone's bill of materials is a bit pricier than its two predecessors, according to an estimate from TechInsights. Read this blog post by Lance Whitney on Apple. ...
At least that, according to an initial estimate calculated by research firm
UBM TechInsights. Looking at the entry-level iPhone 5, the firm broke down
the potential cost of each of the various components.
The new 4-inch 1136x640 pixel display costs $18 to build, the touch screen
$7.50, and the battery $3. The A6 processor goes for $28, while the camera
costs $10 and the built-in WiFi/Bluetooth/GPS is only $4. Add in the cost of
several other components, and you end up with a BOM (bill of materials) of
In comparison, the 16GB iPhone 4S costs Apple $132.50 to build, according to
TechInsights' estimates, while the 16GB iPhone 4 has a price tag of only
$112. Except for the battery and the NAND flash storage, every component
costs more for the iPhone 5 than for the previous two models.
The BOM for the iPhone 5 is based on very preliminary estimates since the
device has yet to be taken apart and analyzed internally.
TechInsights promises that it will open up the new iPhone and check out its
insides once the device is available on September 21. That teardown should
yield a more accurate estimate.
The 16GB iPhone 5 sells for $199 with the standard two-year contract.
The 32GB model costs $299, while the 64GB version is going for $399.
The iPhone 5 is now available for preorder. But some eager customers ran
into delays and other issues today trying to order the phone online from
third-party retailers. And those who didn't grab one quickly enough now
face an estimated ship time of two weeks, according to Apple's Web site.
iphone 型號 成本 售價 綁約價
5(16GB) $167.5 $649 $199 (就算賣綁約價還是賺)
5(32GB) ~$173 $749 $299
5(64GB) ~$180 $849 $399
4S(16GB) $132.5 $500? $99
4(8GB) $112 ? $0
oneX(16GB) $200~250 $449 $99
new iPad ~$300 $499
iPad 2 ~$250 $399
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◆ From:
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推 :軟體是制約工具,硬體噱錢,這樣想沒錯阿2F 09/15 03:34
推 :就量大壓低成本,如果只做個200萬就不知道成本要多少3F 09/15 03:34
→ :所以64GB比16GB成本只多$12.5, 售價卻多了$200 XD4F 09/15 03:34
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→ :我想64GB跟16GB的其他銷售成本應該是一樣的吧8F 09/15 03:35
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※ 編輯: kyle5241 來自: (09/15 03:42)
推 :應該純粹是硬體成本 研發成本怎麼算? 算20年rd薪水+耗材?23F 09/15 03:41
→ :嫌成本低你不會自己來做24F 09/15 03:41
→ :挺屌的 不過跟小7商品比起來算是小巫見大巫25F 09/15 03:42
推 :蘋果告人的成本不知道佔幾%~26F 09/15 03:43
※ 編輯: kyle5241 來自: (09/15 03:45)推 :告人成本不會是消費者擔啦,是對手擔27F 09/15 03:44
→ :佔不到2%..? 只有$2?..28F 09/15 03:45
噓 :軟體不用錢?工業設計不用錢?先期開發與專利不用錢?29F 09/15 03:47
※ 編輯: kyle5241 來自: (09/15 03:49)
推 :一支賣十萬 潮潮們一樣會買30F 09/15 03:49
※ 編輯: kyle5241 來自: (09/15 03:50)推 :樓上噓的 apple賺太大了 你說的那些佔成本比例都超低31F 09/15 03:50
→ :三百萬支手機 攤出來每支研發成本可能50鎂
→ :但是apple至少賣三千萬支 所以每隻研發成本只剩5鎂
→ :當然研發成本實際數字我不知道 只是用這樣想就知道不高
蘋果去年的研發成本28億,三星的2/3,只有微軟和google的1/3→ :三百萬支手機 攤出來每支研發成本可能50鎂
→ :但是apple至少賣三千萬支 所以每隻研發成本只剩5鎂
→ :當然研發成本實際數字我不知道 只是用這樣想就知道不高
※ 編輯: kyle5241 來自: (09/15 03:54)
→ :你看4的成本,之前四一出來的價格是多少?XD35F 09/15 03:52
推 :不爽不要買阿36F 09/15 03:55
→ :你看營收來判斷公司有沒有賺錢嗎??37F 09/15 03:56
→ :營收這麼恐怖的數字還沒賺錢可以倒一倒了38F 09/15 04:00
噓 :典型商業白癡文 又,wifi chip是 GSM/BT/WIFI/GPS SoC39F 09/15 04:03
→ :樓上可參考紅海阿 人家也是幾個兆的 但是淨收差了多少40F 09/15 04:03
→ :這隻手機一年可以研發出來?41F 09/15 04:03
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