※ 本文為 chu.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-06 12:22:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 建商奇招 豪宅受訓 小資女:回不去了
時間 Sun May 6 12:12:06 2012
感覺還好的洨偉恩 不過還是樂勝帝寶
Lil Wayne's Car Collection Then and Now (Veyron, Maybach, SLS AMG, etc) - YouTube Lil Wayne's Car Collection - Celebritycarsblog.com presents Lil Wayne's hot car collection including his Bugatti Veyron, SLS AMG, and more! See more at http:...
AKON 家裡有加油站....
YouTube- Akon on MTV Cribs - YouTube
Doma akona^^ śliczny prawda... is beutifull KOCHAM AKONA XDD KOCHAM Mtv cribs I LOVE akon I LOVE Mtv Cribs xDD ^^
Doma akona^^ śliczny prawda... is beutifull KOCHAM AKONA XDD KOCHAM Mtv cribs I LOVE akon I LOVE Mtv Cribs xDD ^^
史上最強國會議員Manny Pacquiao (另求五月天他家..)
MTV Cribs Manny Pacquiao - YouTube
The Greatest Boxer of all time. Manny "PacMan" Pacquiao. Live on his home in Cali with MTV CRIBS. PHILIPPINES!!!
The Greatest Boxer of all time. Manny "PacMan" Pacquiao. Live on his home in Cali with MTV CRIBS. PHILIPPINES!!!
目前看過最噴的一集 Steve-O
MTV Cribs Steve-O - YouTube
steve-o läst sich mal wider richtig feiern... schaut euch seine bude an! wer möchte nicht so leben ^^ einfach hammer der typ oder wie steve-o sagen wörde yea...
steve-o läst sich mal wider richtig feiern... schaut euch seine bude an! wer möchte nicht so leben ^^ einfach hammer der typ oder wie steve-o sagen wörde yea...
Nelly 600萬鎂的房子
以前好帥的Robbie Williams
Rick Ross一直讓我想到馬大善人
NIGO:前面那棟房子檔到我看夕陽的視野 所以我就把他買下來
Nigo [BAPE] Larger Than Lifestyle Part 1 - YouTube
Nigo, owner and designer of A Bathing Ape (BAPE) Clothing gives you a great example on how to live life.
Nigo, owner and designer of A Bathing Ape (BAPE) Clothing gives you a great example on how to live life.
Nigo [BAPE] Larger Than Lifestyle Part 2 - YouTube
Nigo, owner and designer of A Bathing Ape (BAPE) Clothing gives you a great example on how to live life.
Nigo, owner and designer of A Bathing Ape (BAPE) Clothing gives you a great example on how to live life.
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→ :我比較想看約翰屈伏塔的豪宅1F 05/06 12:14
推 :有沒有比爾的2F 05/06 12:15
http://ppt.cc/LvWf※ 編輯: jkQQ 來自: (05/06 12:18)
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 729
作者 jkQQ 的最新發文:
- 針對4/6號,壹週刊報導「滅火器挨轟無情沒義 五月天助鬧解約」一文,火氣音樂代表滅 火器樂團公開聲明如下: 滅火器對於傅鉛文先生長期的照顧與幫助,至今感念,過去恩情點滴,滅火器不曾也不會 忘記,自洽談 …61F 45推 3噓
- 我的正妹朋友說11/22有CASE接 下午2:00~6:00從市政府遊行"走路"到總統府(一定要走路,可穿平底鞋) 費用3500 下午2:00~6:00在市政府到總統府中間的中繼站 …217F 156推 11噓
- ^^^^^^ 這個某某某,肯定不是那些親戚自己的小孩,這些動物只有嘴說別人 均不見ptt板上相當多:強者我朋友建中資優、台大榜首、年薪千萬、妻美子孝 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ …56F 40推