※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-20 02:04:35
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 2004雅典奧運主場館的現況
時間 Tue Mar 20 00:58:26 2012
Athens 2004 Opening Ceremony -HD- (1.Olympic Rings) - YouTube THE DIRECTION IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ONE BROADCAST WORLDWIDE & RELEASED ON DVD! The first part of the Opening Ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens as ...

(轉貼自theatlantic & zimbio.com)
The Athens Olympic Complex Seven Years After The 2004 Event Was Held In Greece - Pictures - Zimbio
Puddles of rain form outside the indoor swimming pool, part of the Athens Olympic Sports Complex, on June 1, 2011 in Athens, Greece. Although many of the facilities on the site are still in use since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games debate still continues to the long term future use of many of the Olym ...
The Athens Olympic Complex Seven Years After The 2004 Event Was Held In Greece - Pictures - Zimbio
Graffiti is seen on the walls of the indoor swimming pool, part of the Athens Olympic Sports Complex, is seen on June 1, 2011 in Athens, Greece. Although many of the facilities on the site are still in use since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games debate still continues to the long term future use of many ...
The Athens Olympic Complex Seven Years After The 2004 Event Was Held In Greece - Pictures - Zimbio
Water is drained from the diving pool which form part of the Olympic Aquatic Centre , at the Athens Olympic Sports Complex, on June 1, 2011 in Athens, Greece. Although many of the facilities on the site are still in use since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games debate still continues to the long term futu ...
The Athens Olympic Complex Seven Years After The 2004 Event Was Held In Greece - Pictures - Zimbio
A general view of the inside of the indoor swimming pool, part of the Athens Olympic Sports Complex, is seen on June 1, 2011 in Athens, Greece. Although many of the facilities on the site are still in use since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games debate still continues to the long term future use of many ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :跟台灣的蚊子館一樣XD1F 03/20 00:59
→ :這在台灣就看的到了 還需要出國嗎!?2F 03/20 00:59
→ :是該思考一下養蚊子以外的東西?3F 03/20 01:00
推 :開放給遊民居住4F 03/20 01:00
推 :世運場館其實維持的還不錯 但用來辦比賽的時間卻很少XD5F 03/20 01:01
推 :我還以為只有台灣 會這樣6F 03/20 01:01
推 :亞洲的希臘是什麼鬼7F 03/20 01:06
推 :希臘專出古蹟呀8F 03/20 01:07
推 :-----------------------養遊民------------------------9F 03/20 01:11
推 :世大運要蓋一堆垃圾場館,真不爽10F 03/20 01:15
推 :世大運其他場館蓋沒關係~主場可用聽奧或世運的就好了吧11F 03/20 01:16
→ :世大運在呆北,不可能跑去高雄用世運主場館吧?12F 03/20 01:25
→ :主場館據說要用大巨蛋?
→ :主場館據說要用大巨蛋?
→ :雅典..明年據說要辦大聽盃(聽奧)不是嗎..14F 03/20 01:39
推 :你以為馬政府甚麼都漲錢都花到哪裡了15F 03/20 01:53
推 :場館看起來也沒有損壞,清掃一下就可用了吧,沒這麼誇張16F 03/20 01:55
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