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作者 標題 [轉寄] Re: [文化] 牛皮製品在印度
時間 2010年10月08日 Fri. AM 02:08:01
看板 India
作者 標題 Re: [文化] 牛皮製品在印度
時間 Fri Oct 8 02:00:00 2010
We slaughter cow for its hide to make vanity bags and belts, bone-meal for
tooth paste, blood for vitamin tablets and intestines (especially of calves)
for making gold and silver wafers to stick on sweets.
When a cow dies, an Untouchable, a lower ranking caste in India handle it,
they sell the leather in factory and cook the meat and eat it despite the
prohibition in the Hindu religion. The Indians violate the laws but still
worship the cows, as it is a revered animal as far as their culture is
concerned. Thus as centuries go by, Hindus keep themselves away from eating
beef and now it has become a taboo. The beef is a taboo and the cow has thus
become sacred to the Indians and their society.(藍色部分希望有回答到你的問題)
Cow slaughter is banned except in the states of Kerala, West Bengal and the
seven north eastern states.[16] Cows are routinely shipped to these states
for slaughter, even though it is illegal to transport cows for slaughter
across provincial borders.[17] However, many illegal private slaughterhouses
also operate in big cities such as Chennai, Mumbai. While there are
approximately 3,600 slaughterhouses operating legally in India, there are
estimated to be over 30,000 illegal slaughterhouses.[18] The efforts to close
them down have so far been largely unsuccessful.
Tamil Nadu
※ 引述《louscie ()》之銘言:
: 我想請問大家是否知道印度人使用牛皮製品的情形。
: 最近在看國際精品進入印度的相關議題,看到一些資料覺得跟我想的好像不太一樣。
: 例如我記得印度不是不隨意宰殺牛嗎?但在一篇文章中看到他說印度皮革出口總值約20億
: (不太記得是盧比還是美金,但是印度有皮革出口就是了)
: 在其他論壇也讀到一些回答,例如他說印度只尊敬特定的牛。
: (我找不到確切的證據去證明這句話是否正確...)
: 讀到很多資料都指出穿戴皮製品不能進入印度教寺廟,信仰印度教的人佔印度大多數,
: 請問他們會穿戴這些製品嗎?
: 我在想,或許印度消費能力不夠的人買不起真皮的東西,但我很好奇,一旦消費者有能力
: 了,是否會去買品質較好的真皮商品(皮包、皮箱等)?還是會因為信仰的關係而不購買?
: 我一直無法找到資料去解答疑惑,不知道板上有沒有人能解惑,thanks!!
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