看板 Hindi
作者 標題 [文化] 印度的故事 The Story of India (BBC紀錄片系列1-7)
時間 2010年10月03日 Sun. PM 09:19:14
印度的故事 The Story of India (BBC紀錄片系列1-7)
The Story of India is a BBC TV documentary series, written and presented by historian Michael Wood, about the 10,000-year history of the Indian subcontinent in six episodes. It was originally aired on the BBC in six episodes in August and September 2007 as part of the BBC season "India and Pakistan 07", which marked the 60 years independence of India and Pakistan. In the United States, PBS broadcast the series on three Mondays, January 5, 12 and 19, 2009 from 9 to 11 PM. An accompanying text was published by BBC Books.
As in most of his documentaries, Wood explains historical events by travelling to the places where they took place, examining archeological and historical evidence at first hand and interviewing historians and archaeologists, as well as chatting with local people.
1. Beginnings - Ancient rituals in South India and the Indus Valley Civilisation (3000BC) are explored.
2. The Power of Ideas - covers the emergence of Buddhism around 500BC and the first Indian Empire led by the Maurya rulers.
3. Spice Routes and Silk Roads - India as a trading partner of Ancient Rome and Greece.
4. Ages of Gold - The Gupta and Chola Empires which marked the Golden Age of Indian history around 300-600AD.
5. The Meeting of Two Oceans - Covers the period of Mughal rule including Akbar the Great around 1600AD.
6. Freedom - covering British rule and the struggle for independence.
※ 來源: Disp BBS 看板: Hindi 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/145-CJq
※ 編輯: BonneCherie 時間: 2010-10-03 22:49:38 來自: 59-104-108-68.adsl.dynamic.seed.net.tw
※ 看板: Hindi 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 213